Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Next Stage of the Covid Wars

It seems like Covid has polarized the world. The two warring parties are the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. I see it everywhere. At church for instance, Lydia* who is vaccinated, told me she doesn’t want to sit next to her friend of thirty years Mindy* because “she hasn’t been vaccinated and I don’t want to die!” Where do I begin to comment on that statement? 

I was quite disgusted with the hysteria and lack of scientific credibility in that statement, as well as the lack of love. Not to mention the fact that Christians used to be taught to not fear what can happen to the body but only to the soul. Lydia* also mentioned she is not happy that this unvaccinated women has the nerve to explore the topic of vaccine safety on her facebook page. It seems all conversations that question anything about this vaccine are shut down these days by appealing to peoples fear of death or, they shut down inquiries by saying that you are selfish, stupid or uncaring for bringing that topic up. 

Real science has died. The kind of science that created all the great developments and foundational principles that we are heirs of today. We are now witnessing the Dr. Frankenstein school of medicine. We are creating a monster. And, just like Dr. Frankenstein had to deal with a nasty outcome, so will we. What a visionary Mary Shelley was.

Real science never ceases to ask questions. Real science is question, hypothesis and experimentation. It is making sure that every study has been done in an accurate, precise, statistically significant and unbiased way. Confirming a study, challenging each new premise and exploring its’ consequences. That is real science. Real science does not shut down debate nor force its’ will upon the innocent. It is certainly not using the worlds population as guinea pigs by convincing them that if they don’t do this that they will die. I thought we had laws to protect people against that?

What is it with all this fear and manipulation? The fear of loosing one’s life is always an excuse for anything that is done in New York these days. Even if that fear is irrational. No one cares about the truth anymore. Why should they? Philosophically our world no longer believes in any objective truth. In truths’ place we have situational and very sketchy ethics. We have the deconstruction of the Jude-Christian system. This is all leading to the chaos that you see around you. Our world is convulsing as it changes from righteous to unrighteousness. It will be a brave new world that the elitist Dr. Frankensteins have envisioned and are implementing, not the world that God envisioned. It is very important to keep that in mind.

During the beginning of the lockdown the behaviors that I saw over here in Westchester County, New York were shocking. It showed me what actually dwelt beneath the thin veneer of civilization that existed here. What I saw was ugly, narcissistic and pagan. I feel like my innocence has been lost. I really wish I could unsee what I have seen, but I can’t.

This week my church is having a meeting to determine if mask use should continue. Many churches including the Brooklyn Catholic Church have decided to create a church of masked and unmasked people in its’ pews. Those who are vaccinated can take off their mask but, those who have not received the mark, I mean vaccine, must continue to wear masks and sit in their very own special section of church. If this seems to smack of something demonic that is because it is. While the vaccine itself is not the mark of the beast, the system being implemented in our world is leading to that conclusion.

How will the churches determine if people are vaccinated? Are churches now going to be in the business of keeping tract of people’s vaccination records? Will they go by the honor system? Will it begin to create a discord between the community of believers? Is health privacy at its’ end? The answer to all of the above is yes.  

I live in a state that has instituted an immunity passport. It is called the excelsior pass. This pass will ensure that you have proof of a vaccine or of a negative test. Privileges are linked to this. It will surely create a first and second class status. All this points to a loss of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but nobody seems to care.

Although the United States federal government has said it won’t mandate the vaccine passport it is as clear as day that they are doing it just the same through a business/government partnership. Business/government partnership? What does that sound like to you? To me, it sounds like the former Soviet Union. To me, it is the Chinese social credit score. Are you familiar with the Chinese social credit system? Let me sum it up by saying it is totalitarian dictatorship for the 21st century. 

At the beginning of this crisis, I spoke of the virus being manufactured as a bio weapon. The media got into a frenzy at the suggestion of that back then. Now Dr. Fauci or should I call him Dr. Mengele, thinks that theory should be explored, hum. You figured that out did you Dr. Fauci?

The Next Stage of the Covid Wars is catapulting our world into a different place. The worst part is how easily everyone is falling into the trap. People are willing to give everything up in order to be saved from the scourge of this virus. They don’t care that the technology is unproven. Yes, that is what it means when something is new and has been approved for emergency use only. I am sure that the powers that be will ram through a more satisfactory approval rating very soon. But, no matter what they do, questions will remain. Why has no vaccine for the AIDS virus between created even after so much money was spent to do just that? What is this new mRNA technology? Is it safe? What are the long-term consequences?Why has the general belief that vaccines were ineffective against viruses changed so dramatically? 

Our world is deciding that you can not travel, go to school, or live life normally if you do not get this vaccine. That is scary. We should all take a step back to think about it. Do you want to be a part of this?  A lot of things that I am seeing just wouldn't make sense unless I had read the Bible from beginning to end. 

This virus is like a game of strategy. I feel like I am in the chess game of my life, my eternal life. Have you looked at all the angles or beneath the surface of all that is being said and done? Unless we all do that there is no hope to stand against the tyranny descending upon us. Are the statistics and findings valid? Not when you look deeper. Don’t just accept statistics, question them. The statistics must be scrutinized and checked for falsification, and for bias. That is what you learn in statistics 101. Are the medical decisions and societal changes really saving lives or destroying them? Have you read the books of prophecy or have you minimized their importance?

Remember that if prophecy isn’t one hundred per cent true than the Bible is a lie. But, it isn’t. All the prophecies have been fulfilled or will be fulfilled. This is God’s message to us. It is not some sort of metaphor or myth. When I first started writing my little blog, I thought I would just write about playground jealousies, workplace or marital strife. Little did I realize what was down the pike. How life-changing events were just around the corner. Is that how the prophets felt? They all saw things how they really were not the way we wished that things would turn out. The most important thing that we must decide today is who or what it is that guides our life. In this epic battle of life there are sides and we all must choose. Stay close to Jesus and his holy word the Bible. 

* the names are changed but the stories are real. 

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