It is my experience in Westchester County, New York, that many Christians do not vote. Some Christians feel marginalized and distrustful of local politicians. This blog post is for you! I came from a family who was engaged in the political process. I always remember lively debates on life's questions at the dinner table. Those discussions included the political ramifications of various moral issues. My family held a variety of opinions and amid them, I felt free to think through ideas and issues and develop my own opinions. My parents both taught me that it was a right and a privilege to vote.
For the most part, I have memories of teachers educating without prejudice. Teachers who taught principles of science, economics and history and then stood back to allow students to draw their own
conclusions. When a homework assignment required an analysis, my classmates and I knew that it did not matter what your political leanings were but, how well you presented your case.
I remember before a presidential election, in elementary school, that one teacher encouraged us to get up and make a presentation for our candidate. So it was in the midst of learning to make an effective presentation that we were openly discussing our political leanings. It is interesting to note that no one was insulted nor afraid of expressing their ideas.
Democratic Candidates over the years
Perhaps because of my freedoms or because of my innate nature I have been politically active throughout most of my life. By the time I was in high school, I was happily going door to door to get signatures for local candidates running for Office. The reactions to me bringing politics to people's
front doors ran a gamut of possibilities : 1. People knew who they were voting for and did not wish
to sign my petition. 2. Some people used the opportunity to ask questions about issues. 3. Or, people signed my petition.
College stands out as a time of political awakening and activism in one's life and perhaps more so for me. There were buses to Washington D.C., town meetings to attend and volunteer work to do. I continued this into my adulthood in Westchester County, NY. I wish I could rap about it : School Board, Trustee, County Exec. Phone banks, social media and stabs in the back. Fund raising, vote shaving, where is that check? Both parties compromising, and promises not kept. Volunteer burn out, low voter turnout. Name calling, forestalling, issues addressed.
A lot has changed in New York politics over the years. For the most part, Westchester now has one political party, which is the Democratic Party. Elections in some villages need not be held, because
there is only one candidate, a liberal democrat. Other candidates who dare come forward are shouted down and insulted. The teachers and professors here require allegience to liberal principles from Kindergarten to University. Students will be penalized if they do not espouse those views. Further, it would be inconceivable that any other view could be held, let alone intelligently defended!
Ronald Reagan
Yes, I have seen both fairness and corruption in the world of politics in all the major and minor parties I have associated with in New York State. No party however, has the moral high ground. What a bitter pill for a young idealist to swallow! What is one to do when one's idealism is destroyed and the truth comes rushing in? The Bible has a thing or two to say about institutions, religious
prejudice and corruption and we should learn to view the world of politics through God's lens. The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln had this to say about the importance of the Bible, " In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this Book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man's welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it." ( Sept. 7, 1864 )
The Apostle Paul utilized the benefits of his Roman citizenship to his advantage amid his life as an evangelist. As we go about our lives and consider how to serve God, let us not forget the advantages that voting can have to advance the precepts of our faith. If you agree with the above quote by Abraham Lincoln, than consider how important it is to vote with the wisdom that God has imparted to you and how it may help people. The Second Letter of Paul the Apostle to Timothy, Chapter 3
verses 16-17 (NKJV) says, " All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." The Bible equippes us to correct the wrongs not only in our life, but in the countries that we live in. It thoroughly equippes us to have the wisdom to vote correctly. Pray, and vote for the candidate who best represents biblical principles.
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