Some of the issues that I have been through include : ungodly book assignments, sporting and school events on the Lord's Day, a school mandated day of silence for gay and transgender youth, immodest dressing trends, and Halloween. The issues that put us at odds with non-Christian parents and schools also include how to discipline our child.
Unless your child is in a Christian school, and very few of us have that option, you are being faced with an underlying educational, social and moral philosophy that is not God-centered. The public school system is not suppose to restrict our religious rights but in actuality, it is directing our children toward a secular humanist point of view. Hence, the importance of fellowship and prayer can not be overemphasized.
It is also of paramount importance that your child build relationships with other Christian children, his or her own age. This can begin in the church Sunday school but should also include times of fun and recreation. Does your son or daughter have play dates with any Christian youth? Does your church host bowling nights, karaoke or craft parties. What about a Christian book club or exercise class?
In order to withstand the pressures of the popular culture, we most give alternative activities. This will let our light as a Christian community shine and offer alternatives to our youth. What if your Church does not offer any of these possibilities? I believe that you should prayerfully reflect upon this. If your child or your needs can not be met in Church, the void will be filled in by the popular culture.
Perhaps the Lord is calling you to start a youth ministry at your Church? What if your church is too small? Consider connecting with other churches for youth nights, picnics and more. Why not plan a church field trip to one of the many youth events sponsored by godly youth ministries? Does your church have prayer meetings? Ask the Pastor if it would be possible to designate a monthly meeting to beseeching God concerning our children. This might begin to motivate God's people to confront the issues and connect parents. Don't have a youth Pastor? Perhaps a seminary student could intern at your church and fill in the gap. God is the center of our life. We are devoted to studying His Word, and to reaching others for Christ. Within that mission we must not neglect the needs for fellowship that we have within our church community. Along with our relationship to God, it is what helps keep our church strong. Pray and ask the Lord to bless and anoint the path of your life and that of your Church.
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