I see the truth in prophecy as we hear rumors of a possible WW III. Is this all we have learned after thousands of years of civilization? You bet it is, and the Bible said that would be the case. The Bible clearly states that only God can end the ceaseless cycles of war that have ravaged and destroyed our world.
(And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more- Isaiah 2:4.)
Human beings are a mess. It’s called sin. (For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God- Romans 3:23). I would like to merely blame the Putin’s or the Sinwar’s of this world but, each one of us picks our leaders. Even if we don’t pick them and a dictatorship happens then we must fight to form a better government.
Collectively nations are made up of individuals who create, grow or acquiesce to evil and only God will finally stop the madness. Sorry to disappoint some of my readers who may still hold out hope for a United Nations solution, a Nobel Prize winning peace agreement or some highly advanced Aliens swooping down with their interstellar wisdom.
Amid a gall stone issue and the accompanying recovery, I had time to watch the story unfolding between Russia and the Western World. I was incredulous. What? Russia is thinking nukes, are you kidding me? Wow, they start a war, rape, pillage, and try to recreate the old empire and then they threaten Europe with tactical nukes? WW III?
The question is will the Russian people go along with this escalating madness? I met Vlad on an airplane flight. He traveled the world doing Russian business. His second home is in Norway. I know if it was up to him he would not push the button on that bomb. After all, he crafted the perfect escape plan for himself and his family if something should go wrong in Russia. No, Vlad is not for this, nor the cessation of business that has ensued since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Will Russians think twice about bombing Western Europe when it has always been a haven for Russians who were forced to leave their homeland? Many of them have relatives living in England and France, will they push that button?
Will the Russian leadership go along with the launch knowing that things might escalate quickly and lead us all to a “mutually assured destruction?” Lowering the threshold for when Russia could launch nukes was a bad chess move. Either that or it was a bluff. Would Russia really go that far or, is it just a tactic to get the West to back off their defense of Ukraine?
In the haze of illness I am imaging Putin dressed up as Tsar Ivan the Terrible. A word about Ivan the Terrible’s moniker. In Russian, the descriptive word used is “Grozny.” This would probably translate into “Awesome” or “Fearful” but, I think the word “Terrible” really gets to the truth. I mean if I wanted to just post about the first Tsar of Russia’s terrible acts, there would be enough information to start a new blog. I could analyze the history of the first Tsar of Russia and deconstruct his terrible acts. Yes, I imagined Putin with a long beard and wearing clothing more appropriate to the time of his predecessor. I believe Putin is symbolically recreating everything Tsar Ivan did. Everything old is new again, Russian-style.
Putin is clearly using the old Russian playbook. Ivan killed his enemies in horrendous ways just as Vladimir Putin does. Watch the tea you drink or don’t stand near a balcony if Putin even thinks you might have betrayed him. You can be arrested or shot unceremoniously for speaking against him if you’re a journalist. Ivan topped that when he had an Orthodox priest sewn into a bear costume and had the dogs hunt him down to kill him. Gruesome.
Also, in the cinema of gall bladder delusions I saw Putin as a modern day Ivan the Terrible at the 1570 massacre of Novgorod. If you remember your history, Ivan was consumed with paranoia, and looted, pillaged and slaughtered thousands of his own people. Novgorod ceased being an important city after that. Any of this sound familiar? Putin has claimed an historical unity with Ukraine. Is this how you would treat Novgorod then…oh excuse me I mean Ukraine. In addition, just like Ivan, Vladimir has mixed in an unhealthy dose of paranoid delusions about everyone being against him during this whole war with Ukraine.
Today, I thought I would be able to go back to my normal routine however, my lack of calories in recovery has put me back in my chair a little while longer. So, I have time to learn the latest on the ongoing WW III rumors. I learned that now Putin is threatening a U.S. airbase in Poland because we helped the Polish protect against the historical recurring threat of the Russian bear. They want no more of it and want to be able to deflect incoming missiles like the Israelis do. Can you blame them? After all, if history in the time of Ivan has anything to tell us today, Russia was at war with Poland then.
Matthew 24:6- “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye not be troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” The first part of this Bible verse advises us to trust in God and not to worry. However, the last part of the verse tells us that the end is not near so to me that means we have to be prepared to deal with the issues that are currently unfolding on the world stage.
Hence we hear of Europeans preparing their citizens for what Russia is threatening to do. The Nordic countries are advising their citizens to stockpile food, medicine and water. There is a guide to coping with a nuclear strike. German is enacting “Operationsplan Deutschland” which among other things has Germany acting as a staging ground for NATO.
Do I think WW III is about to happen? I would guess that the Western ground troops would outnumber the Russians. However, the Russians just signed an agreement with North Korea which would among other things send North Korean soldiers to fight alongside Russian troops. (Note: this seems like a devilish deal). Those new soldiers are probably the main reason that the Polish sought greater defense capabilities.
The United States nuclear arsenal is comparable to the Russian arsenal. Our weapons are newer hence, in better shape than many of theirs are. The use of tactical nuclear weapons seems insane if you think of the environmental damage not to mention the possibility of escalation occurring. The environmentalists are worried about climate change well this is something they should think about and it is a lot more realistic.
Putting everything together leads to a greater probability that the Russians are just threatening us to see if we will back off. The Russians have a lot to lose if they were to follow through, and the top echelon of leaders knows that. Is this BRICS thing going to work for Russia in this situation? Not yet it’s not. China, North Korea? With friends like that who needs enemies. BRICS and North Korea will use the Russians for all they can.
Russia should consider better relations with the West.
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