Sunday, January 3, 2021

2021 In Perspective

I received a lot of text messages before the New Year’s holiday joking about how bad the year 2020 was. Then, the wish is expressed that this upcoming year would be better. What the year 2021 brings to you and me depends on many things. 

Proverbs 19:21- There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.

I. GOD FIRST: First and foremost, God is in control. The Bible is the story of God and of man. One of the themes is God’s providence. People always have their thoughts and plans. The Bible shows many stories of people and the way in which they conducted their lives. Some of their thoughts and plans were within the will of God and some were not. Regardless of their motivations, we learn that God remained a Sovereign God. 

God is shown to be the lawgiver and the justice giver. Humanity has tried to institute many laws, some have been good and some have been bad. The laws that reflect good as defined by the Bible have done a good work for the world. While those laws rebelling against God’s will make the world a worst place to live. Within our lives, we can often attempt to be a judge and jury. Without following God’s direction this often makes a mess of things. 

Proverbs 19:16- He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his own soul; but he that despiseth his ways shall die.

God is the definition of what is perfect and right. It is a humbling and inspiring thing to contemplate. In our pride it can be hard to accept. The Bible says that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We don’t like to admit to fear in this day and age. We don’t want to think that going against God is something we should be afraid to do. There are many articles that one can read about people who do physical stunts that seem ill-advised. Then, one day they die doing it. Fearlessness can sometimes translate into foolishness, danger or even criminality. Think of not fearing God as spiritual recklessness with eternal consequences. The Bible says that when we understand the spiritual facts of life then wisdom can truly be attained. 

Proverbs 19:23- The fear of the Lord tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited by evil.

Within the story of God we also see a chronology and a reactivity. God has a plan and it began when he created the world and it’s inhabitants. Events are unfolding and they all have physical, and spiritual consequences that God will react to. This is due to the gift of free will that we each posses. 

Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

II. THE BIBLE: We need to make the Word of God central in 2021. Not in a phony sort of way. I don’t think there is anything wrong with trying to do the bible in a year plan but, most people end up failing in that endeavor. I read as little or as much as I am able each day but, I read it. No matter how much or how little I am able to read, it seems to make a huge difference in my life. It is like spiritual manna from heaven sustaining me.

If God’s word is indeed a lamp unto our feet, we need to put the light on everyday by reading our bible, so that we know how to walk amid this ongoing turmoil with certainty. The Bible is God’s illumination of the world from the beginning until the end of time. It is the story of him and of us. It informs us of who God is, and who we are. It teaches us the meaning of life and how we should conduct ourselves. That includes how the family is to be ordered, how to conduct ourselves in business and in the community. It tells the story of the redemptive power of God’s love in the world. How despite the existence of evil that God made a way for us through Jesus Christ to overcome evil. 

We should base our life on biblical standards and stand up for them in our homes, our schools and in the community. We should share the gospel message with others too. Reading the bible is best done in the morning. We should open the good book before we start our day ensuring that its principles will find expression in our life on that day. Read whatever you are able to  each and every day. You will soon find that your life will be heading in a better direction. Believe me, I am no morning person. I tried to read it in the afternoon, or evenings but, it just doesn’t have the impact that my morning reading had.

Reading the Bible always has an impact of course, but when you read it as you begin your day it helps you to start things off on the right foot and with some fresh biblical perspective. I caught myself slipping from godly actions until a fellow Christian suggested that I should seek God early. She told me to get up a little early if I had to. I must admit that I was a little resentful of that comment at the time but, now I realized how much of a blessing she was to me. Allow yourself to delight in the word of God. Mull it over and think about what that verse or chapter means in your life. 

III. US: As we begin this new year, we reflect on who God is and what we can glean from his holy word. We must ask God for new grace, new wisdom and new strength for what lies ahead. So many things have transpired in the past year. I am sure that there is more to come. There is a battle going on right now for the hearts and souls of mankind and the direction that this world will take in the future. 

1. World Events

a) COVID: Does the world’s response to COVID-19 seem over reaching? The New York State Senate has put forth Assembly bill A416 which would give the state that I live in, more power to take away an individual and put them in a medical facility if they are deemed a carrier or a spreader of communicable disease. The legal language describes tracking people down by name or by other means. According to the New York State website this bill is in the beginning of its’ journey to become law in New York State. This from a State that stopped tracking illegals from entering our state, driving or voting in our elections. This from a state that can not deal with the dangerous and burgeoning rat population.This law comes from a state that bows to every group even if they pose a criminal danger to themselves or others. Right now, New York City is become a hell hole. Just this weekend one man hurt many people in Tribeca when he attacked them with a baseball bat. He broke bones and left people severely hurt. Groups of teenagers on bicycles recently stopped a car in the middle of midtown traffic and smashed the windows and terrorized an older woman and her son. They tried to pull them out of the car. This car was a BMW that belongs to a New York neurosurgeon. Clearly a criminal communist move. Teenagers coordinated the attack and many cheered their co-conspirators from nearby. I hope they don’t need a brain surgeon anytime soon because some of these professionals have already left New York. After this I am sure more will follow. This is what happened in China and in Russia. If you could escape those countries you did. Leaving the stupid people with substandard healthcare. In China, the doctors prescription glasses were broken and they were sent to forced labor camps.

b) Economy: The once powerful engines of midtown business efficiency is now a drug addicts haven. People can urinate in the streets, and shoot up drugs where once business-clad individuals sat for hurried lunches. New York has had rises in violence including unprovoked assaults. People are just walking along, such as a Brooklyn woman  when out of the blue some one attacks her and her dog with a knife. You better watch your back in New York City because the chances of being raped and murdered have dramatically increased. With a billion dollar reduction of the police budget, this is clearly an orchestrated move. With all the problems that New York has to solve, they certainly have gone out of their way to make time to focus and find a way to get those nasty virus sufferers off the street. You know for the good of everyone. If this all seems wrong to you that is because you still have a brain in your head. It means that you have the commandments written on you heart. 

IV. Questions & Conclusions: What will happen to the various economies in the world? We can not have a worldwide economic shutdown and expect that things can return to normal anytime soon. People are struggling and hurting. Indicators seem to point towards an inflationary period which will devalue our money. Also, it is very suspicious that China, where this virus started, has emerged as a economic victor. Remember, before Covid hit the world, the economic picture was looking stellar for many. Was this China’s way of evening the score? Also, many groups that have been pushing for economic socialism, the abolition of the Judeo-Christian backdrop of our culture are within a hairs breath of reaching their goal. Only two world leaders, President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, have held the gates against the barbarians. But, they are growing weak. Will the people of the world stand up for their rights?

How will the Christian churches fare in all this? Will more seek out faith as they search for answers to the current crisis? Or will Netflix and Amazon continue to distract people with cringe worthy and misguided entertainment as well as fleece people of money they should use for other things? Plus, Amazon seems to have grown in power as a distribution center during this pandemic..I know that the bible talks of a time when people won’t want to hear sound doctrine. It talks of the breakdown of family and the societal order established by God. What will take it’s place? Is a new tyranny emerging? Being close to God, and reading your bible everyday will help you get answers and cope with all the ongoing tribulations. 

The coming economic crises and overreaching government policies will be a life changing event for all of us this year. Sin is increasing in many ways. Believers must stand together for mutual support. This will help us stay focused. Each and every day we have the issues of life that must be attended to.We have to work and earn a living. We have to cook, teach and raise our children. We must clean our house, get our car serviced and put the garbage out. We have to check in on family and friends. We have physical ailments and mental distresses. All of these things are important. We try to deal with all the work of our life as the Bible instructs us to, i.e. as if we are serving Jesus himself. That must never change. However, as we do these things, in the back of our mind there is an awareness of fear and uncertainty no matter what we tell ourselves or others. We are only human. 

Can you have peace and joy amid these trials? The answer is a resounding yes. God promises that to us. In 2021, we can all grow closer. (A friend loves at all times- Proverbs 17:17). I pray for godly bonds to grow among believers. We need to have clarity on what is really important. We should share Jesus everyday. We can enjoy the simpler things of life. Every little meal, and every small comfort is a blessing. Every hug, every kiss is a precious gift. Jesus’ sacrifice for us ensures our spiritual safety as we know that contagion threatens our lives. We understand that “death has no sting” for a saved Christian. Colossians 1:11 says “strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness.” Happy New Year Friends! 

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