In November, the United States will elect their 45th President. This election has highlighted the problems and differences of the people who inhabit this land as well as people around the world. Our whole world is struggling with the vital philosophical questions that inform our political choices and the lives of our nations. Where did we come from, where are we going? What is a well-lived life? Just who or what we decide to base our lives upon determines the fate of our families, communities and our nations. Our planet is locked in an epic struggle between the forces of good and evil. Part of this manifests itself in the political battles that we face. Our vote is always a vote for God or against God. Whether we are casting a ballot for a school board, a local or national leader, our votes create the policies which govern our lives.
If you are a believer in God Almighty, it is vitally important that you open your eyes to the direction that your nation is taking and how your action or lack of action has influenced this all. The conditions that we are facing are a direct result of the indifference and corruption that Christians have fallen into. As Christians we are called to be salt and light for those around us. We are to be good role models and stand up for what we believe. Reflect upon these verses in Matthew 5:13-16 and contemplate what these verses mean in this context. "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." But, for many, many decades Christians have failed to stand up for godly principles in schools, universities, the scientific arena and in government. We have done so out of fear or for reasons of personal gain. We are no different then the ancient nation of Israel who failed to follow God many times and in many ways. We have failed to "giveth light unto all that are in the house."
Just as the Israelites came into judgement for the wrong that they had done, we in the once great United States of America face similar consequences. It is way past time that Christians begin to right the direction of the United States and the world. For Americans this begins in November when believers in God Almighty must vote. We must base our votes on biblical principles of living, but first we must know them. A study of the Bible produces a variety of themes and priorities for our lives. Many Christians have lost an understanding of this and instead have interpreted away the Word of God. Many so-called Christian Churches today have very little to do with God's plan with a majority of their congregants ignorant of the "God breathed" document known as the Bible. Many Pastors have failed to direct their churches in godly living, which includes voting for the candidate most likely to uphold Christian teaching in public policy making.
In the last two United States presidential elections many Christians voted for Barack Obama or simply chose not to vote. Hilary Clinton has been an integral part of that administration and now wants to continue to guide our nation. Let us look at Hilary Clinton's priorities and the past eight years of what progressive liberal policies have brought us. The rise of worldwide Islamic violence is a direct result of the implementation of the liberal philosophy of foreign policy. Liberal views of foreign policies entail the belief that much of the troubles around the world eminate from the wrong actions of the United States and other world powers, hence the Obama apology tour of the Middle East. Further, the most progressive of the Democratic Party are staunchly anti-war even for just causes. We saw this position highlighted in the last Administration and in Hilary Clinton's current political campaign. Both these positions have resulted in the rise of ISIS, and the six year civil war in Syria. Further Clinton's tenure at the State Department has helped destabilize the governments of Yemen, Libya, and parts of Africa due to the rise of Islamic Jihad. So many rapes, torture, and murders have occurred in the name of Islam since we first elected Barack Obama it is almost overwhelming. Christians, Jews and secular humanists have been murdered all over the world in the most cruel and depraved ways. Our Facebook and Twitter comments supporting France and the three hundred school girls kidnapped from a Nigerian School did nothing to stem the tide of heinous suicide bombings or aid in the return of those young girls to their families.
The Israelis have been further marginalized by the world community lead by various Middle Eastern countries, Europe and the United States. (Genesis 12:3 referring to Israel says "I will bless those who bless you. And whoever curses you I will curse.") What of the Yazidis, the refugee problems and illegal chemical warfare? What of terror attacks against Americans? There are attacks on a continual basis at train stations, airports, workplaces or random locations in the name of Allah. Yet we fear offending Muslims by telling the truth of these trends. Hilary Clinton will let more Muslims into our country and then be surprised when more bombs explode at bar mitzvahs or marathons. Why let
Muslim refugees enter the United States or Europe when there are so many Muslim countries who can aide them and whose society they could easily integrate into? We should instead fight for the persecuted Christians and Yazidis to come to our shores. The Muslim world hates and does not tolerate Christians, Jews, Yazidis or non-religious people. They do not allow churches or synagogues in many of their countries. Proverbs 14:12, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." All of the above is the result of being tied to a failed worldview that we must have the courage to overturn.
The Democratic Party hates Christians and Jews. Remember the comments of Barack Obama back in 2008 when he derisively described conservative leaning Pennsylvanians as misguided people who "cling to their Bibles and guns." Don't you get it America? He disdains the right of Americans to believe in a Judeo-Christian God and the right to bear arms. He has done everything he could to stamp these rights out. He has done a great job of that too. A recent Wikileaks exposure puts a fine point to this. Most of the media, which is blatantly anti-Christian, has not clearly reported on the latest Wikileaks story involving Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, communications director Jennifer Palmieri, and Center for American Progress senior fellow John Halpin. In a series of email exchanges Palmieri and Halpin made fun of Catholics, and showed disdain for evangelicals. They talk about creating groups to destabilize the Catholic Church. It is pure insanity if you are a Christian or Jew and planning to vote for Hiliary Clinton. It is like voting for Nero for president or marrying a man that you know hates you. It only makes sense if you are into this masochistic beat
yourself up philosophy of the Democratic Party. Where you should be sorry for being born.
Hilary Clinton has always been pro-abortion. Her record makes it clear that she will appoint pro-abortion, socialist/communist leaning Supreme Court Justices to help further her agenda. Our religious rights have been dangerously eroded under this past Democratic Administration. Gay marriage is the law of this land. Christians are losing businesses, academic positions as biblical thought has been labeled "hate speech." Our rights to practice our religion are diminishing everyday. This will continue seamlessly under a Hilary Clinton Presidency. Donald Trump is not a perfect person. He is not a polished and accomplished politician who has been schooled in the political methods of persuasion. He is not a lawyer. I say," yeah" to all of that. He has angered both United States political parties by daring to step out of the seemingly impenetrable trajectory of failure that both parties have us heading towards. All of a sudden you see statwart members of the Republican party teaming up with Democrats in an effort to defeat him! What does that tell you? Dear readers : everything that you conjectured is true. You know how you have always wondered why no matter who gets elected nothing ever changes?
We need a political outsider. Someone powerful enough to stand up against the entrenched power structure that is hijacking the constitution. A candidate to challenge the politically correct rhetoric and instead choose to speak the truth. He needs all our support. Against great pushback Donald Trump has says he will support pro-life policies including appointing conservative judges to the Supreme Court. He will immediately work to dismantle the legal framework that currently threatens Pastors who speak up about politics with loosing their tax-exempt status. This law, put into place by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson, has done so much to render United States Churches barren and ineffective in their work to be "salt and light." He has chosen Mike Pence, a devoted Christian as his running mate. This man, I am sure, is like a Queen Esther, placed in this portion for, "such a time as this." Esther 4:14. Queen Esther saved the Jewish people from annihilation. Donald Trump gives every indication of standing strongly for Israel and, he also has a more realistic view of terrorism than Hilary does. In this blog post, I have specifically chosen to focus on some issues relevant to our faith. Please reflect upon them and vote for Donald Trump this November! "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33.
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