Thursday, February 6, 2025

Super Donald Part 2-Staying the Course

Events are moving so fast that I felt a Super Donald Part 2 was in order. I qualify it with Staying the Course. As believers we should understand the meaning of staying the course but, sometimes we have just intellectualized the meaning and are not equipped to handle the reality of what it actually means. Maybe our lives have been blessed with ease and comfort and we are not war-ready. Sometimes we are busy staying financially afloat or our family life leaves us little time for civic contributions.

It’s not as if the Bible doesn't give us ample advice on the topic. The United States is changing for the better and in very short order President Trump has begun doing what the majority of voters asked him to do, i.e. to right the degenerate course that the nation had taken. 

Now Super Donald is cleaning up a huge mess that the democrats have made of our social order, religious freedoms, criminal justice system, economic engine, national and world systems. We are going to need to muster up all the courage that we have to stand behind President Trump because the group that weaponized the DA’s Office, the FBI, the CIA and used media and universities to push their agenda will fight a dirty fight against the duly elected President, his supporters and godly principles.That is pretty much where we are after Super Donald has begun his second term.

My head has been spinning all week, there is so much going on. Let’s start with the Israeli hostages being released. How could the world have stood by and allowed Iran and its’ proxies to do such unspeakable things? President Trump is like the child in the Hans Christian Anderson story entitled, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Just as in the story, Trump dares to tell the truth while those around him continue to ignore it. He has sent the Middle East into paroxysms with this truth. He suggested that the Palestinians should be resettled to other countries on a voluntary basis. 

When I first heard this, I thought it was the most original solution that had been floated in quite some time. Nothing has worked in the past to settle disputes between Israel and the so-called Palestinians. We should remember that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. I say so-called Palestinians because as far as I can tell, most of the people calling themselves Palestinians have their ancestry in Egypt, Syria or the Arabian peninsula. Israel is the Jewish homeland and that homeland from ancient times has been called Israel. The term “Palestine” was the derisive name assigned Israel by the Roman Empire to break their spirit. These are the same Romans who have the Arch of Titus in Rome commemorating the looting of Jerusalem. (Note: whatever happened to that menorah that is pictured on the Arch?)

It is time to acknowledge the fact that every deal offered to try and bring about a two-state solution was rejected by the so-called Palestinians and sadly they have never missed a chance to attack a Jewish children’s school, synagogue or bus stop where innocent civilians are located. They have used the huge foreign aid given to them to build tunnels, buy weapons because all they want to do is destroy the Jewish state and finish the work that Hitler began and annihilate the Jews. They had more than enough capital to have financed good health care, stellar educational institutions, or to establish better trade and business practices. Instead, they used all their financial and human resources to mount a sick and twisted attack on concert goers, families, the elderly and children crouching in safe rooms. They burned, mutilated, and gang-raped women, and men. They kidnapped civilians and tortured them for over a year. The medical care given was on par with Doctor Mengele’s protocols in Germany. The so-called Palestinians voted for this, supported it and cheered each Jewish kill like it was a point in a football match. Great job so-called Palestinians your civilization will be judged by all this.

If we think we are such a great world, you know the type of world that should join together with no borders and form one health system and have one government, then how could our brothers in Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis not be singing Kumbaya with us? Are we ready to join in climate agendas  and health decisions with totalitarian leaders? No, I don’t think so either. Maybe, we should re-think that. That is exactly what a lot of people were thinking who joined together in a massive effort to fight the insanity in the United States and we won.

Now is the hard work. The trade wars, the re-negotiations, the ridicule, and the protests by anti-democratic forces and crazy trans sex cult members. Can we handle it? Can we handle the fire China will rain down? Can we handle the terrorist attacks? Not without God we can’t. We will quickly lose heart without God. 

P.S. Could Trump be working on an Easter agreement between Russia and Ukraine? Please keep praying for a deal to be made as we celebrate the season of Resurrection. What a wonderful Easter gift that would be. 

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