Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Christian Housewife reviews “THE BLIND”

Do a little survey some morning when you have the luxury of perusing the news. Look through your local newspaper source and count the number of bad relationship stories that make the news. Then, add to that the number of your friends and family members who have had a divorce or bad breakup. Next, divide that all by the number of sermons on marriage that you have heard at church or during a Bible study.

Bad relationships can bring financial and emotional damage. Unfortunately, there appears to be an uptick in the number of murder-suicides showcasing just how far a bad relationship can go. Yet, if your math is anything like mine, not enough is done to combat these trends at our churches. However, a recent movie does much to bring some issues to the surface. 

I have asked myself over the years, why the discussion of marriage problems and Christian solutions are not more central to the life of the believer. Oh, it’s not like I have not attended some wonderful Biblical teachings on the topic or even picked up excellent books by prominent Christian authors on the topic. But, at times I have been underwhelmed by the Church’s response. 

I believe there are various reasons for this. Firstly, it is because the Holy Spirit filled believer has everything they need to solve these problems. Between that gentle voice speaking and the wisdom in the Bible, a believer is equipped to go full-speed ahead and attack any marital problems. 

Secondly, people are naturally reticent or even ashamed when their picture perfect life, as seen on Facebook, does not match some emerging truth. This leads to isolation and even the belief that you are the only one facing a particular issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. Wise King Solomon was right when he said, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”- Ecclesiastes 1:9. There is nothing that you or I are going through that someone else hasn’t experienced. 

Whatever the reason, people, church-going or not, are hurting. God instituted marriage and blessed family life and we as believers must fight for our marriages and families. I could not imagine anyone fighting harder than Kay in the movie, THE BLIND. When this movie came out, I was not inclined to watch it because I was not a fan of the “Duck Dynasty” reality show family that the movie depicts. 

I can honestly say that I was not a fan of the reality TV series simply due to the fact that I am not interested in hunting, although I have nothing against it. Furthermore, the reality series showcased a Christian family which I am inclined to watch. So, when the movie “The Blind,” first premiered and teased revelations about marriage and family problems, I think I had a little more of my interest piqued than before. The movie did not disappoint.

The story goes back in time and tells the story of Phil and Kay Robertson’s childhood and their eventual marriage. Phil’s background included coping with many trials and tribulations including poverty, a mentally ill and sometimes hospitalized mother, and a father who had an away job. Yet, God greatly gifted Phil in many areas. He was able to play football opening a pathway for his higher education to be paid for. He had a natural talent for being an entrepreneur and a young lady who was devoted to him.

As success would come to him he seemed to always find a way to sabotage it. That happens to a lot of us doesn’t it? Sabotaging ourselves I mean. Why is that? Don’t we feel worthy of that promotion or that relationship? Or is it the old taking things for granted thing? I don’t know but, Phil seemed to do this a number of times in his life. 

Many of his problems may have stemmed from the exposure to the mental illness of his mother and the habits of coping that he picked up. He eventually fell and started to drink. It was not long before things between him and his wife Kay began to deteriorate. By then, he had a young family who suffered too. 

When Kay and Phil separated she got serious about growing in her faith in the Lord and began to attend church with her boys. The church helped Kay and the children find a place to stay and even reached out to Phil Robertson a number of times with the message of God’s love and redemption. 

There are so many reasons to watch this film. For one thing, I believe that more problems than we think stem from either mental health problems or alcoholism. For another thing, most movies don’t tell the story of the transformative power of God in many people’s lives. I have seen many marriages brought back to life when they were seemingly dead, including my own, by the power of God. 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Spiritual Resolution

As the New Year begins, and the old year fades away, there is the wonderful possibility of spiritual growth for each of us. I could talk about a variety of good resolutions that we could make as we begin this New Year but, none would be more important than a Spiritual Resolution to know Jesus or to know him better. All the desires that you may have for turning over a new leaf begin with Jesus. Knowing him will give you the best answers to your questions. There are other answers out there but the eternal and truthful answers all come from Jesus.

Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart-Psalm 37:4.

All civilizations have instinctively thought of their New Year’s celebration as a time to wipe away the old and to look forward to the new. Traditional cultures all have customs which show this. But, besides New Year’s we have various times in our life when we want a fresh start. Who among us hasn't thought or longed for a new beginning? It could be after an epic failure in our academic studies, career or when a relationship ends. It might be then that you or I have wondered when or how to change our life. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new- 2 Corinthians 5:17.

We have to examine our conscience, physically walk into a church, attend a bible study, and meet with a Pastor. Then, the decision to follow Jesus can be fully understood and your journey begins. I want this to be a time of new beginnings and finding out God’s plan for your life is paramount. We are special because we are made in the image and likeness of God. He gives us meaning, not what we look like, what we wear or what we do. How’s that for identity politics?

Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God-Psalm 146:5.