Friday, November 22, 2019

Allegory Of The Missions Trip- Part 1 of 3

I. Allegory:
1. a. The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.
    b. A story, picture, or play employing such representation. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick are allegories.

2. A symbolic representation: The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice. - fromThe Free Dictionary by Farlex
II. Why have I chosen to tell my missions trip story by means of an allegory?  Answer: Before and during this missions trip there emerged a cloud of secrecy. Something changed last year after the death of a man who was trusted and known in the country in which my church visits social orphans. Intra-cultural relations can get complicated. The desire of Jesus that we would all be one in Him has not reached fruition yet.

The people who took part in this years' missions trip were asked not to share details of our experience either with people we meet from the country that we visited or through online portals. Do I understand this all? No. I do know that it presents problems for a person such as myself who is exploring life and her Christian walk in a blog. So, I decided to explore the imagery and thoughts I had concerning  my trip through another means.

III. Some Images of My Trip: Inspired by the Snow Queen-The Kids Journey

There exists a land vast and cold which is ruled by a Queen of Snow. It is a kingdom of the heart created through generations of stone cold cruelty and neglect. The snow has accumulated in the hearts of those who are ruled by such principles.

If you go back far enough in the history of this kingdom, you might find some of the conjectured causes of it all. Some say it was a curse. Others say the devil himself was encased in a mirror and when that mirror got shattered, evil sin spread throughout this kingdom.

Another kingdom exists which for an equal amount of generations has lived according to another set of beliefs. Since time immemorial the fundamental differences between these two places have caused repeated conflicts.

Alexa and Alex grew up in this other place. This kingdom was filled with fun and wonderful childhood experiences. Kind words to uplift all. Playing with dolls and blocks. Having hot cocoa after going skating. Having someone read to you every night before you go to bed.

Alex and Alexa were the very best of friends. Friends who looked out for, and cared about what happened to each other. They were inseparable and perhaps, Alexa even thought one day she would marry Alex and live happily ever after. It's one of those childhood dreams. In the kingdom where Alex and Alexa lived, it was a safe and secure place to dream and plan your future.

The wind would blow and bring a Spirit of warmth and goodness to the Snow Queens's land. Sometimes, the opposite would happen and an icy cold blast would come to the place where Alex and Alexa lived. The wind blew where it would and brought change to those affected by it (one way or the other). One such case regarded the child Alex. One day, the cruel wind blew into Alex's home and his family became ill from its' effects. Suddenly, evil desecended upon his household and Alex was not shielded. His eyes beheld evil things and snow accumulated in his heart and made it cold. What had Alex done to deserve this? Absolutely nothing!!

Next Week: some images inspired by literature.

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