If you pay attention to such things, my online profile might indicate to you my love of nineteenth century literature. I love the romance, the innocent humor, the simple joys expressed and the sense of family depicted. The sense of family shows a rosy picture of parents and children in harmony, with the youngsters expected to have a respectful attitude towards their parents. Anything less was considered bad character.
Literature and history also recorded the intrigues, joys and dissatisfactions inherent in the parent-child relationship. However, family was held in high regard as a foundational unit of society. These standards emanated from the Judeo-Christian biblical values practiced in those times. Those ethics related back to the biblical commandment stated in Deuteronomy 5: 12 which commanded us to honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which thy God giveth thee.
Honor is an interesting word to use, because God Almighty doesn't make mistakes. He did not say to love everything your parents do. God also did not say honor thy children. So it does not seem to point to a completely reciprocal relationship between parent and child. Interesting isn't it? What I see all around me in Westchester County, New York is a huge lose of wisdom as regards the parent-child relationship. In fact, those relationships are completely screwed up.
The societal implications of turning our back on God can be seen by its' huge effect on the family setting. Parent-child relationship roles have been turned completely upside down. Enfant terribles lead foolish needy parents around and manipulate them as they run amok in the greater Westchester society. There are tantrums galore and parents don't know how or don't want to do anything about it.
It seems that everyone thinks their child is God's gift to the world and everything they do is precious. Of course children are indeed a gift and a blessing from God but after that, religious and secular people diverge in their philosophy. You see, when God is not on his throne, what do we place foremost in His place? Sometimes, the adoration gets transferred to our children.
One sign that this has occurred might be excessive bragging about the child and their achievements. We all, at times, are proud of what our children do, but this goes way beyond that. Parents in this community have the means to financially indulge every aspect of their child's upbringing. So, the bragging starts with soccer, dance class and other extra curricula activities because parents don't just put their children in soccer or dance class, they have them see a special sports trainer/dance coach.
Analysis and enhancement of a child's skills begin early too. I would say in the womb. Training begins in the womb. Even though Westchester parents deny the viability of a growing fetus as being an unborn baby for the purpose of killing them if they are deemed unwanted, they go to the other point of view when they want that baby. They begin teaching them languages, and giving them music lessons in utero. When they issue forth from the womb, plans have already been made concerning their perfect life path and even including the Ivy League school that they will attend.
An Au Pair or nanny has already been hired that will speak in another language and teach them appropriate cultural lessons from their native land. Thereby ensuring Junior speaks a perfect unaccented second language and can write an historical dissertation in no time. Infant swim lessons have been procured, as well as infant exercise or yoga class. As childhood progresses summer camp is that all too vital step towards insuring growing skills. So, for instance, computer languages and programming skill camps have to be signed up for mid-winter lest your child miss their opportunity to be the next tech guru with that ensuing paycheck.
Physical superiority must be maximized by youthful nose jobs, breast augmentation and skin analysis. In my quest for a simple hobby or some creative outlet, I decided to take a crocheting class. I thought it might be fun. That was my first mistake. No one but me was interested in just having a little fun in that class. They were just interested in being the best at it. I should have known better after living here so long! One lady was married to a Michelin star chef. He didn't get there by having a little fun. One woman was a Chief Financial Officer who had graduated from Harvard.
There was even a google executive and former MIT graduate who had signed up for the class. Bragging about oneself and ones children was simply de rigeur in this class. What became clear pretty quickly is that while a number of these parents were quite impresssive, a number of their children were not. That did not stop the bragging however, no matter how blatenly false it was. These movers and shakers could not afford for these children to fail because it would reflect badly upon them. The recent multi-million dollar scandals concerning parents buying their children into Ivy League institutions came as no surprise to me. It is the end result of this worshipful and wrong-headed thinking.
This bribery scandal is a sample of the end result of worshipping our children and ourselves for that matter. These parents would stop at nothing to get their children into top rated U.S. schools including bribing athletic coaches to get their unqualified teens on various teams. They even had test proctors manipulating college entrance exams. The state of parenting has gone far afield of God's plan for the family and we need to get back to it.
That begins with exploring some concepts found in the Bible. Stories that we can put together to paint a picture of the structure and ordering of the family as God sees it. Beginning with the book of Genesis, that book which describes our origins, we are made privy to the intricate organization of the universe. Is it any wonder as we study this, that God's plan for the family would entail an intimate sort of organization?
As I said before, the Bible does not appear to put the parent and child on equal footing. God's system is at odds with the current philosophy that is tearing the parent-child relationship apart. Go to therapy and you will get every excuse to hate your parents even more than you did before you entered that office. Schools are often supplanting parents even to the point of impinging on the rights of said parents and undermining their authority.
This goes against everything the Bible says about child-rearing. In a very short time in the human story, the long-held pattern of parent-child relationships have been overturned. This is huge. We are now living in a time where divorce and parent-child estrangement is the norm. I pray that as we get ready to celebrate Mother's Day or Father's Day that we concern ourselves with something more than the superficial trappings of the holiday. Take time to reflect on the nature of your relationship with your parents. Is it time to stop holding a grudge against your parents and forgive thems? What about spending more time with them and helping them around the house alittle? Don't waste anymore time to truly honor your parents in a special way.
* a few details were changed to protect identities but not much.
Take a moment to think about your life, and reflect upon issues that are relevant to being the best person that you can be. Finally, let us confirm what we believe and endeavor to make a difference for God.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Churches Burning
The war on Christianity is real and is being waged on many fronts. One of those fronts is the destruction of Christian places of worship. This has been going on for many years. The enemies of Christians will also frequently utilize the most important Christian holidays to ensure killing the largest number of Christians. A successful holiday explosion might also have the added benefit of scaring away people from ever attending service or participating in holiday festivities. This is sick!
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?- Romans 8:35
All of this recently played out in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. This, on the most jubilant day wherein we reflect upon and remember the day that Jesus rose from the dead! Yet, on this day of celebration, the lives of three hundred and fifty nine men, women, and children were snuffed out in coordinated and carefully planned attacks. Five hundred more people were injured. Many Sri Lankan church services have been canceled until further notice. There are still many credible threats against Christians in that country.
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held.- Revelation 6:9
When I woke up on that lovely Easter morning, I was filled with all the hope and promise that this special day brings. I thought of the surprise that some of Jesus' followers most have felt when they visited the tomb of Jesus only to find that He was not there. I thought of the grace (that me) a sinner had been afforded because of our Lord's sacrifice. Now, it was Easter and there was the joy of victory that Jesus had over death. I love the parties and get-together that occur on Easter and I enjoy the chocolate Easter eggs.
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.- Luke 24:2-3
Shortly after making my first cup of coffee I turned on my device and pulled up a news site. The headlines were like a morning dose of caffeine. Suddenly, I was wide awake. I couldn't believe it. Three churches and two hotels in Sri Lankan had been hit by a Muslim terrorist attack. Later on there would also be explosives found at an airport and even a bomb making factory was discovered. How is this not war? This is the war on Christianity.
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.- 1 John 3:13
There has been an uptick of stories describing the deaths of Christians around the world due to religious persecution. Not to mention the bombing or desecration of our places of worship. It is frequently not a lead story on the evening news nor in the suggested news stories pushed by your Facebook page, iPhone or other device. Why is that?
But he denied it, saying," I neither know nor understand what you are talking about."-Mark 14:68
One such story is that Christians in the Sudan and Nigeria face much uncertainty as they go about their daily lives. There are continual assaults on their rights, lands and livelihoods. Their churches and bible meeting groups are constantly attacked. Nigeria alone had three hundred Christians killed during the months of March and April and their churches burned to the ground. On Palm Sunday, a Baptist baby dedication party turned from a celebration to a funeral when seventeen of the attendees were ruthlessly gunned down by the neighboring Fulani Muslim tribesmen. Several children and the mother of that baby were killed.
They cried out with a loud voice, " O Soverign Lord Holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?- Revelation 6:10
Turning to France, we have all recently heard of the terrible fire that raged in Paris' Nôtre Dame Cathedral. But, did you know that there had been many vandalistic acts against churches in the year before this Cathedral fire? According to the German news site PI-News, two churches are desecrated every day in France. They also reported that there were one thousand and sixty-three attacks on French churches in 2018. This is up by seventeen percent from the previous year. With that pattern I have my doubts about what really happened at Nôtre Dame Cathedral.
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.- 2 Timothy 3:12
As I recall headlines that I have seen as regards the Middle East and Asia it seems quite dire for Christians there, if not genocidal. The Bible describes the martyrdom that believers have and always will face. It is not possible to face these terrible evil persecutions without the strong presence of the Holy Spirit. It is time for Christians to do more to assist fellow believers. Christian refugees are in need of practical help.
Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.- Acts 14:22
Sometimes they need relocation or workers to rebuild their churches. Certainly political action is long past due. We can work through our government or church organizations to make a difference in God's worldwide church. As we proceed with our day let's contemplate anew how we can be a better worldwide body of Christ. We need to start acting more like family.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
- Matthew 5:9-11
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?- Romans 8:35
All of this recently played out in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. This, on the most jubilant day wherein we reflect upon and remember the day that Jesus rose from the dead! Yet, on this day of celebration, the lives of three hundred and fifty nine men, women, and children were snuffed out in coordinated and carefully planned attacks. Five hundred more people were injured. Many Sri Lankan church services have been canceled until further notice. There are still many credible threats against Christians in that country.
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held.- Revelation 6:9
When I woke up on that lovely Easter morning, I was filled with all the hope and promise that this special day brings. I thought of the surprise that some of Jesus' followers most have felt when they visited the tomb of Jesus only to find that He was not there. I thought of the grace (that me) a sinner had been afforded because of our Lord's sacrifice. Now, it was Easter and there was the joy of victory that Jesus had over death. I love the parties and get-together that occur on Easter and I enjoy the chocolate Easter eggs.
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.- Luke 24:2-3
Shortly after making my first cup of coffee I turned on my device and pulled up a news site. The headlines were like a morning dose of caffeine. Suddenly, I was wide awake. I couldn't believe it. Three churches and two hotels in Sri Lankan had been hit by a Muslim terrorist attack. Later on there would also be explosives found at an airport and even a bomb making factory was discovered. How is this not war? This is the war on Christianity.
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.- 1 John 3:13
There has been an uptick of stories describing the deaths of Christians around the world due to religious persecution. Not to mention the bombing or desecration of our places of worship. It is frequently not a lead story on the evening news nor in the suggested news stories pushed by your Facebook page, iPhone or other device. Why is that?
But he denied it, saying," I neither know nor understand what you are talking about."-Mark 14:68
One such story is that Christians in the Sudan and Nigeria face much uncertainty as they go about their daily lives. There are continual assaults on their rights, lands and livelihoods. Their churches and bible meeting groups are constantly attacked. Nigeria alone had three hundred Christians killed during the months of March and April and their churches burned to the ground. On Palm Sunday, a Baptist baby dedication party turned from a celebration to a funeral when seventeen of the attendees were ruthlessly gunned down by the neighboring Fulani Muslim tribesmen. Several children and the mother of that baby were killed.
They cried out with a loud voice, " O Soverign Lord Holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?- Revelation 6:10
Turning to France, we have all recently heard of the terrible fire that raged in Paris' Nôtre Dame Cathedral. But, did you know that there had been many vandalistic acts against churches in the year before this Cathedral fire? According to the German news site PI-News, two churches are desecrated every day in France. They also reported that there were one thousand and sixty-three attacks on French churches in 2018. This is up by seventeen percent from the previous year. With that pattern I have my doubts about what really happened at Nôtre Dame Cathedral.
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.- 2 Timothy 3:12
As I recall headlines that I have seen as regards the Middle East and Asia it seems quite dire for Christians there, if not genocidal. The Bible describes the martyrdom that believers have and always will face. It is not possible to face these terrible evil persecutions without the strong presence of the Holy Spirit. It is time for Christians to do more to assist fellow believers. Christian refugees are in need of practical help.
Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.- Acts 14:22
Sometimes they need relocation or workers to rebuild their churches. Certainly political action is long past due. We can work through our government or church organizations to make a difference in God's worldwide church. As we proceed with our day let's contemplate anew how we can be a better worldwide body of Christ. We need to start acting more like family.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
- Matthew 5:9-11
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