The story of the founding of Calvary Chapel comes into focus against the backdrop of the tumultuous 1960’s in the United States. It is the intersection of Chuck Smith, Lonnie Frisbee and the growing youth culture that created the story of the “Jesus Revolution.” Was God involved, or was it a pivot away from the truth? You decide.
Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen series stars as Lonnie Frisbee and Kelsey Grammer of Frazier fame stars as Calvary Chapel’s Chuck Smith. The rest of the ensemble is well cast and provide excellent support for the powerful pairing of Roumie and Grammer. This movie tells the story of just what happened to Christianity in the United States during the years when the culture was being shaken by forces that continue to reverberate today. More about those forces later.
The movie opens with the juxtaposition of a business suit clad Chuck Smith shepherding a 25 small church of retirees while a Jesus-like Lonnie Frisbee clad in Jesus-like robes is cavorting among hippies, and druggies with his own unique shepherding style. The two would come together and help inaugurate the so-called “Jesus Revolution,” which for better or worse was a shaking of the established church experience.
This movie has caused a lot of infighting among the family of believers. The Bible does leave room for believers to challenge one another as regards the life and death spiritual dance that, like it or not, we all must dance. In fact, so many people were down on this movie, that I even contemplated if it would be a good idea for me to see it at all. The objections were numerous. Did the so-called Jesus Revolution help usher in a church experience of emotionalism rather than rational faith and worship? Were the people being baptized in the waters off Newport Beach really converted?
I did decide to see the movie because I thought the Jesus Revolution, starting in California, was a historically powerful moment in the life of the church and of the world. While many in Western Civilization were turning to Eastern religions, the Jesus Revolution sought to make Jesus relevant to a new generation of people. The Jesus Movement also has a lot to do with the current spiritual climate of Christian churches and music today. It also spawned many young pastors who went on to add more Calvary Chapels and other non-denominational churches around the country. Greg Laurie,who has one of the largest churches in the U.S.A, is one of them.
This movie is based on the book of the same name by Harvest Christian Fellowship Pastor Greg Laurie with Ellen Vaughn. The movie tells the story of young Greg Laurie struggling with an alcoholic mother and searching for some meaning in life.
He was caught up in the sex, drug, and rock and roll culture of Southern California. Then, he meets a bad drug trip, his future wife Cathe, Lonnie Frisbee which all conspired together. by God’s grace, to lead him towards his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This movie honestly showcases a clash of great significance. That of the established church which, although it had perhaps a dated formality, also had a sense of the sacred. As opposed to a casual, come as you are relevant context which some have come to think veered away from the biblical definition of worship.
The movie shows the behind the scene making of a 1971 Time magazine cover story announcing the “Jesus Revolution.” A reporter from that magazine was dispatched to find out what was going on with a growing number of hippies and surfers in Southern California who were giving up drugs, and getting baptized. The movement had grown so large that its’ adherents were doing bible study and worship service under a big circus tent serving to cast a comic light on the situation. It didn’t help that the moniker of “Jesus Freaks” were associated with them too.
So what are some of the consequences and implications of the “Jesus Movement” for today? I would have to say that introduction of youthful music changed the course of Christian music and made it the billion dollar industry that it is today.
That music has penetrated every denomination in one way or the other. Either people hear at least some of that music in their church, on a local christian music station or follow the music and musicians and purchase their music.
Whether you like rap, pop, country or any number of other musical styles, you can probably find christian music being made in that genre. There are a number of Christian music award shows which are every bit up to all the other established musical entertainment awards shows. Some Christians feel that the music doesn’t always meet the standards of orthodoxy. That is true, sometimes it does not.
But, what it does do is get people thinking, singing and perhaps meets them where they are in their life and try’s to bring those listeners closer to Jesus. From there I would suggest that you join a bible-centered church, learn what it means to accept and follow Jesus. After that, there might be some songs that you come to learn are not worth your time. As far as other effects of the movement, one might say the casual dress mode of most churches in the USA and the coffee culture that has sprung up in many a church lobby can be traced back to it.
However, the timing of this movie’s release leads me to wonder if those involved in its’ production were hoping that a similar movement of the Holy Spirit might again ignite a new generation of people to know and follow the Savior of the world Jesus Christ. That some might be saved from the increasing anarchy, and evil which have invaded our world and destroyed family, truth and justice.
I recommend this movie to my readers. It might help bring some much needed dialogue to the body of believing Christians as concerns where the church is and where it should be two thousand years after the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ..