The day that Donald Trump was inaugurated, all my friends were focused on was their pipes not freezing and his inauguration. The weather in much of the United States was in an Arctic freeze. A few weeks before the inauguration, I had gotten a text from a local politician whom I have gotten to know asking me if I would be interested in two tickets to the inauguration. I was ecstatic. These two tickets would enable me a closer view of the proceedings and an expedited security process.
What a sweet moment this was. Having moved from Westchester County, New York a little over 3 years ago led me to a new vicinity not too far from New York but, in many ways worlds apart. I had to reestablish my life here and build a whole new network of friends. Yet, I had asked God’s guidance in this all important decision. I asked him to show me the place that I should be from the first moment that I even considered moving from my birthplace.
It was a very difficult decision to make and I could not imagine being able to even do it without the strength that only God can give us. God has confirmed his blessing of my new home at every step of this journey including this moment when a conservative Christian politician full of integrity and faith opened a door to the inaugural proceedings.
When I was in Westchester County I volunteered to help a number of godly candidates in their campaigns for political office. It was frustration after frustration for me when I saw honest, smart people with great ideas have every type of political dirty trick and smear leveled against them. When I look back, I can say that in microcosm I was seeing the democratic machine of dirty tricks that I would later on see in macrocosm against Trump and his politcal allies.
Donald Trump became a symbol of hope for many observing their communities, nation and world going stark raving mad. Would anyone have the strength to stand up to the LGBTQ mafia, to transgender madness or child sex change surgeries? DEI? When many Americans wanted gas stoves and gasoline powered automobiles, we had an administration who gave unfair market place advantage to force other choices down our throats.
This is not capitalism and it will never foster great inventions, innovation or a better future. Further, these technologies are neither proven or wanted by the vast majority of people. When the market place is open, the consumer scrutinizes the product and in that process people have choice and the best technology wins. This was not fair market practice and everyone knows that it made a lot of democratic donors rich.
Fresh refrains of “it’s the economy stupid,” also began to resurface in the voters minds as they saw dumb democratic decisions one after the other fell the economy where it hurts for the average American the most. America was hurting and yet there was the sense that Joe and Kamala had a “let them eat cake” philosophy about the whole thing.
Could anyone in U.S. politics stand up for Israel and defy the collegiate mobs of deluded Jew-haters? It would take a lot of moxy that’s for sure. Who has that kind of Chutzpah, not your average Judas kissing politician. The thing that surprised me the most about how the democrats felt about Israel came to light when I did not see one drop of empathy or sympathy for the dead Jewish people on October 7th.
I kept on waiting for that show of support to be seen when we considered the fate of the hostages so cruelly taken away on that infamous day. I kept waiting and waiting and, like a car wreck on the highway, I just keep watching while people are honking at me to drive a little faster! I was mesmerized or perhaps in a state of shock when I saw nothing, nada, rien. Do we not know right from wrong anymore? The answer is no, a lot of us don’t. I guess it is hard for me to look evil in the eye and accept it. But, that is what Israel has had to do. They have had to act in their own defense in a world hell-bent on their destruction. The United Nations? Useless.
The groundswell of remnant Christian believers who saw the Israeli situation as one of the pivotal issues of our time, brought Donald Trump unto the finish line. There has been a growing number of Christians over the years who actually gave their bible a good read and finally saw the biblical truth of the Israeli situation. It only took us 2000 years or so but who’s counting. The hostages never should have been in captivity that long. It is beyond the pall that in this so-called modern era mankind could conscience that.
Some Christians who came to the forefront to vote Donald Trump into Office had previously been on the sidelines of the political process. A great number uncomfortable with the concept of looking to a politician for hope. Unfortunately many had learned the hard way that staying out of the political process had brought them to a place where their nation had gone in the completely wrong direction. After all, the enemies of God were still voting. They were also free to mess around at polling places with the vote. Some Christians might even be uncomfortable with this blog post talking about the hope in Trump.
I would say to them, The Lord is my Savior and the rest of us are merely fallen humans. However, does that mean I have no hope in an outcome when I choose a place of employment, a spouse, or a political candidate? We should know that God is perfect and we are not and adjust our expectations. Hence, vigilance, and work towards goals at the job, in the home and in our community.
Another issue that has been going on for far too long is the Russian and Ukrainian war. How could the world be so cold to the suffering of the Ukrainian population.? I am incredulous. Bombings of apartment blocks, on purpose. Energy shut off so civilians have no heat in winter, on purpose. Systematic rape and torture that goes to the very heart of the nature of evil, on purpose. Well, in video games it’s not real so……wrong. People just woke up and realized that the administration in charge was the reason that this was all happening and they had another reason to go out to vote.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Super Donald! He may be rough, he may be abrasive but, that is exactly what is called for in a day when smooth and slimy politicians just slither into office and run their cold-blooded operation. We needed to get rid of the nest of vipers masquerading as our public servants. This is a dirty job and someone had to do it. It won’t be easy and he is fighting a nest of vipers so there are no guarantees. Don’t forget that the prayer of the righteous availeth much so, pray everyday that some wrongs can be righted. Pray for the strength of those who are fighting this political war, most of all stay engaged in the political process if you can. So many things are happening that will change our world forever and you don’t want to feel that you did not try to help in what ever small way that you can advance the godly agenda in our day to day lives.
I never did get to go to the inauguration. It is just one more decision that I prayed to God to guide me through. Should I accept the offer and celebrate this moment of history? The answer came in a rather brutal way. My husband tripped and broke a rib. I felt that this was God’s answer and I accepted it. We had already researched hotels and driving directions when the X-ray felled those plans. Life goes on and because I did not attend the inauguration in person, I was able to take advantage of a local painters schedule and have him come to work on a much needed project. Furthermore, maybe God just took me down a notch which I needed too.