Friday, May 24, 2024

Butterfly Effect

Europe has been a trendsetter and influencer of the world in many ways. I think that after seeing the recent Eurovision song competition, it is time to let that vaunted status go forever. Europe is dead and the vultures are circling the camp. What an abomination to the Lord it all was. Unfortunately, Europe is not alone, we are all in the crosshairs of the war between good and evil and we must decide if we are going to follow God or Satan. It is that simple

After my two part series, Total Eclipse of the Soul, I thought I was done with the topic of Israel in the near-term but, Israel keeps making the news here at Confessions of a Westchester Christian Housewife lately. Are you thinking what I am? End-time significance? 

The theme of this year’s Eurovision was unity through music. The European Union formed when the Maastricht Treaty of 1993 went into force. The vision was to unite all the countries in the region for economic, security and historical reasons. There are many countries around the world who have done the same, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the African Union etc. Inevitably, historical differences rear their ugly head and nasty infighting ensues. Human sin nature and regional differences are not so easily dissolved.

However, when the world gets together for sports, or entertainment people hope that holding such events will bring the world closer together. They hope that people will bond over these shared moments of commonality. This can sometimes happen but, the opposite can also happen. Those events can also bring out jealousy, competitiveness, sabotage, or even reveal the totality of the evil zeitgeist of an age. These events can be spoiled by protests, or even worse, kidnapping or death, because warring factions can use those events to garner worldwide attention for their cause. 

However, this year during the Eurovision competition, the European entertainers showed themselves to be a united front as regards perversion and Jew-hating. Should I start with the themes of perversion or Jew-hating? Maybe I should flip a coin to decide. Heads-Jew-hating, tails-perversion. But, before I get to that, I have a tale of two bookstores battling out the question of the meaning of life, and what are the principles that direct us daily?

These days that battle is ramping up for our soul. The battle lines are clearly drawn everyday. Are you for Russia or the Ukraine? Are you for Israel or Iran? Are you for godly principles in your home, school, workplace, nation and world? The answer very clearly is that most of us on planet earth are routing for the wrong side. How do I know that? Look at the world. Look at the simmering, pestering hatefulness. Aren’t people going berserk before our very eyes? It is time for each of us to be the standard-bearer for good and stand up to those perpetuating evil.

The people who would pervert justice seem to be in charge of everything, and they use all their power in agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Justice and various attorney General’s Offices. They have persecuted Donald Trump, his family and every one who have openly supported him. The haters of freedom have put countless people out of business because of their support of Donald Trump. He is currently on trial while a crowd of 80-100,000 people gather at Wildwood, New Jersey and the Bronx, New York to support his campaign. The crowds are always huge when President Trump makes an appearance. Have you ever seen a picture of Joe Biden’s huge politcal rallies? If you have, can you say “deep fake.” 

I see the battles being waged everyday in my little life and I wonder if it is connected in any way to these larger events just mentioned? A sort of spiritual Butterfly Effect? Classical physicists such as Sir Issac Newton, Siméon Poisson etc. generally believed that physical reality could be modeled via a set of coupled partial differential equations that could predict the evolution of a state of physical affairs given a set of initial conditions. Implicitly, if not explicitly it was believed that small perturbations of the initial conditions would result in small changes in the outward behavior of the systems. It turned out that systems could exist that were infinitely sensitive to tiny changes in the initial conditions. 

As I contemplated how little things that happen affect the big picture, I got two beeps which signified that I had just received two new emails. When I went to my inbox, I saw two emails about book signings. One was from a super liberal bookstore and the other was from a super conservative Christian bookstore. Both books sounded good but, since time is so precious, I always read reviews before I pick up a book. This saves me from wasting time on ungodly tomes sure to disappoint. I don’t have time for that, and I don’t want the temptation.

As I read more about each book, I realized how just about everything that exists is being politicized today. How do you go and politicize a flannel shirt? In a story that could have simply been about manufacturing plants, processes, history and new beginnings, the reviews indicate the book clearly favor liberal causes. The writer could have let readers decide and judge for themselves after reading the book. But, heaven forbid that you don’t hammer your opponent when you have a chance. The problem with letting people decide for themselves is that some people may independently conclude after reading his book that liberal policies were responsible for the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States. This local bookstore also stated that every signed book being sold in our little town had the power to put this author on the N.Y. Times Best Seller List. Butterfly Effect?

The other bookstore was having a book signing about murder and forgiveness as told by a Pastor and his daughter. The murder of a young girl by a member of their family begins the story of how they coped with news that none of us ever wants to hear. The news that our beloved and troubled family member has taken the life of a precious soul. It tells a story that needs to be told which is how do you cope with such an event if you are a Christian. These authors will not be propelled by book sales to become N.Y.Times best-selling authors. Plus, all the books proceeds will go towards the special education program where the young woman worked. Does it matter what books that I buy or which book signing that I attend? Does it matter what I put into my brain when I read a book?  You know it does. Butterfly Effect? 

Putting all the pieces together locally, nationally and globally, I think it would be a good thing if we contemplated just how we all got into the crazy mess that we find ourselves in. Have we voted over the years? Have we stood up for what is right or do we just not realize the far-reaching effects that our daily actions have upon the world’s collective circumstances. 

Some of the things that should not have happened are: Hamas being allowed to build huge subway like tunnels which they smuggled weapons through. The first shovel being thrust into the ground was moving in the direction of October 7th. Russia deciding with China that they will support each other in their latest conquests of sovereign nations. Xi and Putin meet and give each other high fives and suddenly there is an “Operation Joint Sword” surrounding Taiwan. Biden somehow gets elected after campaigning from his basement and the United States goes from a global force for good to its’ present position. A little boy being abused in an orphanage and repeating everything he learned. The Butterfly Effect 

What if we reversed things a bit? What if, we read our bibles, prayed to God, and just lived for God? How would the world begin to look then? We could sing praises to God rather than songs to the devil like the Eurovision Irish contestant did. What if we choose Eden over Nemo, what might a moment of moral clarity mean for the world at large. What if everyone bought, Beechdale Road by Megan Shertzer and Tim Roger’s and explored what Christianity on the front lines looks like? What if just one person who read this blog went to the June 16- 20th “Signs of the Times Prophesy Conference” at the Opero Hotel in Johor Bahru, Singapore? 

I am thinking that if we chose just one of these things to do, then a tornado of good would arise somewhere. Let’s make better choices and let God be the reason why. 

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