Saturday, May 16, 2020

Church Online

In Westchester County, New York, my church's attendance has just increased dramatically! Before you go turning us into the local police department, let me further explain that the increase has occurred online. There are now Sunday worship services, bible studies and other computer assisted events all the time. We had a regularly scheduled Women's Ministry Breakfast event recently. It was held via the Zoom App. Rather than miss the opportunity to join together, the church chose to feature a video and then open up for a discussion before and after the video was shown. Of course, I had to make my own breakfast and coffee rather than enjoy our church's usual tasty potluck potpourri.

I was sceptical at first about how this would all work. Make my own breakfast. How was that something to look forward to? How could we generate the warmth incumbent in such an event without the hugs, smiles and scents of cinnamon sugar wafting through the air? I just was not sure about this whole brave new world that our church was entering into. How could our Pastor preach in front of an empty church and connect with a virtual audience? And, what about my upcoming church knit class?

The book of Ecclesiastes shares with us the wisdom of understanding and accepting the seasonality of life. This of course made me question the point of continuing the knit class which I lead at church. This is clearly a season of trouble. Is it trite to think of crafting? Should I focus my energy elsewhere? How would I even effectively demonstrate and motivate online? Even as these thoughts crossed my mind, I equally considered the possibility that the limited interaction could be fun. It could be a reprieve from the heavy doses of serious issues facing each and every one of us all the time. Joy amid the sorry.

What I found to my surprise has been a plethora or needs being met. It is not perfect mind you, far from it. I wish more older members of our congregation could benefit from some of these online portals but many of them do not have the right equipment, are not connected to the internet or even comfortable with it. So, it is important to still reach out by telephone or by mail. We should all think about taking time to pray or read the Bible by phone with someone who needs a helping hand.

With all that being said, I am amazed to see Church viewership on Sunday rise to three, four or even five times its' normal viewership! What gives? Is it due to people searching for deeper spiritual truths during the coronavirus pandemic? I certainly hope so. Is it just that people are overbooked in general and now that we are on a pause they finally have time for the Lord? I 'm not sure. Frankly, I think it's a little of both.

Another thing that has crossed my mind is how an online portal is a safe way to explore the Christian message without a big commitment. Some people are afraid that a lot of gushing Christians are going to run up to them in church and try to lure them in. Still others are afraid of not knowing what to do during service and making an embarrassing mistake. Perhaps they might genuflect at the wrong time, or they don't know what to expect at communion. Afraid of meeting new people or a lot of personal questions like, are you saved? You don't have to worry about the collection plate online. Some of these anxieties hold people back from attending a church service and livestreaming a service might be appealing for some.

I do know that we need one another in a more intimate way than just seeing each other on FaceTime. I know that many people are struggling with depression and anxiety as we go through these life-changing events. But, I also know that, all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.- Romans 8:28 🙋🏻🌈✝️

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