Thursday, February 6, 2025

Super Donald Part 2-Staying the Course

Events are moving so fast that I felt a Super Donald Part 2 was in order. I qualify it with Staying the Course. As believers we should understand the meaning of staying the course but, sometimes we have just intellectualized the meaning and are not equipped to handle the reality of what it actually means. Maybe our lives have been blessed with ease and comfort and we are not war-ready. Sometimes we are busy staying financially afloat or our family life leaves us little time for civic contributions.

It’s not as if the Bible doesn't give us ample advice on the topic. The United States is changing for the better and in very short order President Trump has begun doing what the majority of voters asked him to do, i.e. to right the degenerate course that the nation had taken. 

Now Super Donald is cleaning up a huge mess that the democrats have made of our social order, religious freedoms, criminal justice system, economic engine, national and world systems. We are going to need to muster up all the courage that we have to stand behind President Trump because the group that weaponized the DA’s Office, the FBI, the CIA and used media and universities to push their agenda will fight a dirty fight against the duly elected President, his supporters and godly principles.That is pretty much where we are after Super Donald has begun his second term.

My head has been spinning all week, there is so much going on. Let’s start with the Israeli hostages being released. How could the world have stood by and allowed Iran and its’ proxies to do such unspeakable things? President Trump is like the child in the Hans Christian Anderson story entitled, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Just as in the story, Trump dares to tell the truth while those around him continue to ignore it. He has sent the Middle East into paroxysms with this truth. He suggested that the Palestinians should be resettled to other countries on a voluntary basis. 

When I first heard this, I thought it was the most original solution that had been floated in quite some time. Nothing has worked in the past to settle disputes between Israel and the so-called Palestinians. We should remember that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. I say so-called Palestinians because as far as I can tell, most of the people calling themselves Palestinians have their ancestry in Egypt, Syria or the Arabian peninsula. Israel is the Jewish homeland and that homeland from ancient times has been called Israel. The term “Palestine” was the derisive name assigned Israel by the Roman Empire to break their spirit. These are the same Romans who have the Arch of Titus in Rome commemorating the looting of Jerusalem. (Note: whatever happened to that menorah that is pictured on the Arch?)

It is time to acknowledge the fact that every deal offered to try and bring about a two-state solution was rejected by the so-called Palestinians and sadly they have never missed a chance to attack a Jewish children’s school, synagogue or bus stop where innocent civilians are located. They have used the huge foreign aid given to them to build tunnels, buy weapons because all they want to do is destroy the Jewish state and finish the work that Hitler began and annihilate the Jews. They had more than enough capital to have financed good health care, stellar educational institutions, or to establish better trade and business practices. Instead, they used all their financial and human resources to mount a sick and twisted attack on concert goers, families, the elderly and children crouching in safe rooms. They burned, mutilated, and gang-raped women, and men. They kidnapped civilians and tortured them for over a year. The medical care given was on par with Doctor Mengele’s protocols in Germany. The so-called Palestinians voted for this, supported it and cheered each Jewish kill like it was a point in a football match. Great job so-called Palestinians your civilization will be judged by all this.

If we think we are such a great world, you know the type of world that should join together with no borders and form one health system and have one government, then how could our brothers in Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis not be singing Kumbaya with us? Are we ready to join in climate agendas  and health decisions with totalitarian leaders? No, I don’t think so either. Maybe, we should re-think that. That is exactly what a lot of people were thinking who joined together in a massive effort to fight the insanity in the United States and we won.

Now is the hard work. The trade wars, the re-negotiations, the ridicule, and the protests by anti-democratic forces and crazy trans sex cult members. Can we handle it? Can we handle the fire China will rain down? Can we handle the terrorist attacks? Not without God we can’t. We will quickly lose heart without God. 

P.S. Could Trump be working on an Easter agreement between Russia and Ukraine? Please keep praying for a deal to be made as we celebrate the season of Resurrection. What a wonderful Easter gift that would be. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Super Donald!

The day that Donald Trump was inaugurated, all my friends were focused on was their pipes not freezing and his inauguration. The weather in much of the United States was in an Arctic freeze. A few weeks before the inauguration, I had gotten a text from a local politician whom I have gotten to know asking me if I would be interested in two tickets to the inauguration. I was ecstatic. These two tickets would enable me a closer view of the proceedings and an expedited security process. 

What a sweet moment this was. Having moved from Westchester County, New York a little over 3 years ago led me to a new vicinity not too far from New York but, in many ways worlds apart. I had to reestablish my life here and build a whole new network of friends. Yet, I had asked God’s guidance in this all important decision. I asked him to show me the place that I should be from the first moment that I even considered moving from my birthplace. 

It was a very difficult decision to make and I could not imagine being able to even do it without the strength that only God can give us. God has confirmed his blessing of my new home at every step of this journey including this moment when a conservative Christian politician full of integrity and faith opened a door to the inaugural proceedings. 

When I was in Westchester County I volunteered to help a number of godly candidates in their campaigns for political office. It was frustration after frustration for me when I saw honest, smart people with great ideas have every type of political dirty trick and smear leveled against them. When I look back, I can say that in microcosm I was seeing the democratic machine of dirty tricks that I would later on see in macrocosm against Trump and his politcal allies. 

Donald Trump became a symbol of hope for many observing their communities, nation and world going stark raving mad. Would anyone have the strength to stand up to the LGBTQ mafia, to transgender madness or child sex change surgeries? DEI? When many Americans wanted gas stoves and gasoline powered automobiles, we had an administration who gave unfair market place advantage to force other choices down our throats. 

This is not capitalism and it will never foster great inventions, innovation or a better future. Further, these technologies are neither proven or wanted by the vast majority of people. When the market place is open, the consumer scrutinizes the product and in that process people have choice and the best technology wins. This was not fair market practice and everyone knows that it made a lot of democratic donors rich. 

Fresh refrains of  “it’s the economy stupid,” also began to resurface in the voters minds as they saw dumb democratic decisions one after the other fell the economy where it hurts for the average American the most. America was hurting and yet there was the sense that Joe and Kamala had a “let them eat cake” philosophy about the whole thing.

Could anyone in U.S. politics stand up for Israel and defy the collegiate mobs of deluded Jew-haters? It would take a lot of moxy that’s for sure. Who has that kind of Chutzpah, not your average Judas kissing politician. The thing that surprised me the most about how the democrats felt about Israel came to light when I did not see one drop of empathy or sympathy for the dead Jewish people on October 7th. 

I kept on waiting for that show of support to be seen when we considered the fate of the hostages so cruelly taken away on that infamous day. I kept waiting and waiting and, like a car wreck on the highway, I just keep watching while people are honking at me to drive a little faster! I was mesmerized or perhaps in a state of shock when I saw nothing, nada, rien. Do we not know right from wrong anymore? The answer is no, a lot of us don’t. I guess it is hard for me to look evil in the eye and accept it. But, that is what Israel has had to do. They have had to act in their own defense in a world hell-bent on their destruction. The United Nations? Useless.

The groundswell of remnant Christian believers who saw the Israeli situation as one of the pivotal issues of our time, brought Donald Trump unto the finish line. There has been a growing number of Christians over the years who actually gave their bible a good read and finally saw the biblical truth of the Israeli situation. It only took us 2000 years or so but who’s counting. The hostages never should have been in captivity that long. It is beyond the pall that in this so-called modern era mankind could conscience that.

Some Christians who came to the forefront to vote Donald Trump into Office had previously been on the sidelines of the political process. A great number uncomfortable with the concept of looking to a politician for hope. Unfortunately many had learned the hard way that staying out of the political process had brought them to a place where their nation had gone in the completely wrong direction. After all, the enemies of God were still voting. They were also free to mess around at polling places with the vote. Some Christians might even be uncomfortable with this blog post talking about the hope in Trump. 

I would say to them, The Lord is my Savior and the rest of us are merely fallen humans. However, does that mean I have no hope in an outcome when I choose a place of employment, a spouse, or a political candidate? We should know that God is perfect and we are not and adjust our expectations. Hence, vigilance, and work towards goals at the job, in the home and in our community.

Another issue that has been going on for far too long is the Russian and Ukrainian war. How could the world be so cold to the suffering of the Ukrainian population.? I am incredulous. Bombings of apartment blocks, on purpose. Energy shut off so civilians have no heat in winter, on purpose. Systematic rape and torture that goes to the very heart of the nature of evil, on purpose. Well, in video games it’s not real so……wrong. People just woke up and realized that the administration in charge was the reason that this was all happening and they had another reason to go out to vote.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Super Donald! He may be rough, he may be abrasive but, that is exactly what is called for in a day when smooth and slimy politicians just slither into office and run their cold-blooded operation. We needed to get rid of the nest of vipers masquerading as our public servants. This is a dirty job and someone had to do it. It won’t be easy and he is fighting a nest of vipers so there are no guarantees. Don’t forget that the prayer of the righteous availeth much so, pray everyday that some wrongs can be righted. Pray for the strength of those who are fighting this political war, most of all stay engaged in the political process if you can. So many things are happening that will change our world forever and you don’t want to feel that you did not try to help in what ever small way that you can advance the godly agenda in our day to day lives. 

I never did get to go to the inauguration. It is just one more decision that I prayed to God to guide me through. Should I accept the offer and celebrate this moment of history? The answer came in a rather brutal way. My husband tripped and broke a rib. I felt that this was God’s answer and I accepted it. We had already researched hotels and driving directions when the X-ray felled those plans. Life goes on and because I did not attend the inauguration in person, I was able to take advantage of a local painters schedule and have him come to work on a much needed project. Furthermore, maybe God just took me down a notch which I needed too. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Ghost & Mrs. McConnell

I met Mrs. McConnell, Maddie* on the soccer field of life. I met a lot of people when I was driving my daughter to and from practice and watching the game. Maddie was warm and funny and we struck up a friendship right away. She was a divorced, gutsy, working class Irish woman from Long Island. She had previously worked laying heavy cable. She was probably the first woman in our area actually doing that job at the time. She took pride in doing the job with no modifications. 

In some ways she was a fish out of water in her new home in Westchester County, New York. She had been married to her Irish sweetheart who ended up to be a drinker and a drugger. When she divorced him, she ended up raising her son Connor* all by herself. 

She was always more shanty Irish than lace curtain Irish and that showed when she took up with a local contractor from Eastern Europe. He was married at the time to a wonderful woman and they had two children. His wife Lana,* also Irish, was heartbroken. This is an Irish story.

Anyway, I was going through some of my own marital problems at the time and trying to stay close to God, when I first struck up a friendship with this lady. At first, it was one of those relationships that you form when your children are involved in extra-curriculums but, it soon grew into something more. Maddie and I were the most unlikely of friends. I always contended that I would have been afraid of her if we met in elementary school. I am pretty sure she would not have liked me and would definitely have given me a hard time. She was and is a bit of a “bad girl.’ I was always the “goody-goody.” Like many Long Island Irish families that I knew, she had relatives who were both New York’s finest (police) and New York’s bravest (firefighters). Her brother was a retired detective of note. She and he always bickered as children because he was a goody-goody child too! 

When she took up with Andrei* she became pregnant with their daughter Joy* which quickly ended his marriage. Maddie and Andrei soon moved in together and began to raise their daughter. Joy, like her father, was an amazing soccer player and it was not a little bit due to her father’s coaching. 

Maddie’s parents, whom she revered, were staunchly Catholic. Although she never set foot in church in her adulthood, she felt it an obligation to pay homage to the religion that her Irish ancestors suffered to practice. In fact, she had a lot of Catholic guilt when she divorced her husband so much so, that she made a decision that she would never marry Andrei while Connor Senior was still alive because it would be a sin. I won’t get into why she did not notice some of the other sins that she seemed to ignore at the time (like sleeping with a married man) because that is another blog post.

This is where Maddie was when I met her. On my side, I had just left the Catholic Church and was now attending a spirit-filled bible centered church. I had always felt something was missing when I was in the Catholic Church. I always had this gnawing feeling that there was more than what I had and I continually prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill my heart. Finally, I got what I had always desired, that blessed assurance in salvation when I left the Catholic Church.

On the way out, I tried to plant seeds of the truth with the ladies of C.C.D (Catholic children’s education) of which I had been a part of. I even went toe to toe with the Parish priest Father Tom* as I hoped that I could point to some biblical truths that I thought our Church was missing. I had a heart for Catholics who were biblically illiterate since a good read of the Bible is what lead me to the truth along with God’s grace.

Maddie and Andrei knew so much about soccer, and they endeavored to teach me more than the rudimentary knowledge that I had of the sport. I always encouraged Andrei to volunteer as an assistant coach with our daughter’s team but his lack of eloquence in the English language always made him feel as if he came up short. As the three of us got to know each other, we began to share other conversations rather than just about the game. 

Andrei was a very good local contractor and as such had flexible time within his day. That is how I got to know him better. However, on those days when work would not allow Andrei to attend games, Maddie and I began our friendship. We bonded over sewing and knitting projects. We gave each other recipes and household tips. Eventually, we talked about the state of the school system, local politics and oh yes, religion. 

Our first conversation about the Bible shook me from the malaise that I felt watching two well-matched soccer teams not being able to score a single point. It was a hot day when Maddie mentioned she was tired because, “the ghost made quite a ruckus last night.” Taking a big swig of water from my water bottle, I immediately looked up. “What did you say Maddie?” Maddie went on to tell me that from what she can surmise, a ghost wearing what looks like a World War 1 uniform is still in residence at her home. Oh yeah, and Joy was afraid of it but, I told her ghosts can not hurt you.” I was in a state of shock and wondered where I could begin to explain what was actually happening.

This was the first of many conversations that I would have with Maddie over the years concerning ghosts. Each and every time this topic would come up I tried to lay the biblical groundwork for some answers. I started out with the story of Lazarus. I thought she understood but a few years later the topic arose again, no pun intended. Every time she had a question I tried to answer that question by relating a verse or chapter from the Bible for her clarification. 

The topic has again resurfaced and for a very unfortunate reason, i.e. her partner Andrei just died suddenly this past September. It took us all by surprise and it rocked Maddie’s world. She is not a well woman due to back injuries that she sustained in her work at the cable company. Andrei took care of Maddie like she was a queen. He made it look easy too. She has a lot to deal with on her own now. 

Since Andrei passed away, I have been cognizant of her pain and I am trying be a supportive friend. It is so hard to say the right thing to someone who has lost a loved one. She is not physically or spiritually strong and I am worried about her. However, I have been praying that this could be the time in her life that that she would get off the fence and finally make a decision for Christ. She has been close over the years. Oh, so very close but, then she pulls back because of having to give up some long-held habit or belief, such as the occult.

But, this time she went too far. For days, she was hinting at something, It started out when she told me that her dish washer was going on by itself in the middle of the night. Next, it was her mixer. I kept cool and held any biblical advice instead telling her that she should turn her breaker on and off because it was either an electric problem or maybe her dish washer control board was shot and she needed to replace it. I was biding my time until she absolutely came out with what I was pretty sure was on her mind. 

In several days, she came out with it: “ Did I tell you, there’s been more activity around here? There’s been snoring from his chair, and it ain’t Clyde (the dog).” Horrified that somehow Andrei had been reduced to running appliances in the middle of the night or being a phantom snorer, I was taken aback. I guess on some level even if she could just have the noise of his snoring she would be happy but, that just made me incredibly sad. 

As Maddie went on and on about her belief in her dead husband’s return, I just could not keep silent any longer. (Note: did anybody doubt that I could not keep silent?) More careful than I usually was on this Irish brawler, I said, “Maddie you know that you have many friends who believe in ghosts. You also know that as a Christian I do not. You could just go to them if you want to get no push-back on these beliefs, but you came to me so, would you allow me to just have equal time to tell you what the Bible says about this?”

My conversation on the topic was a summation of all that I had shared with her over the years now put in one cozy package. The first question that needed to be addressed was the veracity of ghosts. Was this complete nonsense or is she having some sort of experience? I cut right to the chase and then doubled back to give some more details. “Yes, Maddie, you are experiencing something. Is it your husband or a World War I soldier? The answer Maddie is that there are spirits that are around you. The Bible is abundantly clear that there is a physical realm and a spiritual realm. In the spiritual realm demons and angels have their domain. Demons are angels who have rejected God and follow Satan. Angels are loyal to God and serve as messengers for Him.”

“The Bible does not support the idea that our loved one’s come back to commune with us. The bad news is that as much as you love Andrei, he is not sitting in his chair as he used to nodding off and snoring. He is not trying to give you a sign of his presence by running appliances in the middle of the night. More bad news: the angels would not lie and pretend to be a World War I soldier or your partner. The worse news of all: you have demons in your house and they have been there for a long time.”

“They are there to trick you and to ultimately mislead you.The main goal they always have is interfering with you trusting in God Almighty with your life. They will do whatever thing that can that will lead you away from Jesus. Also, you misled your daughter when you told her that these spirit beings could not harm her.” In 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 we find demons masquerading as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” So, when Maddie told me that she wasn’t afraid of this World War I soldier because he looked lost, I told her that he is only pretending that he is a sweet presence in order to hoodwink her. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.”

As far as the dearly departed Andrei is concerned, the Bible says, “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement”-Hebrews 9:27. Andrei is not free to do whatever he pleases. The story of Lazarus and the rich man can help to clarify some of Maddie’s misconceptions. Jesus told the story of a rich man in Hades wanting to come back after death to warn his brothers of the judgment day. He is told that he can not return to help his brothers. (Luke 16:19-31)

The time to do things for our loved ones is while we are alive. We should all keep that in mind. Andrei, just like the rich man in the story, could not come back and help Maddie overcome her grief or share time with her even if he wanted to. If the rich man could not come back, why would Andrei be able to? Verse 26-“between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.”

As comforting as it would be for Maddie or any of us to soften the blow of our loved one’s passing by believing that they are really still with us, it is a dangerous and unbiblical concept steeped in the occult. I love Maddie too much to let her find false hope. Now, will she finally seek real comfort in Jesus Christ? I hope so, but since our conversation, I have not heard from Maddie. 

* the names are changed to protect privacy but, the story is true.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Ozempic Claus

“Few people have the imagination for reality.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Elon Musk probably doesn’t know that he helped me come up with a topic for my “Confessions of a Westchester Christian Housewife” Annual New Year’s Blog Post. Ever since I began my blog, the Annual New Year’s Post always has some of the highest readership numbers. I guess we are all looking for a little inspiration as an old year ends and a new year begins. I know I am. But, this year I had writer’s block until a picture of Elon Musk dressed up as a Skinny Santa Claus was making news. What was this all about I wondered? 

It ends up, the story coincides with one of the topics I never fail to cover for the New Year, i.e.weight loss. Elon Musk threw down the gauntlet as he brings to debate the topic of just how one should approach weight loss. The concept of dieting brings up issues of spirituality, willpower, discipline, and humanity’s relevancy in the age of artificial intelligence. 

Mr. Musk wondered aloud if Ozempic and drugs like it are the solution to America’s obesity problem. This is in direct opposition to one of President-elect DonaldTrump’s nominees point of view concerning the topic. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is slated to hold a post in Health and Human Services has a mission to inspire and assist people to make healthy food choices. He firmly believes in a healthy diet and exercise as the gold standard for better health. 

One person represents a modern pharmaceutical approach to health and the other person recommends a traditional diet and exercise regimen. My recent bout with gallstones has had me begin to eat a lower fat diet. I have already lost five pounds no small feat during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday. However, when I came face to face with the pain and the possibility of averting a surgical removal of my gall bladder, I had to take some action. But, what action would that be?

Many people think action means taking a pill or getting a surgical intervention when maybe there is another option. Some recent conversations that I have had with people highlight some thinking on the topic. Hudson* told me some good news recently about his health. Hudson had become diabetic after his marriage ended. His eating and schedule was turned upside down and I advised him to stop eating junk food. Even after his diagnosis, he still continued to make excuses for eating cherry cheesecake and high carb meals. It was like he couldn’t listen to his doctor or me. 

However, Hudson did listen when his doctor said that he would be a good candidate for Ozempic. Hudson has told me that this drug has “changed his life!” He couldn’t say enough good things about it. There was a time not that long ago that Hudson waxed poetic about all Jesus had done for him but, now he was practically worshipful of this drug. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy that Hudson has now been taken off his diabetes meds but, is he a mere spectator in the drama of his life?

Then there was Tyler* a Sushi Chef who was a young guy with high cholesterol. He started the diet and was wholly successful in eliminating the problem. But, a few years later his numbers were edging up and he told me, “ I decided to take the cholesterol lowering medication because I don’t want to have to worry about every little thing that I eat.” Translation: he wants to eat whatever he wants whenever he wants it.

Is it worth it and what about the side-effects? Will* had some of those. Will used to be a lot more active but, that was before he got married and had a family, now he has a dad bod. He knew that he needed to change his diet but instead his doctor said why not try Ozempic? He quickly lost 25 pounds and was thrilled. About six months later, digestive and sexual problems began to occur. His doctor took him off the medication and Will put back all 25 pounds and then some.

Then there is Remy.* This past Sunday when I arrived at church, I ran to the church buffet table. I was running late, and I had to lay out my New Year’s smorgasbord before the service began. I sign up to bring in church refreshments abour once a month. My January treats included ham with pineapple, monkey bread, a variety of dried and fresh organic fruits and some amaretti cookies. 

Remy, whom I had not seen since Christmas came over to show me a picture of the amaryllis which I had gifted his family with for the holidays. It had grown nicely. When I looked up from my work in order to greet him, I was shocked. His appearance had changed dramatically. He was practically skeletal. 

He used to be a devoted body-builder in years past but, when he gave that up but continued to eat the same foods, then his muscles turned to fat. Remy was always the life of the Christian party, a sweet and funny man. However, now he looked drawn and lacked a certain gusto that he was known for. 

Chemicals coming together to make us feel full or to erase the effects of eating too much tempura are life-altering solutions that we ought to give some thought to.The Bible tells the story of passions, lusts, and teaches us how to handle them but, we have to take its’ advice. The Bible speaks of choosing the right path and relates stories of people who make the right choices and those who have made the wrong choices. There is forgiveness, change and growth at each stage of our life if we ask for it.  But, we are entreated to study, to take appropriate action, and deal with the consequences of our decision-making.

Yet, I have this sinking feeling that mankind is becoming irrelevant in making this happen and instead is looking for a pill or a surgery to create the change in their life. People are losing their drive and don’t want to work too hard, they don’t want to think too hard, nor are they motivated to see the spiritual meaning in their everyday decisions. Every moment, every decision is so important and yet many people are bored, or living in a virtual world disconnected from more immediate problems.

Perhaps, with the strides in artificial intelligence people are already experiencing lower intelligence. People seem to prefer relying on artificial intelligence rather than reading a book or finding a solution through experimentation. They ask Siri to answer a question or have an A.I. app write papers for them. Are we just spectators in the game of life now? 

Taking a weight lose drug such as Ozempic is all the rage right now. Hollywood actors and actresses who were already skinny look anorexic. So many people feel powerless over their own lives and are desperate to lose weight but, instead of fighting for their health, they are giving up without a fight. Remy did. He had supportive family, friends and hospital staff to help him fight diabetes the natural way but, he resisted everyone’s help and instead continued to eat foods that were killing him. His blood sugar monitor would be telling him as much but, all he did was make excuses. Now, he is letting a drug that mimics a hormone run his diet for him. He is often not hungry at all these days. That’s like throwing the baby out with the bath water. He seems like a zombie a lot. 

I mean, aren’t we suppose to enjoy our food, marital sex and other pleasurable things? When we stop enjoying these things it is because we are not well. The Bible teaches us to be moderate in all those things because our nature is to overindulge and we must develop godly character by taking control of our life and living it for the Lord. We need to have godly relationships which challenge us in all the right ways. It is God who will strengthen us for the battles that we must face. Let’s go to God and ask him strengthen us to change our lives in 2025.

All things are possible with God. I think 2025 should be the year when we stop being a spectator in our own life, our church, our community and our world. Let’s get in the game! 

* the story is true but the name is changed to protect privacy. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

St. Luigi?

Amid the celebration of all that is holy, namely Jesus Christ and the message of Christmas, I resent the constant inference that Luigi Mangione might be in the same league. The same group of people who got soundly defeated in the last election are planning to up the ante in their battle against Western Civilization. 

The Democractic Party gave up the age old formula it had followed of picking candidates to run for the Presidency who would represent politically centrist views. That is because the Democratic Party’s radical Marxist element hijacked the party a while ago so those sort of accommodations were not deemed necessary. The last United States election tested whether the American people would stand for that. They would not. What will the most radicalized members of the Democratic Party do next? I think the answer to that lies in terrible stories which keep on popping up in the news. Indicative of the standard operating procedure of the radicalized democrats is the case of Luigi Mangione.

The case unfolded on a cold December morning in New York City when a darkly dressed figure with a large backpack jumped out of the shadows and shot somebody in the back. The man killed in such a cowardly way was Brian Thompson a husband, father of two and the CEO of the United Healthcare medical insurance company. The 26 year old man who has been arrested and will stand trial for this cold-blooded murder is Luigi Mangione. He was the valedictorian of his high school class and an Ivy League graduate with two degrees. 

Liberal news sources, leftist professors’s and social media Marxists have begun a nasty smear campaign against the dead man who for obvious reasons can’t defend himself. The posts, and some commentaries suggest this man had it coming. What is the truth about the Health Insurance industry? Only a very careful study and quantitative analysis could tell us that. Opinions are not always reality and emotionalism can lead us astray of the truth. But, that hasn’t stopped some people from advancing their agenda.

Some of  those people have compared Brian, the murder victim, with Hitler and suggest that knowing what we now know about Hitler would mean that it would not be a murder if we killed him before he was able to implement his plans. Comparing Hitler to Thompson is too big of a moral stretch. In point of fact, comparing people to Hitler is a tactic used to illicit an emotional response to further a frequently weak argument. It in no way represents intelligent discourse.

The notion that murder is prohibited in the Bible is no longer central to this discussion for many. We are not talking about an accident or self-defense here. As a Christian we should know the difference between right and wrong and the way that we need to go about righting any perceived wrongs. The Marxist view that we are all either “oppressed” or the “oppressor” does not play out in the Bible the way it plays out for some in the Luigi case. 

The reality of sin touches us all. There is no innocent person on this planet. Perhaps, we could say that we have all sinned against others and they have sinned against us. We need to both be forgiven, and we must extend that forgiveness back to those who have hurt us. This of course doesn’t preclude the notion of improving our home, community and the world by fixing broken systems. But, we can’t do it with a “chip on our shoulders,” nor a bullet to the back.

Here’s what it looked like when one of the prophets called on people to repent of their sins. In the 55th Chapter of the prophet Isaiah’s Book, he did not call out companies, races or classes of people to repent, but he called upon individuals to reflect upon their own lives and seek God’s forgiveness immediately. “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on you, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”  The whole season of Christmas is a season of hope and we should all take advantage of the free gift of salvation but we have to own up to our own shenanigans and quit making excuses. It’s time to get real while we have that opportunity. No St. Luigi, no, no, no! 

John the Baptist did the same thing as Isaiah did when he called for repentance. Repentance prepares our heart to welcome the Savior that was born on that Christmas Day.* This Christmas season let us commemorate the birth of Jesus by getting real and getting saved by the precious gift that God sent us, Jesus Christ. 

Isaiah 9:6- For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, The everlasting father, The Prince of Peace.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy Hanukkah to all my readers around the world. I always look at my statistics at the end of every year to see where my readers are from.  This year, I am making a list for you so that you can see who else is reading my blog. I listed them by number of readers and going from highest to lowest. The top three countries this year reading my blog are: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Israel. 

Hong Kong, Singapore, Israel, U.S.A., China, Spain, Germany, Russia, France, Canada, Malaysia,Australia, U.K., Ireland, Poland, Indonesia, South Korea, India and the Netherlands.

* while we do not know the exact day of Jesus’ birth what we do know is that God thought it important enough to announce it to the shepherds in the field and to guide the three kings to see the newborn babe Jesus. Therefore, commemorating it is a worthwhile thing to do.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Angels vs. Aliens

The Christmas season creates a beautiful landscape in our hurting world. The decorations, the Christmas carols and more. It is a holiday season often given the accolade of being a time of peace and joy. While my house may look like a magical evergreen forest with touch’s of silver and gold everywhere, our world is going through cataclysmic changes. 

Starting with South Korea. What just happened there? Martial law, no martial law, the parliament blocked off and protests. There was talk of North Korean infiltrations and more. Impeachment? No impeachment?This has all left me with an uneasy feeling. Then there is the fall of the al-Assad dictatorship in Syria. That portends huge changes for the region. 

One evening I am reveling to the sounds of a collegiate choir at an annual “Lessons and Carols” event, next morning I am reading of Syrian torture chambers. The conflicts in the Middle East are a lot like the world that Jesus was born and grew up in. The message of “peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Men” central to the Christmas story remains as vibrant now as it ever did. We need this message now as much as the beleaguered Jew did in Jesus’ time. 

The messengers sent by God to give these glad tidings to the shepherds in the fields brought fear into their hearts. However, there was nothing to fear. These messengers told them so. These heavenly visitors were the good guys. They were God’s messengers, the angels, who were sent by him with tidings of comfort and joy. Angels are superior beings loyal to God. What about those visitors to New Jersey? 

I am talking about nightly visitors in the sky throughout the state of New Jersey. As of late, there have even been sightings in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Florida, Wyoming, Maryland, California, Washington State, England, and Germany. Wow, so close to Christmas, how nice that the angels are returning to give us glad tidings once more during Christmastide. Is that it?

Except, unlike the heavenly host visiting Bethlehem in 1 A.D. these host of creatures have not declared and communicated a hopeful message for the future of mankind. Instead, the lack of communication gives quite the opposite impression. People are frightened by the host of unidentified flying objects, or UAP’s as some are calling them now. 

These visitors started just after Donald Trump’s landslide victory in the United States election. Shortly after that event, they loomed ominously over his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. That’s our first clue. Then, the number of nightly sightings increased and seemed to operate over U.S. territory unencumbered. Where were the helicopters, or fighter jets ready to scramble? What of the surface to air missiles that I know we have? Many citizens contacted their local, state and federal officials but nobody seemed to care. The nightly violations continued operating with complete impunity. 

Is this the work of a country with an ax to grind against the United States, is it a coup d’etat by the Biden administration against President-elect Donald Trump? Or, is it an alien invasion? If the United States government press conference is to be believed, there is no problem at all. Nothing to see here. 

If this is an alien invasion then, how are angels and aliens different? Well for starters, the angels were anxious to dispel any fear and to communicate about what was happening. So far, there has been six weeks of skyline sightings with not a word spoken about what is happening. Could aliens be in our midst?  If so, just who are they and what are their intentions? 

People reporting on social media have described and taken videos of drones that are the size of a car invading their neighborhoods. Furthermore, these drones seem to be able to maneuver at great speeds and evade capture by the few intrepid citizens and law enforcement officials who were brave enough to take matters into their own hands. The United States government has allowed this circus to go on for six long weeks and people are mad. This reminds me of the Chinese weather balloons which were allowed to spy all across the United States. This is yet another reason why Donald Trump got elected. Most people realize that one of the prime responsibilities of a government is to keep their citizens safe. People have not felt safe under the Biden administration.

Anyone or anything willing to instill fear and uncertainty among communities like we have been seeing is by definition not an angel, not one of the good guys. Are fallen angels involved? Those are the angels who rebelled against God and are now in active opposition to God and lead by Satan. I think we have to consider that possibility. Fallen angels could easily masquerade as aliens. They seem to pop in and out of view defying the laws of physics. Check,✔️fallen angels have that power. Their leader is even described as the prince of the air. Other characteristics of this drone horde, according to a pilot observing them, are they can go dark and evade detection and they seem to put off no heat like other drones. Spooky considering the basic laws of physics. That all checks the satanic arsenal of weapons alright.

However, why isn’t the United States government doing anything? What do they know? I believe they know what this is, be it fallen angels masquerading as aliens or the testing of new weapons. Satellites can uncover anyone’s license plate from their orbit outside the earth’s atmosphere and you mean to tell me they don’t know what is in the sky above New Jersey? If it is an “alien invasion” the government could be negotiating some sort of deal with them right now and are not ready to announce the results yet. If it is weapons tests then they had a heck of a way of doing that. Is it some sort of a show of strength? The angels had strength but they wielded that strength with integrity. This leads me to conclude that we are not seeing any force for good.

The world seems to be in a state of flux but our God is the same yesterday, today and always. He is holy and righteous. He is our rock and our salvation. No matter what life brings us let us make an affirmation to hold strong to the angelic, the holy and godly things. Let us hold on to the Christmas message delivered by the angels to the shepherds: “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord.”- Luke 2:10-11.

Excerpt from the Christmas Carol “Angels from the Realm of Glory” by James Montgomery


Angels from the realms of glory, 

Wing your flight over all the earth;

Ye who sang creation’s story

Now proclaim Messiah’s birth.


Come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ, the newborn King.


Shepherds, in the field abiding,

Watching over your flocks by night,

God with us is now residing;

Yonder shines the infant light.

Saturday, November 30, 2024


It’s a few days after Thanksgiving and my thoughts have dramatically turned towards the Christmas season. The center of the season is remembrance of the little child born that day in Bethlehem and the soul-saving significance of the event. That alone brings cause to celebrate. I think of holiday music. Advent brings Handel’s “Messiah,” Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker Suite,” and all the yearly Christmas Carols that are yet to be played on my radio. Thanksgiving and all vestiges of the fall season quickly deconstructed and in its place a nativity scene and shades of gold and green have emerged. My Christmas tree is up and this weekend after church I will be at a local greenhouse making evergreen arrangements to decorate my house. The smell is always amazing!

Several waxed amaryllis’s bulbs have been patiently waiting for their moment to make the scene. My menu for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve is official and my shopping list about to go on the refrigerator door. I am trying to remove some fat from the menu this year due to my recent gall bladder flare-up. What can I subsititute for pâté de campagne or Bûche de Noël? Or, perhaps I will make them and only have a small portion.There will definitely be healthy choices on the menu at Chez Christian Housewife’s House this year. 

The one thing I am not thinking of integrating into my Christmas experience is the movie Wicked. It saddens me to think that the movie has been the top entry at the box-office since its’ debut. What does it say about our society that a movie such as Wicked would be released to the market just before one of the world’s biggest religious celebrations? Furthermore, what does it mean that so many people are flocking to see it?

Wicked and Christmas had a connection from the beginning of time. Those coming out in droves and “innocently” taking in some “light entertainment” would do well to examine the connection. In Revelation 12 verses 1-5 says:

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 

And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth:and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

And she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

As a Christian Housewife desperately seeking to hold onto my teenage daughter I made the wrong decision to take her on her birthday to see the Broadway Show Wicked. Although my daughter was attending Bible study and at a point where she was considering seeking baptism I chose to appease her growing worldly curiosity by taking her to that show. There were repercussions because what we take into our eyes and ears, gets into our hearts.

Why is it that the most wicked things presented to us have the best musical scores? When Wicked first hit the Broadway stage it was taunted as a virtuoso musical experience. Not many singers could hit the kind of notes required to play the part of the Wicked Witch of the West in this musical. Sort of reminds me of the stories about the devil being a fantastic violinist!

However, these worldly experiences seduce us all and leave us a little less on the righteous path. Maybe I am like those characters who think they can have a violin competition with the devil and think they can win. In the meantime, the price of loss is one’s soul, that is not worth a gamble.Truth be told,  I can not play that well either.

The story of Wicked is a prequel to the “Wizard of Oz” which is part of a book series written by Frank Baum and made into a movie in the 1940’s. The direction that our world is going is obvious if only we take some time for a deeper look. Everything that was once bad is being called good. Our language reflects that, our television and movies reflect it too. Whereas the past showed many a happy ending now, the ending is usually depressing, and lacking in positive values. The villain is often what the story is about and the good guys motives are questioned or else he is presented as bumbling and inept. This is straight out of the Bible and it’s not right. Isaiah 5:20- Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Wow, this pretty much sums up every tv show that I sampled on Netflix this week. I either shut it off in 5 minutes or I see the direction that the show is heading and won’t tune in for the second episode. Sad isn’t it? I have learned and I have grown. The things of God are beautiful, the things of this world lead us on a dark path. It is always a choice. 

Thessalonians 2:8- and then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.

Thursday, November 21, 2024


I see the truth in prophecy as we hear rumors of a possible WW III. Is this all we have learned after thousands of years of civilization? You bet it is, and the Bible said that would be the case. The Bible clearly states that only God can end the ceaseless cycles of war that have ravaged and destroyed our world.

 (And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more- Isaiah 2:4.)

Human beings are a mess. It’s called sin. (For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God- Romans 3:23). I would like to merely blame the Putin’s or the Sinwar’s of this world but, each one of us picks our leaders. Even if we don’t pick them and a dictatorship happens then we must fight to form a better government.

Collectively nations are made up of individuals who create, grow or acquiesce to evil and only God will finally stop the madness. Sorry to disappoint some of my readers who may still hold out hope for a United Nations solution, a Nobel Prize winning peace agreement or some highly advanced Aliens swooping down with their interstellar wisdom. 

Amid a gall stone issue and the accompanying recovery, I had time to watch the story unfolding between Russia and the Western World. I was incredulous. What? Russia is thinking nukes, are you kidding me? Wow, they start a war, rape, pillage, and try to recreate the old empire and then they threaten Europe with tactical nukes? WW III?

The question is will the Russian people go along with this escalating madness? I met Vlad on an airplane flight. He traveled the world doing Russian business. His second home is in Norway. I know if it was up to him he would not push the button on that bomb. After all, he crafted the perfect escape plan for himself and his family if something should go wrong in Russia. No, Vlad is not for this, nor the cessation of business that has ensued since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Will Russians think twice about bombing Western Europe when it has always been a haven for Russians who were forced to leave their homeland? Many of them have relatives living in England and France, will they push that button?

Will the Russian leadership go along with the launch knowing that things might escalate quickly and lead us all to a “mutually assured destruction?” Lowering the threshold for when Russia could launch nukes was a bad chess move. Either that or it was a bluff. Would Russia really go that far or, is it just a tactic to get the West to back off their defense of Ukraine?

In the haze of illness I am imaging Putin dressed up as Tsar Ivan the Terrible. A word about Ivan the Terrible’s moniker. In Russian, the descriptive word used is “Grozny.” This would probably translate into “Awesome” or “Fearful” but, I think the word “Terrible” really gets to the truth. I mean if I wanted to just post about the first Tsar of Russia’s terrible acts, there would be enough information to start a new blog. I could analyze the history of the first Tsar of Russia and deconstruct his terrible acts. Yes, I imagined Putin with a long beard and wearing clothing more appropriate to the time of his predecessor.  I believe Putin is symbolically recreating everything Tsar Ivan did. Everything old is new again, Russian-style.

Putin is clearly using the old Russian playbook. Ivan killed his enemies in horrendous ways just as Vladimir Putin does. Watch the tea you drink or don’t stand near a balcony if Putin even thinks you might have betrayed him. You can be arrested or shot unceremoniously for speaking against him if you’re a journalist. Ivan topped that when he had an Orthodox priest sewn into a bear costume and had the dogs hunt him down to kill him. Gruesome.

Also, in the cinema of gall bladder delusions I saw Putin as a modern day Ivan the Terrible at the 1570 massacre of Novgorod. If you remember your history, Ivan was consumed with paranoia, and looted, pillaged and slaughtered thousands of his own people. Novgorod ceased being an important city after that. Any of this sound familiar? Putin has claimed an historical unity with Ukraine. Is this how you would treat Novgorod then…oh excuse me I mean Ukraine. In addition, just like Ivan, Vladimir has mixed in an unhealthy dose of paranoid delusions about everyone being against him during this whole war with Ukraine. 

Today, I thought I would be able to go back to my normal routine however, my lack of calories in recovery has put me back in my chair a little while longer.  So, I have time to learn the latest on the ongoing WW III rumors. I learned that now Putin is threatening a U.S. airbase in Poland because we helped the Polish protect against the historical recurring threat of the Russian bear. They want no more of it and want to be able to deflect incoming missiles like the Israelis do. Can you blame them? After all, if history in the time of Ivan has anything to tell us today, Russia was at war with Poland then.

Matthew 24:6- And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye not be troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” The first part of this Bible verse advises us to trust in God and not to worry. However, the last part of the verse tells us that the end is not near so to me that means we have to be prepared to deal with the issues that are currently unfolding on the world stage. 

Hence we hear of Europeans preparing their citizens for what Russia is threatening to do. The Nordic countries are advising their citizens to stockpile food, medicine and water. There is a guide to coping with a nuclear strike. German is enacting “Operationsplan Deutschland” which among other things has Germany acting as a staging ground for NATO.

Do I think WW III is about to happen? I would guess that the Western ground troops would outnumber the Russians. However, the Russians just signed an agreement with North Korea which would among other things send North Korean soldiers to fight alongside Russian troops. (Note: this seems like a devilish deal). Those new soldiers are probably the main reason that the Polish sought greater defense capabilities.

The United States nuclear arsenal is comparable to the Russian arsenal. Our weapons are newer hence, in better shape than many of theirs are. The use of tactical nuclear weapons seems insane if you think of the environmental damage not to mention the possibility of escalation occurring. The environmentalists are worried about climate change well this is something they should think about and it is a lot more realistic. 

Putting everything together leads to a greater probability that the Russians are just threatening us to see if we will back off. The Russians have a lot to lose if they were to follow through, and the top echelon of leaders knows that. Is this BRICS thing going to work for Russia in this situation? Not yet it’s not. China, North Korea? With friends like that who needs enemies. BRICS and North Korea will use the Russians for all they can. 

Russia should consider  better relations with the West. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Answer is…

The question in my last blog post was, Trump or Harris? The American people have answered. They have overwhelming chose Donald Trump to be the 47th President of the United States. There was a red wave that came to U.S. shores on November 5th. The red wave brought a Republican majority to the House of Representatives and changes to the states. The politicians who fully and unapologetically supported Donald Trump won their elections. The democrats got firmly trounced in the battle to run the United States of America.

What happened? People came out in record numbers to vote knowing that the U.S.A. had been derailed by the progressive Marxist wing of the Democratic Party. The voters’ message to the Democratic Party was that they do not agree with the economic and political decisions that they have been making in our name.

The American people called the politicians and they wanted their power back.  “That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish”- Abraham Lincoln. They wanted to stop the crime and they voted against it eg. (CA Proposition 36). The ballots citizens cast were a repudiation of transgender men in girls bathrooms and hormone treatments for youngsters. It was a statement for upholding parental rights. People voted against the anti-Israel protests and crimes against the Jewish people. The vote showed people support the State of Israel and not the state sponsor of terror, Iran. 43% of New York Jews voted for Donald Trump, a huge change in that voting demographic.

The democrats have been tone deaf and haven’t heard the message that the American people have been screaming for a very long time and so, they got voted out. Messages sent to the politicians: we want energy independence, safe and secure borders. We have a constitutional right to bare arms. 

We are sick of being depicted as dummies and being told what to do. Guess what? We can decide for ourselves and anyway, you work for us. There were recalls of elected officials even in liberal Oakland California where crime is out of control. Bad politicians, be gone. We are sick of you and your DEI and woke agenda. 

Very importantly, Christians came out in record numbers to vote in support of their religious freedoms. Pastors preached more about the importance of being involved in the broader community based on biblical truths. Hearts are being changed as Christians and Jews understand how their rights have been put on the line.

Congratulations to Donald Trump on his landslide victory. Thank you for fighting the corruption in politics. Thank you for standing up to the bullets meant to stop democracy, it encourage us the American people to stand up for what is right too. 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Trump or Harris?

Trump or Harris ? What’s a Christian Housewife to do on November 5th? What are the choices? This race has turned out like I knew it would, an epic battle between the forces of good and evil. This U.S. Presidential election cycle makes the whole Star Wars movie series look like a minor skirmish. Propaganda, lies, half-truths, character assaults, not to mention assassination attempts, three injured men and a tragic death occurring at one of the political events. De-monetization and weaponization of governmental agencies against political enemies.The stakes couldn’t be higher. I pray continually about it. The United States of America is perilously close to a complete loss of freedom. 

Freedom, what a perfectly marvelous word. FREEDOM. The slow loss of constitutional rights has begun in the United States and this election could put the final nail in the coffin of our rights. Whose fault is that? The American people’s fault, that is who. Thomas Jefferson is attributed with the quote that “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Our nation once heeded that advice and because of guarding our precious freedoms we prospered. When I speak of prosperity, it is in the broader context of the term. The spiritual prosperity is first and foremost the blessing of freedom. Then, all the other things associated with that term. 

When we have freedom to practice our Christian faith, the wisdom of that faith takes root in our lives, our children’s lives and has effects in the community. That wisdom leads to safety in our streets, and better economic practices.. It leads to healthier marriages and very importantly it leads us to the form of government that the founding fathers in the United States established. For this last reason alone, Christian churches will always be targeted when dictatorship begins to take root.

The freedom of speech, the right to bare arms, and the freedom to practice our religion have all been part of the battleground issues being fought over in the United States of America. The right to privacy is completely gone as a result of the computer age intrusion on such things. Every dictatorship must have a good system in place to steal an election. Check. All of these things put together brings us to a place where it is possible for the government to control more and more of our lives.  The sad thing is that people have just let their freedoms slip from their grasp, like sand disappears between your fingers. They did not know what they held in their hands and how to hold on to it successfully. Sometimes, you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. 

As a Christian, I saw my rights slowly deteriorate in Westchester County New York over the years. I saw free speech only free if you agreed with the Democratic Party Platform. I saw free speech in the schools slowly die in my lifetime. I saw elected officials in my home state of New York tell Christians to leave the state. I saw people labeled as Nazis in small Westchester town hall meetings long before the main stream media accused Donald Trump of being one. 

Yes, I saw the weapons of the left sharpened to a point and the practice knives thrown in small settings before the weapons were honed for much bigger fights. The course of history across the globe tells many such stories. It is the same old story in any country that has sunk into tyrannical rule. The story always proceeds just as described. Next, traditional statues are torn down, street and city names are changed, history books re-written, and the takeover of parental rights by the state. All those things have happened here in the United States. Next, dictatorship.

Benjamin Franklin was asked in 1787 upon exiting the Constitutional Convention of 1787 what form of government the delegates had created: his reply “ Well, Doctor, what have we got-a Republic if you can keep it.” I pray that through God’s mercy that we might have a fair and accurate election. My endorsement and the the candidate I will choose is Donald Trump. He is the only choice that will be able to help us keep this Republic alive. God bless you all.