1 Corinthians 12;18-27 - " But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, " I have no need of you"; nor again the head to the feet, " I have no need of you." No, much rather, those members of the body which seem weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty,but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored all rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.
Vintage Anatomy Chart
The study of anatomy by an Ancient Greek Doctor named Galen of Pergamum began to give us an understanding of the function and inner workings of the human body. The levels of organization begin at the molecule, advance to the cellular, tissue, organ and then organ systems. This field of study includes understanding how this all works together and stays in harmony. To study anatomy is to get a glimpse into this complex system of interdependencies. It is truly amazing. The Book of Genesis, the story of our origins, attributes all this to a mighty God. Not an accident, but a planned and carefully executed design.
Classroom Display
God's plan for the advancement and improvement of humanity runs along the lines of His creation of the body. The above passage from 1 Corinthians 12 depicts God's plan for His Church to function just as the human body does. There is a division of labor, levels of organization and harmony. God loves us and cares about our happiness and well-being. The Bible shows God's plan to make that happen. The Bible also shows how sin, rebellion and disobedience creates havoc in our lives and world. Where there should be team work in our homes we instead see division and a lack of mutual appreciation. What about our jobs and community? A village in Westchester County, N.Y. formed a Chamber of Commerce. The role of which is to promote Commerce for all and work upon goals that would be mutually beneficial to individual businesses and the community in which it operates. Unfortunately, the group disbanded. Infighting, back stabbing and broken promises among the members was the reason.
How It Should Work
Why are Churches losing people to every philosophy and fad that promises health and happiness? The answer is because we are failing to love one another as Jesus loved us. We fail to preach the Word of God in all it's power and majesty. We are leaving people lost and alone when they come to us seeking help and wholeness. Just like the aforementioned Chamber of Commerce, we members of the church are selfish and petty. We need to start acting as a healthy and wholly integrated "Body of Christ." Let's look at this First Corinthians passage alittle closer. Verse 14 states that the body consists of many members, meaning many gifts and functions. Are those parts fully recognized and functioning correctly at your church? Do you even know what those parts are? If not your church understands the "Body of Christ" the way the world understood the human body before Galen of Pergamum!
In verses 15-17, we see that our homes, communities and churches can fail to thrive because we do not understand any gift but our own. The verse even has a comedic element to it. We see the body at civil war, the hand fighting the foot. Or what if we were just one big eye? It seems ludicrous like some bad 1950's science fiction movie. Yet, churches persist in creating their own version of a body all the time. I have several friends who have shared that their church is all about the youth. That seems like a good thing right? In one case, the Pastor started and thrived as a youth Pastor and his gift lies in that area of ministry. Yet it isn't a good thing because their Church is failing to achieve parity in other crucial ministries such as a thriving and effective Bible Study for adults.
Or what about a church I know that emphasizes street preaching over everything else? It is like that awful monster eye because when you go get a muffin or cookie at their potluck events, you had better watch out that you don't break a tooth! All other ministries in this church lack for leadership, and consistency. Men's Ministy events happen inconsistently even though men are struggling with a variety of issues. Another Church like this in the Bronx, NY has admirably reached many for the Lord on the streets of that borough. However, its' finances border on the verge of collapse because of lack of foresight. None of this is in line with God's plan for His Church. In verse 19 of first Corinthians it says, " And if they were all one member, where would the body be?"
The answer is that it is not a body and without Jesus Christ at its head, it never will be. Christ is the head of the Church. When we seek His face and His anointing every day and before each decision we make, then fullness will come to our lives and that of the Church. Without Him, our Church will be a horrible creation, like the creation of Doctor Frankenstein imagined by Mary Shelley. A complete disaster. God created the universe, our planet and us. With a resume like that don't you think it's wise to listen to what He has to say? Re-read the above passage from the Bible and think about how you can run you life better. God's way!
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