Friday, August 6, 2021


Where were we going to move to? That was a big question. After all, with family and connections in a number of places in the United States, Europe and South America, there was a number of possibilities. We began to look at these destinations and draw circles around them and explore them. It was not easy to think of moving after living my entire life in New York even if I knew that it was the right thing to do. New York is the hell that I am used to but, it’s still hell. 

We explored bible-centered churches in each area. We studied the infrastructure, political scene and crime statistics too. We honestly accessed our relationships and personality fit for each vicinity that we were considering. We had familiarity with each move destination that we were considering but, it was important to make sure that we did a deep dive into the facts. Complete honesty is something very important in the life of a believer. But, Christian or not, living the truth is one of the things that people find difficult to do. 

Don’t we find it easier to blame our grade on that bad teacher, or losing that promotion on that bad boss? Lately, I have seen just how far people will go to avoid the truth about their family life. People will go to great lengths to keep from addressing the real and painful issues of their family. They will make family members into paragons of the community when they are self-aggrandizing idiots. They will pretend there is no mental illness, estrangement, jail time and even that their relationships are all hunky-dory when they are not. As the process of searching for places to live progressed, I knew that I could not do this. 

What is wrong with me, because I don’t even want to do this? When we don’t tell the truth we can not cope with the truth, we can’t even pray and beseech God with our petitions. It is essentially thinking that it is okay to live a lie. Let’s say that I had a broken relationship with a sister and I decide to move closer to her. If I am not being honest about that, then I will not be going into that move with realistic expectations. 

If I am pretending everything is fine then I am heading for a disappointment. If I tell the truth and decide to move there anyway, than I could be praying and spiritually ready for what might lie ahead. Consider, Sydney’s* case. Sydney has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and has been a believer for quite some time. Yet, she struggles to live the authentic or should I say mature Christian life. She has told me a number of times that she is an immature Christian. 

It was almost like she took pride in that. She was clearly where she wanted to be. She wanted to be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ but, she was not ready to completely give up her worldly options. But, being on the fence about this had consequences in her daily life. I try to keep that in mind as I am making dramatic changes in my life. Did you notice how Joshua stopped at the dramatic moment of entering the promised land to ask everyone involved to choose whom they followed that day? 

Joshua 24:15- And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I did not understand what that was all about for a long time. I intellectually understood but, I did not personally understand the importance of the spiritual aspects of all decision-making. Now, I see an analogy between entering the promised land and moving to the next place that God has for me. 

What places do you need to go? Is it a new school, job, home or relationship? All of the choices that we make will have natural consequences associated with them. Some people think,”oh, if I don’t like it, I will move,” or, “if it doesn’t work out that is what divorce is for.” When we think like that, we are not following God. Yes, of course sometimes we choose a house and then must move etc. but, the covenant nature of God manifests itself in the believers’ approach to their life. 

People are not disposable, so we should treat dating, marriage and friendship accordingly. Even deciding to follow God will entail persecution and is not a decision to be taken lightly. I know many Christians who have decided to take that freely given gift of salvation but, are still following their other gods as well. Some of these dualities of worship are dramatically played out within peoples homes, as for example in Shannon’s* apartment.     

When you walk into her bedroom you feel there is an absolute war going on between the many crosses dramatically placed on the wall behind her bed and the healing crystals lining her dresser on the opposite side of the room. Choose today whom you shall follow Shannon and then the way will be clearer. Thinking of a verse for my moving adventure lead me to find this inspiration from the book of Deuteronomy, maybe it will inspire you too. Deuteronomy 1:31- There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place. I must choose everyday who I am following and I am clinging on to my good father God!

* the name was changed but the events are real.

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