Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reflections On The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

                                                    Shamrocks on a window sill.

As I contemplate and celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from death to life, I am filled with hope and joy.  Hope of change and growth for you and me and joy knowing that we will live with God someday.  The message of the Ressurrection is one of complete transformation.  It has the power to completely change our lives.  What needs to be transformed in your life today?  Is it a feeling such as depression, anger, or jealousy? A bad family or job?  Health, or what about circumstances related to the country in which you are living?  

Snowdrop flowers among the rocks.

Changing habits sometimes feels like an impossibility.  We tell ourselves, that we don't need to change and instead blame all our problems on circumstances that we can't control.  We feel trapped.   What we miss when we view things that way is the miracle of every moment to live life to the fullest, the way God intended.  Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly."  John 10:10.  We limit God and that in turn causes us to struggle.  We fail to see what truly happened that day in the tomb where Jesus Christ was buried.

Purple Crocus

That "abundant life" does not depend on what kind of car that you drive or how much money that you make.   Instead, it comes from understanding that you were created and are loved by a mighty creator and that you are not here by chance.  The evil that you see in this world or in your life does not come from God but from those who have chosen to rebel against God Almighty.  God will one day 
vanquish evil forever, but until then He sent His Son Jesus : to bring comfort to you and protect you, to guide you everyday through His Word and His Holy Spirit, to give you eternal life and the guarantee of peace and justice.    All you have to do is accept it.  

If you want to make a change in your life, as you reflect upon the life and death of Jesus Christ, that begins with acknowledging your sins (wrongdoing ).  If you have never prayed before, prayer is 
simply a conversation between you and God.  Go ahead, He's listening.  Talk to him about your life.  Are you sorry for the bad things that you have done that hurt God, yourself and others?  Jesus wants to forgive you and help you towards that abundant life which He spoke of.  Understand that Jesus died in your place for those sins that you have committed throughout your life.Why? Because true Godly justice requires that no bad deed could go unpunished.  Ask Jesus to be your Savior and to come into your life and give you a fresh start.

Spider Lily, Bermuda

If you have done that, you are now saved and will be with God in heaven someday.  Get a Bible (for the whole story), find a Church and continue to pray everyday.  At Church, you will find other believers who will help you to get baptized ( a sign of washing away the dirt and grime of your former life) and continue to learn about God. Happy Ressurrection Day!

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