Friday, July 28, 2023

Death Penalty

The topic of the death penalty has recently popped up in news headlines around the world. In the United States, there is the case of Brian Kohberger. He stands accused of killing four college students in their off campus beds. The horrific loss of life and brutality has shocked the community and the nation. This case has many people calling for the death penalty. The crime took place in the state of Idaho where the death penalty is legal and could be administered by a firing squad. 

In the United States, individual States of the Union have the legal authority to decide if they want a death penalty. In general, the liberal states are against it, while more conservative states are for it. Take the place that I was born, New York State for example. The death penalty was legal there for most of its’ history but, then it was overturned. In the modern era, the issue was resurrected from time to time by Governors or courts who were passionate about the topic. As of today, the death penalty is no longer used in the state. Therefore, any criminals convicted of a crime will instead face life imprisonment. 

In India, many have taken to the streets in protest of the brutal gang rape of two minority Kuki Christian women from the State of Manipur. Four men have been arrested and President Modi of India insists, “No guilty will be spared.” Protesters are calling for the death penalty. What of the executions scheduled for this week in Singapore? Ah Singapore, my Singapore! Shout out to my readers in Singapore either that or greetings A.I. Overlord! 

Since early Spring, my blog statistics have shown that I am getting a lot of traffic from Singapore. At first, I thought it could be artificial intelligence learning from my blog. That would be cool because maybe then, the A.I. could be taught some Christian values. 

“Confessions of a Westchester Christian Housewife” has readership all over the world. There is the United States of course, Canada, Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands. I get regular readers from France, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, India and Japan. I get occasional readers from other countries too. But, Singapore readership has went through the roof lately and I asked myself why? As I thought about it, it made complete sense. I think that I share many values with Singaporeans. Now, that I think of it, I am surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.

Now, I am trying to read various news stories about Singapore and learn more. One of the recent headlines concerned a man, and a woman both due to receive the death penalty for drug possession. The country and the world seem to be asking questions about what should be done in their cases. Protesters have erupted specifically to stay the execution of the first woman in 20 years to be executed. 

Amnesty International, has asked Singapore to stop executions and claim it does not deter crime. The United Nations Human Rights Council has also requested that Singapore stop executions.They point out that many nations in the world are pursuing sentencing reforms. You must always take advice from whence it comes, and what I have learn about both these groups alarms me. I have never met an Amnesty International member who is not against religious faith communities or who doesn’t believe in anarchy. That could just be my New York acquaintances?! Then, there is the United Nations, what can I say about them, except they seem to be taking over national sovereignty. If that doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will.

But, what does the Bible say about capital punishment? As I perused my bible today, through my blurry left eye. Note: As I write this blog post, I am waiting for a doctor’s call to assist me in the matter. Even though my vision is a little cloudy, it is quite clear that the Bible says a lot on the topic of capital punishment. In fact, if my eye was not blurry I might have to conclude that this could be a three part series. I could start writing about the first murder in the Bible, that of Cain killing his brother Abel. It seemed that Cain had a mark on him for his crime, but God said he was not to be killed. There are instances where murder (Exodus 21:12), adultery (Leviticus 20:10) and kidnapping (Exodus 21:16) are all punishable by death in the Bible. But, then we also see instances where God afforded mercy. Such as in the case of to King David even though he was a murderer and an adulterer (2 Samuel 11:15, 14-17, 2 Samuel 12:13). 

God Almighty is truth and his Bible is truth for us to live by. Therefore, to say the death penalty is bad is not true since it is abundantly clear the Bible has prescribed its’ use. To quote that old-fashioned wedding vow, “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” It is God who calls sin evil and according to him, it is to be punished by death. In mankind’s vanity and stupidly, they think they can solve the problem of sin without God. They think they can heal deep societal problems without God. 

It is not working out well. Needle exchanges, drug offenders being loosed upon their communities with light sentencing guidelines is wreaking havoc on the liberal nations. Light sentences for murder and rape results in offenders being released and hurting and destroying more people’s lives when they re-offend. The Bible is very clear. All wrongdoing should be punishable by death, spiritual death (Romans 6:23). The solution is choosing the Savior Jesus to take your place and to follow him in your life.

It is also a nations’ responsibility and right to determine their use of capital punishment, including applying mercy in their decisions at times. However, no earthly justice can be as perfect as godly justice. In that, God will always have the final say. 

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