So many crazy things are happening in the world. Has it always been this way? It might have been but, the stakes are high with intercontinental ballistic missiles, and advanced biological warfare among other things. International intrigue is part of the history recorded in the Bible. Why would that be? Furthermore, the Bible contains predictions of future intrigue to come.
It has been determined that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's half-brother, Kim Jong Nam was not only slated for execution by his own half-brother, but the agent used to kill him was none other than VX nerve gas. This happened at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Right now (March 2018), the trial of two young women who committed the murder is underway. Were they recruited by the North Korean government or just two foolish women who got drawn into what they thought was some sort of reality game show? What about the North Korean military base in Syria? What are they doing over there?
Meanwhile, halfway around the world in the United Kingdom, a similar incident has occurred. A former Russian double agent and his daughter are fighting for their life in a hospital. The toxicology reports have indicated that a similar substance, a nerve agent, was used. Nerve agents work by attacking the central nervous system and result in organ failures in what is a painful death. They were banned by a treaty among some nations (Chemical Weapons Convention of 1997). That is because they are cruel killing agents.
They also remain present in the environment for a long time and can continue to sicken people even after their initial application. Who can forget the horrible pictures of 5,000 dead Kurds at the hands of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in 1988? Mostly, women, children and the elderly, their deaths showed the evidence of the devastating effects that these highly toxic chemicals can have. The nerve agent rumored to have been used in the Salisbury attack is called "novichok" meaning newcomer. This is perhaps ten times more powerful than any nerve agent thus known. It s a new class of toxin created by Russian scientists. One of the creators was so alarmed that he told the world of this new nerve agent before defecting to the United States.
President Trump will move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018. The date of the grand opening will coincide with the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the modern Jewish state. This, as Israel's enemies plot and plan to disrupt and ultimately destroy this tiny country. Russia, Iran, and Turkey seemed poised to take their place in the ever-increasing power vacuum of the Middle East. China is doing a lot of business there too.
The United States is increasing its handprint in the area as well. We recently shot down Russian military units hostile to Israel in Syria resulting in the death of people involved in military operations. Forces all around this little democracy in the desert are gathering weapons and making alliances with the express purpose of killing the Jews. With that in mind, the United States has just finished joint military maneuvers with Israel to practice for a war on multiple fronts and from multiple neighbors.
What interesting parallels exist between current events and the bible study that I am doing at home. Every morning, my husband and I read the Bible before our days' work begins. We have just finished the part of the Bible (Kings and Chronicles) that tells of the historical battles that ancient Israel fought. What is happening today mirrors what I just read in the Bible. The chapters give record to the Jewish battle to survive amid continual battles fought with neighbors. Those devastating battles were fought with the progeny of the present day countries of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey.
"The Assyrians came down like the wolf on the fold"-from The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron
In 1 Chronicles 5:26 we see the devasting unslaught that the Assyrians brought upon the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. The Assyrians were one of the most brutal empires ever known. Their barbarity created fear among those around them. They were formidable enough to battle the world powers at the time, such as Egypt, Persia and the Hittites. Much like today, we see the ancient Jewsish nation seeking to form alliances against their brutal enemies. The godly King Hezekiah tries appeasement in 2 Kings 18:13-16. Yet, evil King Sennacherib sends his awful message to the King of Judah telling him that he must surrender or be killed (2 Chronicles 32:9-19 & 2 Kings 18 & 19).
I am, by far, not the first one to have seen the similarities between ancient Assyria and the modern Islamic State (ISIS). Everything from the territory they had conquered during the height of their power to the shocking torture and brutality they inflicted upon others has vast similarities. Although ISIS appears to be defeated at the moment, the Word of God does prophesize a coalition of many nations cooperating in an attack on Israel in the future. Many of the alliances described in prophesy exist today. The ancient enemies of Israel plus some novichok like Russia seemed closer than they have been for a very long time to the scenarios described in the Bible when speaking of the end-times. If you don't read the Bible the insane machinations in the Middle East just don't make any sense.
P.S. To learn more about why we should support Israel scroll down and read my post from 2016 entitled:" Report from the Jerusalem Post Conference 2016."
Next Week: Babylon, Then and Now
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