What do I think of the Supply Chain Chaos as a Christian? That is a good question that I have been asking myself since this worldwide dilemma has unfolded. Trying to discover the meaning of what is happening in our world has been something that we all began doing when the mutant virus first either escaped or was released on purpose from that infamous Wuhan Lab.
As Christians, we look at life as more than just the here and now. We look deeper, into the spiritual issues that present themselves as life unfolds. So, for instance when we hear that the NIH, i.e. a United States of America health agency, worked to fund a project to create a superbug with the Chinese, what are we to think as a believer in God? What if we had a science degree and were working for an agency when such a Frankenstein project was proposed?
As a Christian, this is not merely an academic question. Neither is it without moral responsibility. As I see our world descending into chaos, I see the lack of concern about these moral questions and the underlying rejection of God as the primary cause of it all. And, now, I find myself wondering if this Supply Chain Chaos is another example of a man and woman made disaster. In other words. Is this an accident or is it being done on purpose?
Could everything changing all at once be an accident? We have what many people believe is a stolen United States election and upcoming elections look no better. We have a so-called President who refuses to answer questions. That has never happened in the history of this country. It could not have happened because there was a free press, spiritually and politically active citizens, but that is not true anymore. We now have an indoctrinated press corps. For the most part, they do not see their role as impartial. They are activists, agitators and mouthpieces for only one side. People are busy taking narcissism to all new heights. Sometimes, in those heights, there is a terrible fall while taking a selfie.
For two years we have had all semblances of a normal life disrupted. Our civil rights have been destroyed. Privacy no longer matters. The constitution and real history are under siege too. So, this is clearly a takeover. |In the place of democracy, we now have a worldwide government forming. In place of faith and tradition, we now have radical paganism with it’s dark traditions forming. The United States was energy independent with economic success in every sector, and now we are just a shell of our former selves.
The lockdowns have been the final push over the edge for many morally indeterminate Americans. There is a whole lot of drinking, drugging, selfish and lazy behavior going on by spiritually lost souls searching for some form of comfort amid this lunacy. Or, should I say, meta-insanity
We were on our way to paganism already of course but, the insecurities and the constant lockdowns have completed the moral decline of many. Because, without God, many are simply adrift in the chaos that has enveloped our planet. (Note: that means that is a a good time to be all in for Jesus, live your life as if to be a role-model for others and do what you can to tell others about who Jesus is and what he has done for them).
But, back to Supply Chain Chaos. The Protestant work ethic is now being replaced by the Pagan work ethic. I speak to people all the time who think it is a good idea not to work and instead get everything paid for by the government. Is this some type of return to childhood or something worse? You know the answer to that.
Packages are sitting at the port of Los Angeles and Long Beach with no one to drive them to their destinations. Farmers are dumping their products because workers or drivers are not available to process the produce or to make the deliveries. Lazy people get as many paychecks as they can, oblivious to the economic chaos that this is causing. What seems accidental about any of this? It seems like the pieces of a puzzle coming together perfectly in a puzzle entitled: The Next Revolution. I can see the picture forming.
Some people that I know, have told me that they do not know what I am talking about. Take Randy* for example. He thinks “everything will get better, it always does.” He tells me that he “does not watch any news, or read any news that is not positive.” He lives his life in a book which he chooses, when he is not on his computer programming the code that made all of this radical mess possible.
He works for one of the most corrupt companies in the United States, BlackRock. Randy is just a cog in the wheel that is taking us all to hell in a hand basket. Nothing seems real to him and he has a way of keeping it that way too! When I bring up the G20 summit in Rome or the Glasgow Climate meeting, I can almost see him putting his fingers in his ears and humming so that he won’t hear me discuss it. Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise I guess?
Then there is Albert.* Albert is a European friend. His father was a committed Christian but, Albert is more committed to science. He is a man who believes more in science than in Jesus and, that it (science) rather than the Lord will bring salvation to the world. He has the tenets of a faith though. Complete with Ten Commandments and it doesn’t have anything to do with the Bible.
No, Albert is a thoroughly indoctrinated and a smug atheist. He believes that man rather than God will overcome. He lauds the arrival of a one-world currency, and a global governance as necessary to combat poverty, ignorance and disease. When I ask him how the European Union is doing with that universal government thing, he deflects and distracts rather than addressing the bureaucracy and corruption issues that I mentioned.
He insists that life can only go back to normal if everyone gets vaccinated and continues in their booster shots. It sounds like Albert has already taken the soma pill 💊 spoken of in the book, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. He believes that if you show proof of vaccination everywhere that you go whether it is on a plane or on in a restaurant than, magically everything can return to normal. That is religious thinking if you ask me, but it is a false religion.
Up until the Chinese virus began circulating the globe, Albert was circulating the globe and he is anxious to get back to that lifestyle, desperate to get back to it really. Christmas in Phuket, business in Brazil and sex in Miami. He seems a man willing to do anything to get back that which he has lost, even if he has to pay for it with his soul. The Apostle Paul speaks of this mindset in the first book of Thessalonians in Chapter 5, verse 3- When they say, “Peace and Security,” then sudden destruction comes on them, like labor pains come on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
Without God and the correct moral understanding that he alone can give, we have nothing beyond our personal needs for peace and security and therefore they become paramount. That is what you have been seeing this past two years. You are seeing desperate people seeking desperate solutions and willing to overlook anything to preserve their life. People are always looking for a quick fix but now the stakes are too high to overlook the facts.
Many voices in the compromised media services worldwide blame the current Supply Chain Chaos on that pesky virus. They sometimes blame it on the unvaccinated, however, there seems to be no truth in that. When you pay people not to work, when you force people to quite their jobs if they don’t believe in the jab, and then you fine people for not picking up their cargo, what should you expect? I, for one, would expect the prices of everything to go-up. I expect cargo and produce to rot or be damaged and most of all, I expect people to be at home drinking, and binge watching Netflix.
When Christianity predominated in the European world, the Black Plague brought compassion to the sick and dying. Many people gave their life serving others. Christianity was pivotal in assuring an economic recovery within a few years after that terrible illness abated. Why? Because the Christian values of caring for the sick, respect for the dead, and belief in the afterlife informed their actions. We can add to that, the concept of a viable work ethic as being paramount to those wishing to live out their Christian faith.
Work had to commence because people knew back than that it was good to work and earn a living plus, no one would pay you not to work. Work was considered the right thing to do. So much for the view that people were dumb back then. They seem to be a little bit smarter than us already. If you don’t work, you don’t eat. We can again go to Thessalonians for a New Testament example of this principle. 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11 says, For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some among you who walk disorderly working not at all, but are busybodies.
As I contemplate the Supply Chain Chaos, I think about how I should conduct my life. I keep thinking of Joseph who knew that the way to prepare for a drought is by storing grain (Joseph gathered very much grain, as the sand of the sea, until he stopped counting, for it was immeasurable-Genesis 41:49). I have stored up extra food and supplies for the winter because I believe that our economy is being brought to collapse by those hostility to God, and traditional societies. Joseph knew that a drought would come. I know that one is coming too. The prices of everything is going up. I am trying to prepare for the times ahead by storing food now. Of course I can not do that with gasoline.
But, just like Joseph, I am ready to assist those in need and share what I already have. Eating and saying my daily grace has taken on a new and poignant importance as our world faces delayed delivery of goods and services. How I thank God for the food and for all the things that he has given. How can anyone take that for granted at this point? Let us all choose to talk about Jesus and his redemption everyday to those around us, and remember that we planting a seed for people’s salvation which God will harvest.
* the names have been changed but the story is true.
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