Two-thirds of Americans say the country is at its lowest point in their memory, and more than a quarter report being so stressed they can’t function most days, according to a recent survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association in which more than three-quarters said the future of the country was a significant source of stress in their lives.
Can you believe that, the American Psychological Association did a survey like that? I could have told them that every one is stressed out to the max. Along with gas prices and inflation, it seems the elections are all anyone is talking about. The results are still up in the air 4 days after the election. This is not the way we have ever run things in the United States before. In the age of technology where data can be processed in the blink of an eye, we are now trying to convince the electorate to wait for the election results for days if not weeks after every major election. Something stinks.
People know that the United States is in a fight for its’ life. Everything that we are and have been is been changed and elections seem to make no difference one way or the other because no one respects when someone else they don’t agree with wins or even trust that the election can be held in a fair way.
This country is divided in its’ opinions concerning the direction this nation and the world should take. However, that does not seem to matter to the elected officials who decide things no matter how their constituents disagree. Those of you who are regular readers know that I believe this is a spiritual civil war. The sides are not Biden or Trump, democrats versus republicans. What we are seeing played out across the globe is God against Satan.
As I said, the whole world is caught up in this spiritual scenario. There is the Russian and Ukrainian War, Chinese lockdowns and their continuing preparations for war. What about Iranian nuclear ambitions? We are all living in cataclysmic times. There is inflation, recession, energy disruptions, transportation problems, fertilizer, food and medical disruptions. We have or have had protests in many places including,Sri Lanka, France, Austria, England, and Iran.
People everywhere sense the ongoing insanity and they keep on trying to get their politicians to listen to them but it is to no avail. All these politicians seem to be working together towards goals no matter what their voters elected them to do. Evidence the two-week climate change summit in Egypt going on right now. One hundred and ninety-seven nations have signed an accord concerning our money, and our lives. Have we been given a say in all this? NO.
Can we even know the true scale of the protests and how many people disagree with the tyranny that is overtaking the world? Unfortunately, true journalism does not exist in main stream media anywhere. The only sources are not standard outlets but those small social media influencers, or websites trying to record the true events whilst the algorithms keep trying to put them on page 20 of the search results. When there is reporting on important issues and topics, the news media puts in on the back burner or interprets it away for you telling you what you should think about it all.
I began writing this blog post the night before the U.S. elections. I started my evening by listening to some blues C.D’s. As the above study suggests, we all have reasons to sing the blues these days and this musical genre helps to process and expunge those emotions. I then participated in a prayer event hosted by the group, My Faith Votes. On election morning,I continued to focus on prayer and then texted some friends various bible verses and my prayer intentions as I prepared to go out and vote.
Are our votes safe? The answer for all of us is, No. The question is ridiculous. How could our votes be safe when we rushed in with changes in procedures and technology without due diligence necessary to test for effectiveness. The next elections held any where on this planet will be a referendum on the issues facing our world. There is tyranny versus freedom. Surveillance versus privacy. Fossil fuels versus the alternative green energies. The education of our children is being hijacked by radical anti-God elements with every perverse and insane ideology being shoved down our children’s throats. We have to have the moral courage to stand up for what is right before our God.
Election Insanity Results: As I took several days to write this blog post, I notice that the elections are still being counted and the tide may be turning against the republicans. Why am I not surprised? The results did not produce a red wave, but, they did not produce a blue wave either. Governors who signed pro-life legislation sometime in the past year all got re-elected. There are 23 democratic governors and 24 republican governors. The United States house of representatives did shift over to republican domination and the senate seems to have tipped republican but, it seems to be tipping back again. Who knows what is going on politically at the moment but, it is not good and has lots of biblical overtones portending end-time script. I am not sure if lawsuits will change the results or some uncounted ballots will show up and change everything. It is all so complicated suddenly.
I have never felt the insecurity and confusion over an election that I have during this past Election Insanity and it continues as I experience uncertainly in the veracity of the election results and in my future. The so-called president of the United States who is nothing but a low-down head of a crime family who no longer has normal cognitive function has just promised billions of dollar of money towards climate change goals. If you think that electing a man not fit for office is a fluke note that the newest senator of the United States from Pennsylvania is also not cognitively competent to hold office and somehow shares all of the Presidents goals. Did the people of Pennsylvania really elect him? If so, they have Election Insanity.
Or is it some delusion being delivered in judgement on a nation whose spiritual comeuppance has come? Perhaps, it is the satanic plot described in the books of prophecy. Stay tuned.
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