Mind: How are you doing emotionally? Are you happy or sad? Anxious or well-balanced? Depressed or coping with things well? Are you exercising your mind in any way? As we celebrate the beginning of a brand new year you should do a review of your emotions and be completely honest as to where your are at. After all, there is always room for improvement. If your are depressed, what is that about? Should you think about moving, getting a new job or breaking up with that boyfriend? Do you need to stop letting people step all over you and think about setting some godly boundaries? The thing is, we paint ourselves into some corners and think there is no escape. That is simply not true. That leads us to depression and even anger. But, it doesn't have to be that way.
One thing to do in the new year is to stop being on emotional automatic. Instead, take time to reflect upon how you are acting, coping and feeling and catch yourself before you do the same old reaction pattern. That means instead of getting into the same old disagreements about money with a parent or spouse, stop yourself and ask what else you can do instead. Are you in an abusive pattern with someone and it goes from verbal or physical abuse, to breakup and then makeup over and over again? Do you have a pattern of drinking or drugging to cope with stress? Have you lost a few jobs over your angry outbursts? (Ephesians 4:26- In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry).
Are there any bad patterns in your life that you recognize and would like to change, such as choosing bad partners? Men who aren't emotional available, or who refuse to work. If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, it's time to wipe the slate clean! If you're saying to yourself New Years resolutions never work, that is exactly the self-talk that you must combat as you endeavor to contemplate new goals for this upcoming year. Start by taking some small steps. Just say no when a bad boy asks you out, walk out of a room when feeling the urge to have an angry outburst. Anger often covers up other feelings that we feel less comfortable expressing such as fear or powerlessness.
(Proverbs 28:13- whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy). It is better to admit what we are really feeling than to cover things up with obfuscations. Admit the cause of your depression instead of drinking that extra glass of wine. The Bible says that wine is a mocker and that means we will end up embarrassed by our overuse of it. Is it time to challenge ourselves intellectually? If the clock has struck midnight it is! So, what language are you going to start learning? What craft will you learn? What about taking a business seminar? Take a book out of your local library.
Body: Every year people sign up in droves for a gym membership in the month of January. As opposed to a mind or spirit makeover, people can easily look in the mirror and say I need a makeover now. Yet, many fail in their quest to loose weight or get in better shape. Again, don't be hard on yourself. Try some small steps. Drink some more water, add a fruit or vegetable to your diet slowly. Cut your dessert portion by 1/4 than alittle bit more some time later. Try to walk,or do a half-push-up.
Try to exercise outdoors if possible. God created trees, and a beautiful sky with birds. God looked at His creation and He said it was good. Shouldn't we too? Studies show that when you look at these things that you will have a greater calm and relaxation. Don't we all need that?
Spirit: Your body was meant to be a temple of the Holy Spirit. If we are not in relationship with God, something is missing. (Be still and know that I am God-Psalm 46:10). Take some time to reflect on the miracle of creation, who God is and what He has done through His son Jesus Christ. Make this a habit every day. Start reading the Bible in January. Start in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and see God's plan unfold.
Begin to look for God's plan for your own life. He has one you know. Start working with God and not against Him. ( Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a stream in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland- Isaiah 43:18-19).
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