Have you heard of the Freshman Twenty? The Freshman 20 is an expression used to connote the tendency for a first year college student to put on twenty pounds or so in their first year away from home. Why is that such a phenomena? Furthermore, why am I talking about weight gain when our world is falling apart around us? Good question.
The answer is you are right and I am right. Don’t you love it when it works out that way? When you and your {boyfriend, husband, boss, co-worker or fill in the blank}are each half right in an argument. I do not wish to be trite because times are indeed hard and the way people and nations are acting seem right out of the books of prophecy. There is literally no other explanation for the types of crazy we are seeing and from what I’ve read, it is completely in line with biblical prophecy. Don’t trust me, read it yourself.
I believe we are indeed seeing the battle between good and evil ramp up to the next level. We have to be ready spiritually for life, or death situations that may arise and that means making sure you have taken responsibility for your sins and asked Jesus into your life. Confess everyday, read your bible everyday, and pray everyday. Teach your children about God everyday. We also have to try to bring these spiritual truths to this lost and dying world.
Other than that, I had to go shopping, because I was out of food, my car inspection sticker is almost expired and I need my tires rotated. My husband had to rake the fall leaves and do autumn maintenance on our home. I also have a really big load of laundry waiting for me in my basement.
Oh, and instead of the Freshman Twenty, I have the Covid-19 to deal with. No, I don’t mean that pesky virus that is being used as an excuse to change the way elections are done, institute Marshall law or shut down churches. What I do mean is that I have noticed a phenomenon right here in Westchester County, New York of some people coping with the current turmoil by doing some food therapy. I myself have put on about nineteen pounds since this Covid thing started. Just like the student who finds himself without normal routines, different food and away from love ones, many of us are now struggling with our own life changes.
Between, doing a workout on the Zoom app without any gym equipment, and the stress that this crisis entails, I have went off course dietarily and managed to gain nineteen pounds. So, I have just started a diet. Even in the midst of all that is occurring, there is still the life that we must live as best as we can.
We try to eat healthy, we try to take care of those that we love and we continue to try and maintain schedules and structure in our life. The Bible describes the time when Jesus returns in just such a way. As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left- Matthew 24:37-41.
Right now, some of us may be protesting the election steal, or the draconian business closures. Others may be struggling to keep their business afloat. Others maybe just trying to help manage their children get through the educational hurdles that they are facing. Just like in the time of Noah, or in the time when the Lord will return everything has to keep moving forward until it can not anymore. We must be busy like Noah building something for God and not be like those around Noah just frittering away their time.
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