It has been almost five years since a six year old child died of a drug overdose in the Village of XXXXXX* in Westchester County, N.Y. The District Attorney, at the time, announced the indictment of the girls' mother in the fall of that year. It was a crazy case and a travesty of justice for poor little XXXXX XXXX*.
The travesty is her mother was enabled and is still enabled to get away with murder. It is not that the legal system hadn't tried its' utmost to establish a case against her. No, the travesty concerns how those around this poor child failed to act on her behalf to make sure that this mother did not have custody of this child.
When the case emerged, there was a complete lack of real journalistic coverage but lots of pandering. The local coverage included a piece about a eulogy given by the child's first grade teacher. The piece talked about how much her mother loved this dear child. This, after a highly suspicious story had already emerged concerning the child's death. The quoted eulogy spent an inordinate amount of time in praise of the child's mother. The better eulogy would have been to keep the focus solely on the deceased first grader, and to comfort those who were obviously the injured parties. Other coverage featured her lawyer talking about how we should be outraged over Ms. XXXXX's indictment, noting that this could happen to any of us. After all, we all have medicine that our kids could accidentally get their hands on. REALLY, any of us? The police indicated that the bedroom where the child died was strewn with alcohol, heroin,valium, and methadone.
For those of you not familiar with the story of how this small child's short life was ended by the negligence of her criminal, drug addicted mother, here it is. On Easter of 2015, the baby daddy of this little girl came by to pick-up his daughter for visitation. The child and her mother lived with the grandfather in his home in the Village of XXXXXX, NY. I don't know what grandpa was doing on that Easter but it wasn't spending that holiday morning enjoying time with his daughter and granddaughter. He must have been so co-dependent with his daughter. that the events to come were inevitable. XXXXX and her mother were found unconscious in a bedroom when the child's father found them about 1 PM.
The mother had been a nurse whose license was revoked after two incidents. One was for stealing some Demerol from a nursing home where she was employed. The other incident involved driving impaired. It takes a lot of bravery to face the truth when a family member is a criminal, or when our ex is a drug addict. It takes moral courage to face the neccesary steps to ensure that our child or grandchild is safe from any harm that a person like this might do. We must face the truth that is around us and act wisely. It will not be easy
The medical report showed how this little girl died after ingesting a fatal combination of Benadryl, morphine and diazepam (antidepressant). Yet, the mother got no jail time. What a modern tragedy! What a shame on our community that the generation that thought they knew better than their parents produced a bunch of junkie children who do not know the difference between right and wrong.
*- No one has publicly discussed this case in any meaningful way. Privately, however, I have heard people fiercely debate the rights and wrongs of what happened. The Bible says, it is better that a millstone be placed around your neck than you hurt a little one. Drug addiction is a terrible blight upon a family and it cost the life of a sweet little girl. That should never have happenened, but there are many similar stories happening everyday. We need to act quickly in the defense of any helpless child that we know of in this situation. Do I care about the drug addict? Yes, of course. I hope that we can encourage people to get help for their problems. In the emergency room of life, we have to decide which patient to treat first. We must choose to help an innocent child first!
P.S. The mother spoken of in this case met her sad ending in a cheap motel in Westchester County, NY due to a drug overdose. Don't do drugs folks, please. Dear Lord, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
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