“O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request before you and wait in expectations”-Psalm 5:3.
New Year’s has cultural significance as a time of evaluation. It has come to signify that month of the year where we sit back and reflect on that which has past and that which is to come. That which has passed in our own life, that of our family, nation and our world. What do we make of it all and what decisions do we make as a result?
Traditionally, we try to right our course in the journey of life at this time of year if that would seem warranted. Some areas of correction include: health, education, career, financial and relationships. The means of moving forward always include our spiritual outlook. What do we believe and whom do we believe. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”- Matthew 6:33
The Bible places a value on truth, not the kind of truth that Pontius Pilate was questioning when he uttered the famous line, “What is truth” (Matthew 6:33) as he interrogated Jesus. Jesus pointed out the truth of scriptures and further pointed to himself as the “truth.”
The truth that I am thinking of, is the truth about ourselves. Do we need to lose a few pounds. Do we need to change careers? Do we date people who are bad for us? Do we prefer to spend time with our dogs or cats over people? Can we be brutally honest about ourselves? Without the ability to “consider our ways,” as the Bible calls it, we are hopelessly relegated to live less than the life that we should. “Now therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts; consider your ways”- Haggai1:5.
It is hard to be honest today primarily because we are living during times of exceeding deception. It is all around us and we have grow accustomed to it. “My son is so smart,” when he is not. “My daughter is such a nurturer,” when she is the biggest bully ever. “My boss didn’t appreciate me” when the truth is, you didn't appreciate him or her. “My dogs are my grand-babies,” oye vey! No one will hold you accountable because they are either afraid to or they don’t know the truth.
We all have things to think about this year. During the COVID lockdowns, many people in Westchester County, New York were getting in the best shape of their life. They decided that the only way to sublimate their rage against the world not being their oyster was by letting off some steam in an intense workout. I would see them speed walk or bike by my house every day.
I, on the other hand, put on what I affectionately call my “COVID 25,” You have no doubt heard of the common phenomena of first year college students putting on weight due to the stress of being away from home for the first time. Perhaps without parental support they eat the wrong foods or spend too much time at the bar.
Much as I tried to fight the spiritual battle of COVID with God as the center of my coping, I failed to keep strong as often as I should have. “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”- 1 Thessalonians 5:18. When I prayed, and read my Bible, I had clarity of this scriptural truth. When I missed the fellowship of my church and focused on my fears, I ate comfort food.Ugly Truth Number 1.
Truth Number 2. I had been ignoring some medical information that I had received at my own peril. I was told that the pressure on my eye seemed high but yet I did not seem to have glaucoma. I had struggled to find an eye doctor after my doctor retired. My former eye doc was the perfect combination of knowledge, and bedside manner. He had compassion and competency. He had reached the height of his field and had offices on Park Avenue in New York City.
I always knew that when he retired that he would be hard to replace. When they made him they broke the mold. I looked for friendly recommendations but still had a hard time finding my next eye care professional. When I did, she was not a keeper. She was insensitive and her office seemed like a medical mill dedicated to getting people in and out. When she told me, she does not know why I do not have glaucoma she did not really explain what she meant by that. She said, we will just have to watch it. She made a lot of thoughtless comments that day.
I was shocked and fearful of losing my sight. I also did not feel she would be the professional that I would want in charge of my eye health. As I began to search for a new eye doctor in Westchester County New York nothing went smoothly. Like getting a plumber when I need one, no one seemed to have someone that they would wish to recommend. As time when by, I found myself frozen with fear. I was afraid to face this health challenge.
Then, COVID hit and it was all too easy to get out of doctor’s appointments since many of the physicians were only dealing with emergency cases. One ophthalmologist that I was considering even closed his office for a short time. He had to redesign his office in order to decrease the chances of anyone getting COVID. Shortly after that, he went into early retirement.
I prayed to the Lord to give me the strength to face this challenge and to help me to see even this with spiritual eyes and wisdom. I knew that as I reflected on things that I needed to change in 2023, that only through the Lord, with his strength could I face and get through this issue. “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God”-Philippians 4:6.
January is also the month where I will try to approach estranged family members. Ugly Truth 3: Once I became a Christian, it was a foregone conclusion that my family would take sides on the great spiritual divide that is gripping our world. Issues ranging from whom I voted for in the last election, gender fluidity and sustainability have created a civil war in my family and in our world. With the New Year, I can’t help but try to approach some family members and try once more to fight these battles with the full armor of God. Like the apostle Paul when he went to preach to the Corinthians, I have to try and keep my total focus on the truth about Jesus Christ lest the debate devolve into an intellectual exercise in futility.
As I sought for a New Direction in this New Year, I found that all that I had put off and all that I feared were merely false evidence appearing real. With small efforts at reducing my eating portions, I have already lost some weight. My fatalistic fears about my eyes have not been realized. With fear in my belly, trepidation in my heart and a prayer on my lips constantly, I made an appointment with a new doctor. The results of that exam were good news. Plus, this doctor is a keeper. Thank you Lord for your healing grace and new beginnings! Verse for the New Year: “Create in me a clean heart O God; and renew a right spirit within me”- Psalm 51:10.
As for my relationship problems, I will make an approach this week with much prayer and dependence upon the Holy Spirit’s guidance. As 2023 has begun, I hope that you will keep it real, pray and seek a New Year, Your Direction. 💕