The term “boycott” derived from an historical event that took place in County Mayo, Ireland in 1880. It was there that a protest sprung up to oppose certain policies being implemented by Charles Boycott, an estate agent for an English farm landlord in the region. Those policies included; too high rents for tenant farmers, as well as their evictions when they couldn’t pay.
It was during the Irish land agitation of 1880 that the leader Charles Parnell suggested combatting these policies and other injustices by essentially putting the landlord out of business. By refusing to farm his land, work in his house and cutting off trade to his farm it would effectively shut down his farm.
The term “boycott” was born in this way and continues to refer to an act of protest and an instrument of financial war against someone or something that you don’t agree with either religiously, politically or economically. I am calling 2023 “the summer of the woke boycott,” because it seems like in the United States a boycott of woke corporations has begun. It all started with the spontaneous boycott of Anheuser-Busch for its’ support of trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney. But, unlike the land agitation of 1880, there was no politician recommending this action. It just rose up spontaneously.
It seemed to emerge among people who were sick and tired of having values shoved down their throats that they do no believe in. Musicians took to the stage and poured out cans of the usual summertime favorite beverage. Then, average folks were passing up Budweiser light beers at their liquor stores. Very quickly the market cap of the company was plunging-score!
Next, there was Nike (BeTrue), Target, North Face and Kohl’s pushing products promoting the gay lifestyle onto baby and children’s clothing lines. It is clear the woke corporate executives are not backing down from their aberrant and anti-Christian agenda no matter how much money they lose. This is a war and they know it. The corporation of today has become a hub of political activism. Let me repeat that: the corporate executive of today is motivated by bringing their spiritual and political beliefs to life, and that belief system is a hateful rebellion against all things good and godly.
These companies and their executives hire people like Erik Carnell, an English designer. He is behind the recent Pride campaign at Target department store. He makes no secret of his anti-God approach. He has created books with titles such as “Bye, Bye Binary.” He was also involved in making tuck friendly women’s bathing suits sold at Target. Tuck friendly bathing suits are women’s bathing suits designed for men who wish to hide their male genitalia. By the way, this is not even healthy. Didn’t I even see a logo on one of Erik’s products which read, Satan Respects Pronouns?
It is like one day people just got sick of all this insanity. I was just planning to drive down to Kohl’s Department store the other day to pick up a new slow-cooker, summer flip-flops and some slippers when the headlines broke about the type of deranged merch they were promoting. As I watched TicTok videos of children’s clothing racks stuffed with tee shirts saying things like: “Belong, Believe Be Proud” (with a gay rainbow and a Mickey Mouse head in the background), and a baby Sonoma brand onesie with a group of children holding the gay flag like it was their nation state, I just knew that I could not shop there anymore.
Folks, Kohl’s is all in, Disney is all in too. If we don’t have the gumption to stay away from stores and amusement parks that support this anti-God agenda then we are supporting it with our cash dollars and giving it our tacit approval. What about some of my readers around the world, are you seeing the rush to this new queer world order yet? Not for nothing, but I believe that Satan does respect pronouns and those who respect pronouns are following Satan’s evil agenda. God created us male and female, Satan is messing with God’s design.
“I will be like the most high.”Isaiah 14:14b.
It has usually been said that Christians have not been good at political and economic boycotts. Instead, people of faith have preferred to work hard, go to church and raise their children with godly values. That has not been working for us for a long time because, as we were doing that the educational system has slowly and systemically deconstructed the Judeo-Christian world view and robbed our children of their faith.
Hollywood and the entertainment community has also drawn our children into their values with catchy tunes and slick visuals which contradict every area of our Faith. Now, the gloves are completely off and we see corporations brazenly telling their customers to support the transgender movement. Now in a reversal of things corporations no longer cater to the values of their clientele, but we are expected to cater to theirs for the privilege of their services. Only we are the ones paying them for their services, how does that even make sense? We are supposed to pay for our values to be assaulted and smile?
Target executives even told their employees that those who oppose the LGBTQ agenda are extremists and violent. Nothing could be farther away from the truth. In fact, it appears the LGBTQ has been increasingly turning to violent slogans. In Hyde Park a group of protestors disrupted a feminist gathering by unfurling a banner which read, “Arm Trans Kids.” The police had to step in to stop violence. A Christian school in Tennessee was shot up by a trangender person resulting in children and their teachers being killed. What a tragedy and the public has yet to hear about the police evidence of a violent transgender manifesto.
Yet, with all the crime, murder and mayhem that this cultural and spiritual war has caused, Christians and conservatives seem more likely to use the power of Parnell’s weapon,”The Power of a Boycott.” Will I be buying my favorite Nike sneakers so I can be comfortable when I walk in Disneyland? Will I be buying my next slow-cooker at Kohl’s while wearing a summer dress from Target? The answer is no, and I am proud to be boycotting these ungodly places. I hope that we can put these spiritually dead companies out of business. I also pray that we can plant a seed of truth about God’s ways with these deluded corporate staffers because there is still hope for them.
Make no mistake about it, this boycott will be hard. Can you tell your children no to Disneyland and why you have made that decision? I read that the new woke “Little Mermaid “movie killed it at the box office last weekend. A lot of people have to take their children to all the Disney movies and buy all the merch attached to every production. What is that really doing to our kids? What could our kids be doing instead. I assure you, they could be doin something better. They can be exploring nature, starting a garden, reading a bible. What about sports, or reading a good godly book? Knitting, crocheting or exploring a musical instrument. They could be learning how to help mom or dad or even build something. So many things beyond their phone or video game to do.
I already sourced tee shirts made by some local Christian ladies to wear. I bought some slippers from a small local merchant. I bought another brand of sneakers too. I can’t sell my soul for access to a sneaker or clothing. I can’t see my Lord mocked for sixty pieces of silver and be part of that. Can we defeat the corporations pulling this evil on us? I know that what matters is the way we conduct our lives. There will be a show of gay political muscle in Disney World in Orlando for June Pride festivities. They will be out in force to enforce their agenda for us. The battle lines are drawn and we all have to ask ourselves just whose side we are on, God or the Devil. If we are on God’s side there are biblical directives for what we must do and how we must do it. If we are on the side of the Devil there is no holds barred in this battle.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”- Ephesians 6:10-12
Our methods are of the godly type. We are not arming children, bombing or shooting up schools, heaven forbid. We know that eventually God will defeat the evil one but, until then we must represent what we believe and no longer think that it is okay to not get involved in the public discourse. We must stand up for biblical marriage, and biblical gender identity. We must preach to the unchurched, and teach repentance, forgiveness, and the resurrection and victory through Jesus the Savior. Are you in?
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” - 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
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