Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Wishes 2023

It has been hard for me to focus on the joys of Christmas this year with all that’s going on. The world situation is insane. The Russians are fighting the Ukrainians. Israel is fighting against practically everyone. Then there is the economy. Last year’s stock market roller coaster had me extremely nauseous. The Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell claims that inflation is over but, I wonder? Hey, did you see those pictures of the Icelandic volcanic eruption? The school shooting in Czechia? Then there is my personal life. Some things have come up.

Wow, I need to get a grip. Even my menu for Christmas needs a grip. I am all over the place. There’s the mincemeat pie, dried fruit is soaking in rum for Weihnachten Stöllen and, my duck confit is finally ready. Does all this even go together? I am getting slightly nauseous again, except this time it isn’t the U.S. economy. I guess I will have to bill this as an international Christmas celebration. 

Then, something happened. I learned that my Pastor received a letter from a man who asked him to reconsider celebrating Christmas at our Church. He went on to detail all the reasons that he considers it to be a pagan holiday. Suddenly, all those feelings that I periodically get came flashing back. The vague feeling that I am doing something wrong. 

We all know that Christmas has taken on some bad meaning. “Santa Con” and drag queen Christmas shows come to mind. Then there are people spending money they don’t have. What about the dread people currently feel as they deal with the Pro-Hamas protests around the world? These protests are purposely disrupting Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations all over the world. Austria, Germany and Spain have had threats from Tajik Islamic groups.The police must send bomb detecting dogs into Cologne Cathedral before and after each service. People will have to be searched as they enter the Cathedral too. That is one big Frohe Weihnachten message from the Muslim world to us. Iran is threatening to stop shipping into the Mediterranean Sea. There are forces at work trying to destroy Western Civilization with its bedrock of Christianity. 

Then there is the biblical story of Jesus’ birth and how it relates to the way that we celebrate Christmas today. Is Jesus’ birthday on December 25th or is that some convenient way to have replaced the pagan festival of Saturnalia? But, did we replace it? What about the orthodox day of Christmas in January? 

In addition, there are symbols that have come to mean Christmas which now seem to be supplanting the Savior’s birth! Have we just gone from pagan, to Christian, and now back to pagan? Was this man who wrote my Pastor a letter earnestly concerned that everything has gone too far and there is good reason to reconsider our festivities?

Okay, so my tree went from worship practices in the groves, to sanctification by Martin Luther, and this year we had a run on pink Christmas trees in honor of the Barbie movie. What are we celebrating this year? Is it Barbie, our vacation, our friends and family, the presents or traditional foods? Have we made a place for the child in the manger, Jesus, in our holiday? That is what I wondered when I spoke to Jamika* at the supermarket checkout the other day. I said “Merry Christmas,” and she said, “I’m just not feeling it this year.”

She went on to tell me how everyone she knows is struggling financially. So, I asked her if that was the “meaning of Christmas?” After she looked behind me to see if anyone was waiting, she thought for a moment and said, “ its’s about friends and family.” After a few more minutes, she came up with,” but if you don’t have any money for food and presents, what kind of Christmas is it really?”

“What about Jesus and a potluck?”  “Or, when it really gets bad, what if we just had Jesus?” She had no response for me after I said that. Deep in thought she continued to silently pack my groceries and I packed them into my cart. I introduced myself and wished her a Merry Christmas, ere I rode out of sight. Oops, there I go interjecting a poem about St. Nick into my celebration of Christmas. (For those of you who don’t recognize it, I just partially referenced the famous poem, “Twas the night before Christmas” by Clement Moore). See how many things come into our head when attempting to celebrate the birth of Jesus?

My Christmas Stöllens are finally coming out of the oven. My kitchen smells so good. I had plenty of time to think of Jesus on this Christmas Eve as I have spent most of my day in the kitchen. The Stöllens have to be kneaded and rise three times. The various courses all take time to prepare. Stir this, take a break, knead that, take a brake, wash plenty of dishes, read the Bible and write my thoughts on Christmas Eve. 

I decided that because the Stöllen already has dried fruit in it, no sense making mincemeat tarts since that might be a little too much fruit on the stomach. Instead, I will make the tarts for New Year’s Eve. In their place, I will serve a gingerbread cake. The duck confit will be a lovely Christmas Eve meal after our Church service. Turkey and various vegetables will be great for the main Christmas Day meal.

As the cooking fell into place and everything was nearly ready, I relaxed at the kitchen table and put on one of the London Philharmonic’s recordings of Handel’s Messiah. The words of Isaiah prophesized the birth of the savior of the world. He describes many of the details that were fulfilled in the  birth and in the story of Jesus. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace”-Isaiah 9:6.

We all need all of the above and the salvation that Jesus has brought so much that I wondered why we should not celebrate that every day of the year or anytime that we feel moved to do so! Although, we undoubtably have added everything but the kitchen sink to the celebrations surrounding Christmas, there remains that all important nugget of the truth. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”-John 3-16. 

As you enjoy all that God has blessed you with this holiday season, make sure that you take time to talk about and reflect upon the one who was given to us on that miraculous day when the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. He is Jesus Christ. Make him a part of your celebration. We can not let any one, or any group take away our relationship with the Lord. That is a battle that every believer is called to fight. The Bible tells us that nothing can separate us from the love of our Lord. We must reflect upon that and remember it well during this Christmas season and always. 

It is my tradition at the end of every year, to look at my blog statistics to see what countries have read my blog in the past twelve months. Next, I try to wish my readers a Merry Christmas in their own language. This year there was a surprise in my blog statistics. It was the first time, since my blog started, that I got more readers from another country than my own, which is the USA. The country with the most readership was Singapore! Next, was the United States and then Hong Kong. The list is done from top to bottom, most readers to less. Check out this list to see who else is reading.

Singapore- Selamat Hari Natal

United States-Merry Christmas

Hong Kong-聖誕快樂, Sing Daan Faai Lok

Canada-Merry Christmas

Vietnam-Chúc Mùng Giáng

Germany-Frohe Weihnachten

Czechia- Veselé Vánoce

Finland-Lloista Joulua

United Kingdom-Happy Christmas

Netherlands-Vrolijk Kerstfeest

Russia-С Рождеством! 

South Korea- 즐거운 성탄절

Australia-Merry Chrissie

Indonesia- Selamat Natal

Poland-Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

United Arab Emirates- عيدميلادمجيد, Milad Mubarak

France-Joyeux Noël

Ireland-Nollaig Shona

Panama-Feliz Navidad

Sweden-God Jul

* the name has been changed. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Demonstration

The Demonstration came to my town this weekend. It does not seem like a coincidence. It is always better to kill two birds with one stone. If that is true, then they nailed it because, the pro-Palestinian demonstration was timed to coincide with the third day of Hanukkah and a downtown Cookies, Crafting & Shopping event. The Saturday people, and the Sunday people, BAM! Business disruption? Classic marxist tactic. Families frightened? Traditions will change. One bullet and look what you get!

As local merchants planned a holiday event, controversy arose. Isn’t that the new norm? In my experience, yes. Somewhere in the middle of my busy week, I saw a small article of interest pop up on a local news source. During the Christmas season, I try to stay informed of local activities, road closures and weather outlooks.

But, lo, and behold, what is this? A local Islamic Center will hold a march right down Main St. Wait, isn’t Santa coming to town? Isn’t there a make-a-Christmas ornament children’s event? What about the special shopping deals, the chance to win a raffle, is that still going on too? Although the Islamic Center claimed it would be a peaceful rally, I had my doubts.

What did people think about this? What would they do in response to this news? I began to inquire. I first checked local police websites and facebook postings to see what was being said, nothing. Next, I checked the local small business group facebook page. Surely, they would make a public statement about it. They did not, but instead I found something deeply disturbing. 

The small business group, has been organizing Christmas events every year in order to bring Christmas shopping back to local stores and away from Amazon, Walmart and the other big box stores. They are always promoting local products and creating events to engage the public, and bring them back to the proverbial Main Street, U.S.A.

They feature slogans that often advise people to Shop Local and Support Local Business. In fact, they have put in a lot of effort to create and coordinate a wide array of activities for this weekend event. Each member of the local business group also individually promoted this event through their own social media accounts thereby multiplying the buzz. It was all very uplifting and cheerful but, now what?

What disturbed and surprised me was the fact that the small business group acted like nothing was happening. They just doubled down in their sales pitch and added more, very photogenic pictures of Mr. & Mrs. Claus advising families to come on down and meet the Santas. Oh, they did post an advisory that the main shopping street would be closed off for several blocks. They advised customers to park on a side street. They even posited how lucky we all are to have such a walkable town. Problem: they neglected to say why the street would be closed.

Never mind that if you were busy and did not manage to learn that a protest march was heading straight down Main Street you might get caught in the maelstrom. I am supposed to want to support local businesses but, where was there support for me? What could they be thinking? How could they just announce a last minute Main Street road closure and not explain what happened? 

How could you stay on good relations with your shoppers and not use your social media influence to get the word out and explain that a situation had arisen? Adding, although shops would still be holding their event that customers needed to know that an Islamic group had just received a permit to march straight down the street where all the stores are located. This would give people the information needed to be able to make an informed decision on whether to attend the festivities. That would have showed respect and concern for your customers. 

I wondered if some of the merchants were so addicted to positivity, no negative thoughts were allowed. Perhaps, they had some trouble coping with the reality. I wondered if some business owners wanted their Christmas business so badly that they might withhold some details hoping that people might stay and shop even (with the commotion and fearful circumstances) since they were there already. Were some businesses supporting this event, or were they afraid of standing up for what is right? 

Whatever it is, I know this Saturday was an opportunity for leadership that most everyone missed. The Mayor, and council missed an opportunity to correctly balance the needs of their business district, the safety of families and the rights of free speech.Why not have the rally by the government building, or in some very public park location? Why not allow the festivities that were planned to proceed unencumbered? Why not have the police dispatched to patrol? There wasn’t one police officer present to give a message pointing to the rule of law. What about the small business group hiring private security if they wanted the business so badly? 

No, the Muslims ruled the street today in my little town. They chanted lies about what was happening in the Hamas/Israeli War. They yelled intifada and people buried their head in the sand. I went down to report from the front lines of this religious and cultural war front for this week’s blog post. I had a number of interesting conversations and experiences. I can confirm that business was practically non-existent. Business owners would lose money because of this event. Covid has put many small shops out of business and now this. 

I saw a plucky business try to compete with the very loud bullhorns with their own loudspeaker playing Handel’s Messiah and other Christmas music. Yes, it was probably dangerous for one’s hearing that day but, they were having a war game of sorts. I saw another business owner of middle eastern descent run from his store to hear the commotion. He was not in the know and so was unaware of the events that were to take place. He lamented, that he was “from the Middle East and had left there to get away from all this and that now it was here!” 

There was some leadership from a group of businesses who asked a lawyer to send a letter to the Mayor and other officials. In it, they asked the Mayor to change the permit route and informing those officials that they would sue the city if any damage was done. I also learned that this same lawyer is trying to get a motion to formally stand with Israel approved by our County. I hope that happens.

Of course, this event is not happening in a vacuum. We have all heard of the worldwide protests that have erupted. We have seen other small towns engulfed in this debate, as well as schools and universities. Where will it end? The Bible tells us the world will turn against Israel. We who are called according to God’s purposes need to continue to pray for Israel, and then do whatever we can in our own little sphere of influence to stand up for her. 

I know now, that I must support the motion for our County to stand with Israel. I already sent an email to the lawyer in charge of that proposal. I sent an email to the Mayor respectfully stating my thoughts about how things could have been done better. 

I left a message at the local conservative synagogue to tell them that I stand with Israel. By the way, when I went to their website I learned that they had a prayer service recently under very tight security. They had to check people for weapons. How awful. 

I am also committed to educating those around me about the facts. One young adult watching the demonstration stated his support for the marchers. When a local merchant asked him, “what about what Hamas did on October 7th? His innocent and dumb reply, felled me,”what’s Hamas?” He was serious. People are supporting things that they know nothing about, and that is an opportunity for all of us to help explain the real facts. We can no longer ignore these issues and put it on the back burner. Educate yourself, because The Demonstration is coming to a town near you!

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places-Ephesians 6:12.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

A Lie for the Truth

Can we exchange a lie for the truth? Yes, we can and it happens all the time. MomDid you steal the cookies on that tray? Child: No mom,(pointing) he did it! Husband: Did you go shopping again? You know we’re on a budget. Wife: Noooooo! Teacher: Did you cheat on that exam? Student: Noooooo! Prosecutor: Did you have sex with Monica Lewinsky? President Clinton: I did not have sex with that woman! 

Proverbs 12:22-Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

It helps if we convince ourselves something is true. If we work really hard to justify the lies that we tell, then there is no reason to feel bad or to change our life. However, lying will begin to effect our well-being “IF” we have a conscience. And, that’s a big “IF” these days. Lying can create a host of unhealthy consequences. These consequences range from physical to emotional and ultimately will result in spiritual decline. 

Psalm 86:11-Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.

Then, why do we lie? We lie to get something. It could be something that we are not supposed to have, like alcohol if we are too young. We could lie on our reśumé to get a job. We could lie to get into a relationship with the object of our desire. It started in the Garden of Eden when Satan cast shade on who God is and what he had said. They fell for it. When Moses brought the Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai, one of the big ten no-no’s was telling a lie. The telling of untruths would not have made the hot ten list if it was not one of the major weaknesses that humanity is prone to. 

Sin has seen and unseen consequences.You may get a job if you lie on your reśumé but, you may spend years worrying that one day that the lie could end your career. What about lying to get into a relationship? Or getting caught with liquor when you are underage? We all know that somewhere down the line there could be ramifications to our life or reputation if we are caught. More than that, our lives, families, churches and nations are broken because of the lies that we tell.

John 8:32-And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

We also lie to avoid consequences. A recent case came to me concerning a certain college student who attempted to bribe her professor in Russia. She was a third year student, what was she thinking? Why didn’t she just accept the grade that was due her? Was this the grade that would get her thrown out of the Mathematics* department? Was this the grade that would reveal the truth that she was not keeping up with coursework or worse, that she needed to pursue another career path? Is she avoiding the truth and the consequences of that truth in her attempt to influence her professor’s assessment of her? Is it possible that she is living a lie?

2 Timothy 2:15-Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

The nations of the world seem to be caught up in lies a lot these days. What can we believe? At this moment in history, we have more tools at our disposal to make lies appear real than we ever have had. Our capabilities to doctor a photograph just on our phone is huge. Isn’t it amazing how everything from your school photos to your family vacation look that much better by using a simple edit feature or app on your phone. Whole careers have been made doing that. However, with the computer generated images and artificial intelligence, there has been an exponential growth in the ability to manufacture facts. 

Ephesians 6:14-Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.  

This should make us all question if what we are seeing on social media or news coverage is real. What about bots? Loren* from Westchester County, New York called me the other day and as we were speaking, she sent me several screen shots of the latest political battles she had waged on social media. She stated her opinion and suddenly the time stamp showed me that people quite quickly supported or debated her instantaneously.

Is it the passionate social media soldiers, or was that bots? I don’t know but, I wonder sometimes if a computer program is influencing the process. The arsenal of the lie is also in the algorithm manipulation. Much is made of its’ ability to affect things such as elections and public information. If so, it could be the latest propaganda tool for dictators and freedom haters to use. 

This week I followed the saga of Sam Altman, the wunderkind of artificial intelligence (A.I.) as he seemingly faced challenges in his role at OpenAI. He was fired, he was rehired. Letters were sent by board members to defend and denounce him. Some board members heralded the dangers to humanity that A.I. posed. Others did not agree. Phew, what a whirlwind, and I was following this while trying to cook my green bean, mushroom, garlic, leek side dish, and making a spice rub for the Thanksgiving turkey! 

The secret goings on in the Q * general learning artificial intelligence project seemed at the center of it all.This project may be a deal changer. At least that’s what Ilya Sutskever said. Sutskever was born in what is now Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. At the age of 5, his family immigrated to Israel. He grew up in Jerusalem, and went to University there before completing his education in Canada.

The trajectory of his career brought him to OpenAI where he was leading the so-called, Superalignment project this year. He was their Chief Science Officer and, also on the board which oversees OpenAI. The conflict, which was possibly concerning the safety of AI, has seen Sutskever stepping down from the board and voicing regrets over the firing of Sam Altman. This is all conjecture on my part by being a corporate housewife from Westchester has taught me a few things about board room politics.

Sutskever’ s biggest advocacy is AI safety and much has been written about that. If you are asking yourself what this all has to do with my blog post today, let me explain. This technology is of great concern. We are about to open Pandora’s box. In 2017, Vladimir Putin famously said, whoever leads the world in artificial intelligence in 2030 will rule the world. What did he know? The clocks ticking and 2030 is only 7 years away. 

Sutskever would like to put significant money towards assuring that we stay one step ahead of A.I. The possibility of the deep fake is upon us. The deep fake refers to convincing evidence which exchanges A Lie for the Truth with the help of computer technology. Imagine an interview with a head of state so convincing that you don’t know that it is a computer generated performance. 

How do we navigate a world when we are not sure if a lie is being substituted for the truth? We have to start by staying firmly grounded in the truth of the Bible. We all need to have a network of people that we trust to tell us the truth. It could be a mom, a friend, a pastor etc. Critical thinking and wisdom is important now. Don’t believe everything that you see or hear. Take time to examine the facts. Pray to God for discernment on important issues in your life. 

John 16:13-When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 

* There are three stars this week. One is to change the college major, second is a name change and the third is the actual name of the A.I. general learning project. It is called Q*, and pronounced Q Star.

Friday, November 3, 2023

The Massacre

And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye not be troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdoms against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows-Matthew 24:6-8.

Massacre- an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people. 

What is a massacre? The above definition from a typical online dictionary warrants further investigation. Let’s start with the two descriptive terms, indiscriminate and brutal. Indiscriminate-done randomly or without judgment. Brutal-savage and unsparing. Indiscriminate suggests savagery without concern for innocent bystanders, such as children or civilians of any type. Brutal seems to indicate cruelty and excess. 

What’s not to understand right? Except our world has lost the sense and meaning of just what a massacre really is. Instead, choosing to turn a blind eye to a massacre if the victims are your enemy. This alone indicates a loss of civilization and a return to past historical stories of brutality that we thought were no longer relevant to the modern era. Fat chance if you think that humanity is any better now than it was in the past. It is called sin, and from age to age, it still remains and it rears its’ ugly head.

What about the murder of the innocents? Here I am referring to the biblical account of King Herod killing young babies and toddlers. That happened thousands of years ago, can you even image that? Having to give that order, being a soldier fulfilling that order, and the family coping with that horrific loss.

Such things can not only be imagined, they recently occurred. Orders were given. Children were killed. Sin. Next, women both old and young were brutally raped. Sin. The rapes were so brutal that pelvises were broken. Sin. Children and parents burned alive. Sin. Beheadings, genital mutilations, limbs strewn about. Sin, sin, and more sin. In one fell swoop the soldiers came in to brutalize civilians.These people love killing their enemies. They did not come to fight man to man, but instead took pride in killing the defenseless children in a new murder of the innocents. King Herod move over! 

I am of course talking about The Massacre that occurred on October 7th in Israel. Now, the world rises against the nation of Israel. I am not surprised of course and I am sure that you are not either if you have read the Bible to any extent. The Bible tells the story of a people chosen by God for a destiny. That destiny puts the Jewish people in the crosshairs of evil. If you choose Jesus, the evil one will try to attack you too. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones-Psalm 83:2-3.

Fill in the blank with any group that you can think of in the above story and imagine the world’s reaction to the story if for instance, African Americans were at a concert and some soldiers came in with weapons and killed them. What would Anderson Cooper or Sky News say about that? Think of the headlines if only it was another group.

Imagine the LGBTQ+ community being killed while attending a concert or gay San Francisco citizens being attacked while in their homes by armed military coming in to murder them because they are gay? The outrage would be all the main stream media could report. Remember the gay nightclub slayings in Florida? That illustrates my point.

But, when it’s’ a Jew, protests will break out condemning the Jewish victims instead of those responsible for this atrocity and its’ consequences. What did the perpetrators expect would happen when they unleashed brutality not seen since ISIS or the NAZI’s? We defended against ISIS and the NAZI’s and pledged to wipe them out didn’t we? That’s what you do when you see evil, of course you have to know what evil is first. Many are losing their moral compass in such matters. My moral compass begins in my Bible.

When I first texted my Pastor on October 7th, I was horrified that Hamas had just executed a pre-planned civilian massacre. He told me that the next thing that would happen would be that one by one, the nations of the world would turn their back’s on the State of Israel. He saw prophetic significance in all that had happened. In short order, I saw that he was correct. Not only that but, this whole event has also unleashed the most heinous and vile attacks collectively, and individually, against the Jewish people around the world. It makes pre-Holocaust attitudes and events come into focus. 

There were 100,000 pro-Palestinian protestors at one event in London. Muslims stopped traffic on the Brooklyn bridge and hoisted a flag atop of that bridge. You know what that means right? You don’t? Well, they have just claimed Brooklyn as their territory. Muslim leaders said as much from Times Square at a large gathering. One featured speaker proclaimed that they should not stop until Islam was practiced in every home in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

College campuses have been in the forefront of the anti-Jewish movement too. The ugly heads of these academic snakes uncoiled to unleash their poisonous venoms, spouting the most hateful words, that I could imagine. Professors, and student equally stupid and without a clue. There were death threats, the denial of free speech, and Jews locked in libraries. Higher education? I think not, and I know why. “The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord.”  Without God, there is knowledge but, no wisdom, so you end up with a bunch of Doctor Frankenstein’s. 

Then there is the graffiti in Montauk, Long Island, at the famous 2nd Ave Deli in New York City, walls in divers place sets such as Arizona, or the 14th arrondisment in Paris. Istanbul signs announcing  that there is no entry to Jews. All over the world the hunt is on, like for example at the Dagestan Airport. Airplanes had to be diverted because thousands of young Muslim men stormed the airport crying “Allah is great”, and “where are the Jews? We will get them where they hide.” 

None of this is surprising. The Palestinian Authority issued a statement which called for the extermination of the Jews. This statement was read at many Muslim mosques and it quoted Mohammed, “ The hour (Judgment Day) will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, and until the Jew hides behind the stones and trees, and then the stones and trees will say: “O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew hiding (behind me), come and kill him.”  

The nations who have large Muslim populations including those in the European Union and the United States may be at a critical juncture where soon it might not be possible to support Israel because of the huge amount of Muslims that they have allowed to settle in their countries. The Muslim communities have not assimilated and will never do so. They are now poised and focused on bringing their beliefs into the forefront of their new countries and making sure those policies are carried out by their new host countries. 

This means that the protests that you see in your country, the social media campaigns targeting the Jewish people will eventually succeed and erode any support that your country may have previously given to the state of Israel. Worse, the support will be pivoting towards those enemies of the Jewish people who clamor for the state of Israel’s destruction. The final solution again, and again, and again. They have said, come, and let us cut them off from being a nation;that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent; they are confederate against thee-Psalm 83:4-5.

On October 7th, Hamas did not chose to attack their Israeli equivalent but instead to slaughter its’ citizens as they conducted their daily lives. The fully equipped soldiers swooped down upon and raped, tortured and murdered approximately fourteen hundred men, women and children in cold-blood. Gaza declared war upon Israel on that day. Now, the Yemeni Houthi’s have declared war on Israel. The Algerians voted to declare war on Israel. Hezbollah has pretty much done the same thing. All of the Muslims in the world are banging the war drums. South American countries one by one are condemning Israel. Russia invited Hamas and Hezbollah to tea. Whose side are you on? We all must take a side. There are only two sides, good or evil.

Good is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and God’s directives are in the Old and New Testament. The Bible is clear that we must stand with Israel. If our nations will not do that, then we as individuals should. 

The Bible predicts, the whole world will one day take a stand against Israel. We are getting a glimpse of that future prophecy now. Indeed, we are seeing the world line up exactly the way the Bible says that it will. Prophecy is proving one hundred per cent accurate. Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries, all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none did help her: the adversaries saw her, and did mock at her sabbaths-Lamentations 1:7

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Trouble with Ron

We as believers, have a lot of balls that we juggle in the air. We are honoring our commitment to God through worship, study of the Bible and prayer. We live our lives everyday with all of those things in mind. We cook, we clean, we take our cars to be serviced, we raise our families, enjoy friends and are involved in our communities. 

At the core of all we do we try to “Love God with all our heart” and “love our neighbor as our self.” But what if the neighbor that we are supposed to love is struggling with some mental health issues? I have covered this topic before and in these times which favor insanity and disorder, we will again. 

This week over at the homestead, mental health issues were again in the mix when some issues emerged, very close to home. It began with an innocent coffee that I had planned some time ago with a neighbor. You know the old saying, “kitchen guests are best”? Amelie* had planned to come over for a visit when my kitchen remodel was complete. She wanted to see my new, improved, and gently remodeled kitchen. 

It was a Friday and Amelie had the day off. She had planned to come over after she dropped her children off at school. I assumed she would probably have breakfast with her children before they left for school but, just in case she didn’t have time, I made an overnight caramel french toast. It is fall, so I had to have some pumpkin seeds and stewed pears on the side.

I was having a lot of fun that morning, talking about decorating and kitchen remodels, but what emerged next over coffee was jarring. In the normal course of any early morning conversation there will emerge a time when people exchange their plans for the rest of the day. When that moment came, it all spilled out. The rest of the day would be spent negotiating with her daughters’ school administrators as they decide what to do about Devon.* Devon had threatened to shoot up the school starting with her daughter Reese.* I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. 

Devon is an 11 year old boy. His background is what you might imagine. He was asked to leave his last school. For what reason I do not know, but I have some ideas about it! The problems of childhood violence have now become endemic. The school suspended Devon for one week for making these threats. A week just passed so now Amelie had to go to meet with her child’s principle to make sure that her daughter would be safe after the suspension was up. She wondered what the school would do. Would they just give Devon a firm warning not to repeat his actions, or would they dismiss him from school completely? Amelie and her ex-husband did not wish to press charges, they just wanted to make sure that Devon got the help that he needed and to ensure that their daughter would be safe.

Amelie informed me that she was praying for Devon and for his family. What a godly woman and with everything going on, she still remembered to ask me to lift him up in prayers too. She was certainly  walking the Christian walk when it really meant something. The problem is that the school is minimizing the event. The principles initial comments were that, “Devon was just being Devon.” Safety of her daughter had not been taken seriously. It struck me as patently unfair to think that if this could not be worked out that her children would have to leave the school. Why? They did not do anything wrong. They threatened no one. They are respectful and they are great students. Sometimes, it seems that the people doing the right things get no breaks.

The second thought provoking event happened at my church’s Sunday service. A young man named Ron* seemed to stir things up quite a bit when he came for a visit. From what I can see, he is searching for answers to the many questions in his head. Questions about good and evil, about aliens and burning swords. These questions torment him and interfere with his sleep and ability to live a normal life. Sounds rather schizophrenic to me. How should a church handle a schizophrenic person attending church events? Should we all rush to hug them? Should we sort of shun them and hope they will go away? Should we just treat them like anyone else who walks in the door? What about the question of salvation for a person who is thus impaired? Is Ron mentally ill or is he demonically possessed? These are all good questions and Ron’s continued visits to our church brought those questions into the forefront. 

I was out doing errands when I got a very blunt text message from a person of authority at my church who asked if my husband and I were available later in the day to discuss issues concerning Ron. Was this just a casual visit where a brother in Christ needed a sounding board for his thoughts on the situation? My husband and I made it a point to speak to Ron whenever he came out to church. For the most part, Ron had just sat in the back of the church and listened, that is unless there was a Bible study after church. If he came to the Bible study, he would ask many questions of a most challenging nature. Questions the Pastor had never been asked before, questions that might be more indicative of a mental challenge rather than a spiritual challenge.

At any rate, I liked Ron and enjoyed answering his questions and then gently trying to guide him in the right direction. I hoped and prayed that there would be an opportunity to speak about his mental health issues and ascertain if he was in proper treatment. That time would come and Ron began to confide in me about the challenges that he faced. He told me that “burning spots were appearing all over his flesh.”

You can take the Christian Housewife out of Westchester but you can’t take the Westchester attitude out so quickly. Without missing a beat, I told Ron that there “were no burn marks on his arms.” I asked him to look to confirm what I was saying. “This is an hallucination, are you talking to anyone about that?” At that moment, I did not know how he would react but, to my relief, he reacted well and began to tell me his story. Apparently he has struggled with hallucinations his whole life. I am happy to say that he is under a doctors care too. He chose not to reveal what specific condition he is struggling with but, I understand how hard that might be to talk about.

Did Elliot* notice me having a tête-a-tête with Ron and want to know what it was about? Has he been sent by the church council to grill me on the topic? Hardly, but that made me laugh a little bit. I had to hurry home to get together some tea and crumpets before Elliot came over for a visit. I can not deny that I was on tenterhooks.

When Elliot arrived, we all  had refreshments and some small talk before he got to the matter at hand, Ron. He had a burden on his heart concerning Ron’s presence at our church. He seemed concerned with how Ron’s questions might be a distraction to others. He felt distracted himself. Elliot also surprised me by saying that Ron’s questions were self-centered.  

I did not agree. I thought that the label of self-centered was possibly wrong and maybe a call for help was more probable. So, I pivoted the discussion towards the topic of mental illness, and what our approach should be to its’ presence in our midst. It surprised me that he seemed to lack any empathy for Ron. He may have had empathy but, I couldn’t see it. 

Of course, as a man who had responsibility for the congregation he had to think about some broader issues, such as safety. At a little less than six feet and five inches tall, Ron was a tall man of strong build. An imposing and menacing figure. Should he choose to be violent this man could inflict a lot of damage. I can not lie and say that the thought had not crossed my mind especially on one Sunday when Ron chose to sit behind me and commenced to breathe heavily. Elliot brought up scripture verses regarding what a demonic possession was like. I wan’t sure if Ron met the criteria for that. If that was the case, who in our congregation could handle any issues of possession?

Could the Pastor and elders speak to him privately to further clarify just what The Trouble with Ron was and come up with a code of contact for Ron so that he could have some boundaries? Perhaps, clearing the air could create a better rapport all around. What about a safety protocol for the congregation, a safety officer? These are just some of the suggestions that I made. 

Perhaps, The Trouble with Ron, is the same as the trouble with Devon. Within a week, I learned that Devon would be expelled from the school which he attended. These are the consequence for the serious threats that he had uttered towards one girl and towards a school. We all feel helpless at times to cope with the mentally ill who walk amongst us. We wish we could make everything better for them. We want to make a place for them in our hearts and communities but, the disease of mental illness doesn’t make that easy. We must keep on trying but often we can not contain nor fix the problem. 

I do know that I will continue to pray for Ron and Devon. I will try to help them in any way that I am able to. I firmly believe that Jesus can reach down through the haze of distortions and misinformation that sometimes clouds our minds, and offer healing and salvation, and for that I do pray! 

* The names are changed. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Pets Overdone?

Warning: If you are a dog, or cat lady, this post might challenge you. I am not responsible for people going berserk after they have read this post. Please read this post in a responsible way.

People have no patience one way or the other when it comes to defining the pet/owner relationship. There is very little agreement between the warring factions of beliefs. For some people, even defining the relationship as one of ownership would bring a huge debate preferring instead to define their calico cats as grandchildren or their chocolate Labrador as their best friend. Wake up call, it may be a very clever comment to call them your grandkids but there is no way those things sprang from your children’s loins! Also, although Chocolate Labs are oh so cute and cuddly, when is the last time that you shared a deep conversation about the meaning of life, it helped you change a tire, or even bought you the most thoughtful birthday present that you could imagine?

Yet, people are into their pets like never before. Take Cammie* for example. Her two sons were grown up. One son had already left home and another was getting ready to go to college. What was she to do? Work on her marriage, which was desperately in need of repair? Do some volunteer work at her growing church? Some more travel and leisure plans perhaps? No, none of the above. Cammie went out and bought a tea cup Maltese puppy. She set up a puppy nursery, which had a changing table, diapers, and a wardrobe with outfits for every day of the week. 

When she had originally broached the topic of getting a dog with her husband Sonny*, he was against the idea. Now that the kids had left home he wanted to enjoy a little more freedom. For him, that absolutely would not include having a dog. Sonny ran a very successful limousine service in Westchester County New York. He took the small driving service that his father started and made it into a luxury limousine service for business executive expensing their ride to the airport. Between teenagers, marital disagreements and the demands of running the business Sonny was under a lot of stress. Plus, since coming to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, he was making many changes in his life.

Petra* is a divorced mother of one who just got fired from her pharmacist position. She had grown up in a middle class Jewish household in New York. She loved the New York Yankees and had a penchant for Italian-American men. Somewhere in her story, before I met her she came to know Yeshua Jesus as Messiah, she got divorced from her Italian husband and started a serious relationship with Kato* her dog. 

If there is such a thing as transference, then Petra had transferred all her hopes and dreams for relationships with her daughter, husband and friends to her little pooch. I so desperately wanted to reach her with what I thought was both our needs for a burgeoning friendship. She and I went to the same university, although we did not know each other then. We both were in the same church group so this friendship could grow, or so I thought.

Petra was in a sub-culture of people, outside of our church who anthropomorphized their animals. Some of the ladies at church liked her cute stories about Kato and did not really see how deeply she was enmeshed with her dog. Some of them may have thought it was all innocent but, with her unemployment, cutting herself off from people who could help her, was anything but!

Margaret,* born and raised in Westchester County, New York was smart and confident. She graduated from New York’s prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology and quickly made a name for herself in the competitive fashion industry. She was a loving daughter, a skilled worker and beautiful. The one thing that seem incongruent with her polished image was the baby voice that she effected whenever talking to her pets. “Ohh, wooshy, wooshy, woo, can mama give your hair a comb, ohh pretty please.” Why did this drive me absolutely insane? 

All these ladies, had at varying times let me know that, “dogs are more loyal than people.” “Dogs only kill to eat, they are better than humans,” “my dog loves me no matter how I look” and “dog is God spelled backward.” What makes me incredibly sad is that they have pushed away relationships that were available under normal circumstances. Each of these ladies has reached some sort of stalemate in their relationship(s) and they don’t have the courage or skill to push past that. In other words, they have given up. 

I love animals, but sometimes is seems like a lot of people that I know are looking for love in all the wrong places,i.e. with their animals. It is not ever Christian to transfer our affections for human beings with another animal species. We love the creation that God has designed and enjoy it, but right from the beginning of the Bible it describes a relationship of dominion over the creatures such as dogs, cats and fish that are around us. We observe, preserve and utilize the natural environment. And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth- Genesis1:26.

The reason for this dominion would be the specialness of what God has done in human beings. We are higher in reasoning skills, and made in the image and likeness of God. He loved us and his whole creation and pronounced that it is all good. And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good-Genesis1:31a. He cares for his creatures and made a food chain to feed them and us. The young lion roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God-Psalm 104:21. But, he has pronounced that we have dominion over the animals. That is a responsibility. If we were to run our world like God Almighty would like us to, it would be in a thoughtful way. A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast-Proverbs 12:10a.

However, after all the creation was made, and Adam was the only human, God said that it was not good for man to be alone and that he would give him a SUITABLE companion. Catch that word? Adam had all of God’s creation that he could frolic with, the birds of the air, the fish of the water, and the terrestrial creatures, and they were not called suitable by God for that deep need that we humans have to be known, understood and loved by others of our kind. Our world is in sore need of relationship repair. First, make things right with God and then allow his wisdom to help your human relationships be all they can be. 


* the names have been changed but the stories are true. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Fit For Ministry

It seems a debate has been raging online concerning a certain Bible Study and Prophecy teacher’s fitness for the ministry. This summer, I have been so busy with all the details of a kitchen remodel that I barely had a minute to breathe let alone catch the latest Christian cat fight. 

Two years ago, I moved into the house of my dreams, all except for the kitchen that is. It had old, outdated appliances and wallpaper. There was a countertop broken in several places and there was some questionable flooring under a 1980’s style carpet. Even with all those problems, the day that I first viewed the house I saw a kitchen bathed in light from three different directions and one hundred year old wood begging to be restored. 

The day my appliances were delivered signaled the end of my month long remodel project and was also the day the scandal broke. It was that day that I noticed Pastor H***** H***** placed an article on his website to defend himself against accusations made of drinking, womanizing and tax evasion. I knew something had been brewing for a while, but the guy is so gosh, darn entertaining. This man’s ministry has been growing by leaps and bounds and while he appears to be doing good works, sometimes he seemed to lack some good old-fashioned Christian maturity. You know that thing that you need in order to be FIT FOR MINISTRY.

It appears that a few young Christian men called out a certain older Christian man on allegations that he had hooked up with various married and single women over the years and may have been a serial womanizer. He may have even been kicked out of a few churches for this behavior. Perhaps, a ministry partnership was quietly severed over inappropriate conduct and the police even investigated the Pastor for recording a woman in a compromising position without her consent.  If that is possibly true, this man is not FIT FOR MINISTRY.

Christians can get very emotional when a beloved ministry head is accused of wrong-doing. Sometimes, there is even a knee-jerk reaction to defend him rather than to begin by reflecting on what the word of God, the Bible has to say about these things. That is the case in this instant where Pastor H’s legions of fans are coming to his defense but, in the process of doing that, their own spiritual journey is being compromised. There are checks and balances written in the Bible which are there to protect the integrity of the church. 

It is easier than ever to start a ministry on YouTube or on a website and escape the close scutiny that being in a church building and meeting face to face might entail. Therefore, more than ever we must use some biblical knowledge and spiritual discernment before we go down that road. The Holy Spirit “will guide you into all truth”-John 16:13 

With the advent of quick money collecting sites such as “Go Fund Me” and even the Christian alternative  “Way Giver,” a person or ministry can quickly accrue huge amounts of money often based on very questionable criteria. A friend of a friend on facebook says donate. Often a very emotional appeal will get even strangers to donate.

It looks like Pastor H has appealed to his radio audience on multiple occasions. He once asked for personal financial aid with very nebulous reasons to explain why he needed the money. How could a Pastor ask for help with a personal problem without telling his listeners what the money is for? Also, he asked people to help a woman and her children with costs associated with relocation and now that woman is his wife. This woman and children lived as his friend, according to him, in his apartment for a year before that marriage. Many things here appear to give the impression or possibility of sin. The Bible tells us to be careful not to leave that impression. 

People are trusting of a Pastor but, the Bible doesn’t teach us to be fools about it. Jesus warned, “See to it that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name”- Luke 21:8 The  Bible tells us many appear innocent but, are not. The Bible can not help us if we don’t listen to its’ advice.

Other times Pastor H is asking for money to give bibles to people in prison. Who wouldn't want to give to such a cause? That is, if it is all going to that cause or at least an appropriate amount. There is nothing wrong with earning money and a congregation is charged with supporting its’ ministers fairly. However, since we are talking millions of dollars, shouldn’t there be plenty of accountability to answer any financial questions? It is easy today to hire a Christian firm which can certify that the ministry is meeting the financial Christian mark. After knowing the facts, there is then a clear choice if you or I wish to contribute. 

The Bible is pretty clear that the standard for leadership is high. “Not many should teach” for example, which Pastor H does do. The Bible cautions those called to ministry not to take it lightly. It also says that one in ministry should be blameless. It doesn't say sinless because as the Bible explains none but Jesus were sinless. It says blameless. 

Another thing that is hinted at in the allegations against H**** H***** is a pattern of behavior. The Bible talks about the continuation of sin as a red flag. “No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.”-1 John 3:6. So, all in all, I think it is incumbent upon each of us to hold the leaders in our Christian Community to the biblical standards as the Lord has asked us to. I believe that not doing this will take away the anointing that God has placed upon a group that we are involved with. 

Below are some scriptures that I am pondering and praying over as I contemplate this situation. 

1 Timothy 3:1-7: Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. Now, the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.

1 Corinthians10:19: Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 

Mark 9:35 and he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “if anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”

Matthew 7:15-20: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

1 Timothy 5:19: Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.

Matthew 18:15-17: If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But, if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

James 3:1: Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

****  The name is changed. I wondered if I should identify this Pastor by name. However, the overriding principle of holding all Christian leaders accountable is the real issue. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Culture of Silence

I had a run in with my Pastor recently. He did not want to talk about a recent murder-suicide that had occurred. I thought it strange that on a social visit that he got hugely bent out of shape when I brought up the question of why the guy did it? Let me back up. Several days ago, I received a call from my Pastor’s wife concerning the passing of a woman at the hands of her own husband. He then took his own life in short order.

The man was related to a dear sweet woman in my church. I feel awful for her and for all who are suffering because of this terrible crime. I think I am in trouble with my pastor though. When I received a call about the murder-suicide from his wife, I was upset. Whenever something like this happens I ask myself why. It seems so unnecessary and terrible. 

But, somehow as I was trying to work through my feelings by bringing up the question of why this happened, he accused me of being judgmental or a gossip. I did debate him on these points. I told him that it is natural to feel wronged as a community and wonder how these things happen and what we can do about them.

He countered that it has nothing to do with me so why would I even be concerned. He stated that the conversation was putting this man on trial when we don’t know what happened. Of course, the irony is that had this man lived he would be going on trial. The medical examiner has determined the cause of death to be stabbing for the wife and a gun shot for the husband. So, does that make the medical examiner judgemental or just a scientist?

From what my Pastor said, I see that he is concerned that the family left behind not be labeled and judged. He seemed emotional when he thought that people would treat the family cruelly over what one of their members had done. It seemed clear that he thought even discussing it would be gossip. As we all know, and I covered in a long ago post, gossip is something that every Christian needs to try to avoid.

However, is it wrong to question who might be involved in a crime? I think it would be wrong not to. Is it possible that family members could be complicit in a crime that a family member has committed? The answer is yes. Is it possible that a family member had no knowledge or nothing to do with their family member’s crime? The answer is yes to that to. 

Here is a recent example dealing with this concept. There was a lesbian couple by the names of Echo and Marie. They lived in Pennsylvania in a trailer with Echo’s parents. Marie had been divorced and had entered that relationship with three children from that union. They all resided together in that trailer.  Over the course of many years, two of the children were neglected, abused and died of starvation. Both women and the parents living in the trailer had various charges leveled against them. The father’s lawyer tried to wiggle his client (Echo’s father) out of any culpability to which the prosecuting attorney replied that in a trailer that small, the father most certainly knew what was going on and bears responsibility. 

Being a Christian is a contact sport, we should not be bystanders on the sidelines of life. When we see something we have to say something or do something. Can we help in a situation? If so, then how? The Bible tells the story of virtue, of faith and also of crime and evil. It does not waver in telling this story. Should we? Sin has entered the world and exists until that time where God shall once and for all vanquish it. We need to stand up to evil. Domestic abuse is one of those evils. Domestic violence is made perfect in a Culture of Silence

Silence is tacit approval. Silence in our hearts and in our communities ensures that we learn nothing from a situation. We can’t even apply biblical truths to our lives if we don’t deal with the uncomfortable truths of life. The violence of a murder-suicide needs to be discussed. The Bible teaches accountability to God and to one another. It was a young man’s realization of that which allowed him to reach out to me when he was about to beat up his wife. 

In his new found faith in Jesus he suddenly broke the hold that domestic violence had upon him and had persisted for generations of his family. It began for Joachim* by exploring the difference between right and wrong in his Bible. Then, he was able to confess his sins “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed” -James 5:16.  He called me up and told me that he wanted to hurt his wife. I told him to walk out the door of his home and I continued to talk to him. In his mind, she was the reason he was so angry and the answer for that was to hit her. I explored that with him and that began to tear at his previous preconceptions of his situation.

Sharing how angry he was at his wife and the violence that he had previously done in his marriage began the process of repenting and learning new ways to live his life without the violence. Joachim now helps other men to work through these issues at his church through prayer, biblical teachings and accountability to a men’s group. Joachim’s family had been silent when they suspected his father and grandfather of similar things. There were broken bones, blood, and flat tires, The truth is, many people are trained in their homes or in their culture to think that beating or even killing your wife is okay. 

I am praying for my Pastor. I believe his over the top attempt to shut me down from speaking could perhaps indicate a personal history or struggle with some of these issues. Maybe, there was some deep shaming in his own family because of a crime that occurred. Shame comes because we have still yet to normalize the truth of mankind’s sinful and fallen nature. If we were honest, we would understand that within our hearts, within our family history there is a Jack the Ripper, a domestic abuser, a bank robber or a horse thief. It is not always a man either. In Westchester County, New York people are grieving the loss of a four month old baby and her mother. That baby was killed at the hands of its’ own mother, a doctor no less.

Rather than deny it, why aren’t we trying to be part of the godly solution to this all? One of the chilling parts of my discussion with my Pastor was his total condemnation of me over asking why this husband did it. He looked like he wanted to kill me. I felt a very strong anger coming my way. I heard no condemnation of the act of stabbing his wife. I heard not a touch of sympathy concerning this poor woman meeting a violent death at the hands of her husband. I think he is part of the Culture of Silence.

Stabbing someone is a hateful and a very personal way to kill. Yet, all he spoke of was how this man probably loved his wife and I did not know what he was going through. Why could he not see the hate and sin in the situation and address it? I think when you pick up a knife and stab someone repeatedly that it does indicate something other than love and we should not ignore that. I wondered if he was going to ask me to leave the church? That did not happen. Instead, when I attended church last Sunday I noticed that he seemed to still be trying to argue his points to the captive audience that exists when he is sermonizing from the pulpit. No one is going to answer him that way are they? One thing is for certain, I am not going to be part of the Culture of Silence.  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.-Matthew 5:14

* the name was changed.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Death Penalty

The topic of the death penalty has recently popped up in news headlines around the world. In the United States, there is the case of Brian Kohberger. He stands accused of killing four college students in their off campus beds. The horrific loss of life and brutality has shocked the community and the nation. This case has many people calling for the death penalty. The crime took place in the state of Idaho where the death penalty is legal and could be administered by a firing squad. 

In the United States, individual States of the Union have the legal authority to decide if they want a death penalty. In general, the liberal states are against it, while more conservative states are for it. Take the place that I was born, New York State for example. The death penalty was legal there for most of its’ history but, then it was overturned. In the modern era, the issue was resurrected from time to time by Governors or courts who were passionate about the topic. As of today, the death penalty is no longer used in the state. Therefore, any criminals convicted of a crime will instead face life imprisonment. 

In India, many have taken to the streets in protest of the brutal gang rape of two minority Kuki Christian women from the State of Manipur. Four men have been arrested and President Modi of India insists, “No guilty will be spared.” Protesters are calling for the death penalty. What of the executions scheduled for this week in Singapore? Ah Singapore, my Singapore! Shout out to my readers in Singapore either that or greetings A.I. Overlord! 

Since early Spring, my blog statistics have shown that I am getting a lot of traffic from Singapore. At first, I thought it could be artificial intelligence learning from my blog. That would be cool because maybe then, the A.I. could be taught some Christian values. 

“Confessions of a Westchester Christian Housewife” has readership all over the world. There is the United States of course, Canada, Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands. I get regular readers from France, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, India and Japan. I get occasional readers from other countries too. But, Singapore readership has went through the roof lately and I asked myself why? As I thought about it, it made complete sense. I think that I share many values with Singaporeans. Now, that I think of it, I am surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.

Now, I am trying to read various news stories about Singapore and learn more. One of the recent headlines concerned a man, and a woman both due to receive the death penalty for drug possession. The country and the world seem to be asking questions about what should be done in their cases. Protesters have erupted specifically to stay the execution of the first woman in 20 years to be executed. 

Amnesty International, has asked Singapore to stop executions and claim it does not deter crime. The United Nations Human Rights Council has also requested that Singapore stop executions.They point out that many nations in the world are pursuing sentencing reforms. You must always take advice from whence it comes, and what I have learn about both these groups alarms me. I have never met an Amnesty International member who is not against religious faith communities or who doesn’t believe in anarchy. That could just be my New York acquaintances?! Then, there is the United Nations, what can I say about them, except they seem to be taking over national sovereignty. If that doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will.

But, what does the Bible say about capital punishment? As I perused my bible today, through my blurry left eye. Note: As I write this blog post, I am waiting for a doctor’s call to assist me in the matter. Even though my vision is a little cloudy, it is quite clear that the Bible says a lot on the topic of capital punishment. In fact, if my eye was not blurry I might have to conclude that this could be a three part series. I could start writing about the first murder in the Bible, that of Cain killing his brother Abel. It seemed that Cain had a mark on him for his crime, but God said he was not to be killed. There are instances where murder (Exodus 21:12), adultery (Leviticus 20:10) and kidnapping (Exodus 21:16) are all punishable by death in the Bible. But, then we also see instances where God afforded mercy. Such as in the case of to King David even though he was a murderer and an adulterer (2 Samuel 11:15, 14-17, 2 Samuel 12:13). 

God Almighty is truth and his Bible is truth for us to live by. Therefore, to say the death penalty is bad is not true since it is abundantly clear the Bible has prescribed its’ use. To quote that old-fashioned wedding vow, “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” It is God who calls sin evil and according to him, it is to be punished by death. In mankind’s vanity and stupidly, they think they can solve the problem of sin without God. They think they can heal deep societal problems without God. 

It is not working out well. Needle exchanges, drug offenders being loosed upon their communities with light sentencing guidelines is wreaking havoc on the liberal nations. Light sentences for murder and rape results in offenders being released and hurting and destroying more people’s lives when they re-offend. The Bible is very clear. All wrongdoing should be punishable by death, spiritual death (Romans 6:23). The solution is choosing the Savior Jesus to take your place and to follow him in your life.

It is also a nations’ responsibility and right to determine their use of capital punishment, including applying mercy in their decisions at times. However, no earthly justice can be as perfect as godly justice. In that, God will always have the final say. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Summer Reading-Part 2

When murder hit Westchester County, New York in 1998, it took many by surprise. In the land of never ending possibilities, and where one write’s their own ticket for success, this was so unexpected. Where “control, control, control your own destiny” is a mantra, the question of how it could be that a man, born and breed in the perfectly marinated liberal culture of New York could ever do what Cain did to Abel.

After all, this guy was brilliant. He had the love of a talented and devoted woman, not to mention a $600,000 advance on a book deal he had made, plus a 2.1 million dollar movie deal. Leonardo DiCaprio could not star in the movie due to a schedule conflict, it was then decided that Brad Pitt would step in with Ron Howard directing the story of Michael Laudor’s life. What could have went wrong?

That question is answered in Jonathan Rosen’s book, “The Best Minds: A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions.” In his book, he does a deep dive into the murder of Caroline Costello and answers that question with all the communist leaning references that you could imagine an elite N.Y. man capable of. The writer honed his liberal views from those bastions of such thought, Yale and Berkeley, and tells his story from that point of view. He is a skilled writer and storyteller whether I agree with everything that he says or not. 

However, at least I know what I am getting as I read Mr. Rosen’s book. He makes no secret of his beliefs and neither do I. I just wish that he didn’t have to hit me over the head with his overbearing liberalness with the constant barrage that he did. Still, I have always wanted to know more about what happened to beautiful and intelligent Caroline Costello in 1998. Did I say “deep dive”? I mean an exhaustive, if not exhausting. dig into the inner sanctums of the elite liberal royal life that he and his friend, Michael led. I wish that he stuck to the story a tad more, but to be fair I can go off on any number of tangents myself, can’t I?

When anything bad happens in Westchester County, mum’s the word. Secrets are hidden lest any tiny gems of reality should emerge and get in the way of the westchester county perfect life bubble. People don’t deal well with the truth in Westchester. They don’t want to hear that their husband is not really a good lawyer or that their son is not cut out for medical school. Your kid’s not a bully, the teacher is not stimulating him enough and he is bored, or else the other kid started it. That other kid started it last year too.

When I first moved to Westchester County, there was so much that I did not know about the place that I was moving to. I wanted to raise my children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, as I knew that to be then. I was also looking for the perfect place to raise my children. I was hoping for a kind and nurturing community. I was looking for an intellectually rich environment. The schools had a reputation for excellence in Westchester, the village I chose was charming, and the county is strategically located right next to Manhattan, what could go wrong? If only I knew then the dangers to Christians living in that County I would have moved elsewhere, maybe to Texas or Singapore.

What could go wrong? Well, with Michael Laudor, mental illness could descend upon his brain and mock all of his hard work and dreams for the future. In my experience, mental Illness is poorly dealt with in Westchester County. Many families I know with mentally ill members have felt shunned and alone there. A lot of mentally ill people stick out like a sore thumb in Westchester. Many, end up going to New York City where they blend into the big city drama already present. 

When murder hit the small community of Westchester the news coverage did not tell you much. Whatever source you turned to essentially said the same thing. It seemed like journalism was already dead in 1998. I had the sense that only the pretty news made the headlines or the news that aggrandizes the liberal values of the community are promoted. News like this murder was heavily sanitized before it reached the public. The censorship of today was already beginning then. Like in any dictatorship the only worthy news is through “word-of-mouth” because the news media is no longer a source of the truth. 

There was a time in the past where the news media in Westchester had police and fire news accurately depicted. This news coverage allowed me to identify those arrested for pedophilia and drunk driving. That proved helpful in one of two cases in my life. One was when a man slated to drive on an upcoming class trip was identified as a drunk driver. I got to witness first hand the deep levels of denial and delusion that overtake such individuals when I confronted him about it. He immediately made excuses for his actions and had not one once of guilt or shame when I saw him two weeks later at high noon purchasing two six packs of beer from a local deli. Needless to say, I saw to it that another parent filled in for him.

One day, as if by decree, the local newspaper stopped publishing names and addresses and severely cut back on what crime stories were covered. There was talk of stigmatizing people charged with crimes. The public’s safety was now second best. This condition existed when Caroline Costello was killed by her fiancée in the small village of Hastings on Hudson in 1998. The killer, Michael Laudor, a childhood genius of some sort, graduated in three years from Yale University, summa cum laude. His life before and up to this point had been inhabited by influential liberal and illustrious people nurturing him along. 

Even when that terrible disease of schizophrenia hit him he reinvented himself. He fought back to complete law school. He had some serious problems manifest during his college years but through it all, his friends, family and the university tried to do everything possible to help him through it. The problem is that in life, we have to attain our own degree, we have to live with certain circumstances and despite what people do, there are realities that we all must regrettably accept. 

Major cities in the United States are not dealing with mental health realities correctly. How are they handling it?  Unrealistically. Right now, the mentally ill are allowed to run rampant and create all kinds of havoc. Everything from terrorizing people to stabbing and murder are happening in the name of not stigmatizing the mentally ill. This is not civilization but some misguided and misplaced altruism.

I don’t think that it is an accident that Michael never worked as a lawyer. He seemed to be fudging quite a lot, or faking it until he could make it as they say. People with love in their hearts helped him and maybe even gave him a pass on certain things. Trouble is, that is not thriving. Jesus spent quite a lot of time touching the lives of those afflicted with any number of ailments during his earthly ministry. He still does, but healing does not always include having all of our wishes fulfilled. Sometimes, there is a new direction that we have to go in and we have to accept that. Michael Laudor now lives in a mental health facility with a barbed wire fence. He did not beat the illness, it beat him. Part of our fallen human state includes the harsh reality of locking people up for their own and other people’s safety.

My belief as a Christian is that we need to have mental health facilities that keep the patients, the staff and the community at large safe from the effects of what mental disease sometimes does. Many psychiatric patients are not dangerous but, we can not ignore the fact that delusions can and do cloud their decision-making faculties at times. We must be on guard for those signs and act to protect those who would be victimized by such ideations. 

Should homes for mentally challenged people be places of care, learning and entertainment? Should family, church and community be encouraged to participate in the life of the mentally ill at these facilities? Yes, we should try to create humane treatment centers and give care which will afford the best quality of life that is possible. There should be transparency and accountability too. We need to respect human life from birth to death upholding the dignity that God afforded each person in his creation. This is not always easy and is an act of service at times. 

As I continue trying to finish the books on my summer reading list I am struck with the blessing of being able to think about this crazy and beautiful life that we all live and that I have the Bible and Holy Spirit helping me to understand it all. My heart goes out to people struggling with schizophrenia like a family that I knew in Westchester County with two schizophrenic daughters. One would stop by my home from time to time dirty, disheveled with poor fitting clothes on. I would find something in my wardrobe to fit her. Make her a meal and talk her into calling her social worker and getting back on her medicine. 

My neighbors and family were not always happy about me doing this and asked me why I would give time to this “crazy woman.” Honestly, they were afraid of her. This crazy woman is a sister in Christ who endeavored always to try to follow Jesus amid the confusion that engulfed her mind. Also, she struggled with reality frequently. I thought it was important to gently point her back unto the right course for many reasons. The most important being she did not have any believers in her family or in her group home. Was I ever scared of her? A few times but, when she was at her best, we discussed books. nature and Jesus. She was able to do so with some clarity. I think she might have been like Michael Laudor had I known her before her diagnosis, brilliant and on a trajectory for success. Quick note: she contacted me by letter after not stopping by for a long while. She moved into a new assisted care home a few towns away from where we had both lived and through a back and forth letter writing exchange, she seemed more stabilized in her condition then I had seen her in a long time. I believe that in her heavenly form she will once again be made whole mentally. I like forward to when that times comes. Until then, Lord have mercy.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Summer Reading-Part 1

“Summer Reading” is special to me. That habit harkens back to the childhood joy felt, especially in the summer months when reading. When the school season was over and vacation began, it was then that I could embark upon my own adventures in reading. No teachers directing my every reading move. I could be on the South China Sea one second, and the next moment be in the laboratory of Marie Curie. I imagined myself living in biblical times. I was a dreamer alright and reading took me everywhere that I wanted to go. 

Even though it has been a while since those good old school days, I still get excited every year when it comes to deciding what books to pick up during the summer. I usually go overboard and choose a bevy of books and topics to delve into. This year is no different. With all the very confusing news coming out about the Russian-Ukrainian War, I decided on two books that could give me some insight into that situation. One is David Browder’s book, “Freezing Order.” The other is a recent Pushkin Literary Award winning book entitled, “Overreach” by Owen Matthews. 

Both books offer huge prospective on the history behind the current events unfolding between Russia and Ukraine. Little did I know that a third book that I was recently gifted with, would also have bearing upon the study of this war, i.e. “Laptop From Hell” by Miranda Devine. 

Another book that I have almost completed, is about a murder that occurred in Westchester County, New York. It has the long title of, “The Best Minds: A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions by Jonathan Rosen. More about that later.

If that is not enough, I am also tackling “Dombey and Son” by Charles Dickens. This is yet another book that has themes that touch upon another summer reading choice that I have made. Specifically, “Dombey and Son” has analysis of the parent-child relationship. It helped me to gain further insight into the relationships of Hunter, Beau and their father Joe Biden as outlined in Miranda Devine’s book. 

Many rumors of corruption and influence peddling have swirled about the Biden family for years. These scandals largely factor into current world events, such as the Russian-Ukranian War and should be examined. The security of the United States has been compromised by the Biden family and world wide calamity has ensued. 

So there you have it, my five summer reading choices. These I will ponder, agree and disagree with, and philosophize about. I will probably struggle with concepts and meaning but, in the end, as with any book I hope to gain some knowledge about events and the world around me. I feel some scriptural clarification coming soon..

Suddenly, a “staycation” is not so confining after all. This summer I can finally get a remodel done in my kitchen. It seems wonderful of course but, with all the work involved in refurbishing my kitchen, a beach holiday is out of the question. International travel? Not now.

Before my contractors could touch my kitchen I had to pack up all the stuff that was loaded in there and move it elsewhere. This has taken weeks to accomplish and it will take weeks more to get my kitchen back in working order.  I would guess that my kitchen is the most densely packed room in my house. There are big items and small items. I have a crêpe maker, a raclette maker and two or three fondue makers. That’s just my Swiss/French stuff.  My philosophy, biblical in nature, always reminds me not to have more than I need and to only buy that which I will use. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”-Matthew 6:19-21. So, it is not like I have overstuffed my cupboards and draws but, there is a lot of organizational work to be done for sure.

Work began this week on my kitchen. Bang-bang, whoosh-whoosh go the machines but, besides my usual duties at home, I can always escape the work zone through my “Summer Reading.” Let’s explore these books a little further. It is interesting reading a variety of books all from different perspectives. The above authors are about as different as different gets. 

What can Charles Dickens a nineteenth century British author have to say about familial relationships of today? Say, for example Joe, Hunter and Beau Biden? If you don’t let yourself think about Ivy League Schools and their censorship of such materials then it gets interesting. “Dombey and Son,” explores a wealthy man’s relationship with his two children. One is the child, Paul, that he places all his hopes and dreams upon. Then there is his other child, Florence. His exchanges and treatment of Florence causes feminists to cry evil male Patriarch! However, Dickens, ever the keen social observer, always saw deeply into all that was going on around him. 

There are so many factors in parenting which can add up to the appearance, if not the actual favoritism or one child over another. So many reasons for this, come to mind. There is always the parent-child fit to keep in mind. For example, is it easier to love and be proud of the athletically inclined child if I myself am a sports enthusiast? Or, what of parent burnout when a particular child is born? How does that affect the treatment of the child? As a Christian I know that we can not be perfect parents. We strive with God’s help to do what is right and try to help our children to do the same. For all of our moral failures we must make a decision to go to God in earnest repentance.

Miranda Devine’s book about the abandoned laptop of Hunter Biden contains emails between him (Hunter) and his father (Joe) showcasing a very dysfunctional relationship. Hunter felt used and abused financially by his father.  And, Joe Biden appears to have had plans for his children. His son Beau, would be the golden child. He was to have a stellar political career with a trajectory to the White House. Hunter, was to do all the dirty work so, that Joe and Beau would not be implicated. 

Charles Dickens main character Mr. Dombey has a similar path in mind for his son Paul. Paul embodied all of Mr. Dombey’ s hopes and dreams for his posterity. Paul was to be groomed to join his father in his business, hence the book title “Dombey and Son.” What of Florence’s role, what of Hunter’s role? They were to be taken care of for sure, but not emotionally. 

“Freezing Order” takes us back to the beginnings of the post Soviet era with the story of Bill Browder and his battle with Vladimir Putin. As the Soviet Union crumbled into the pages of history, the industries which were once state owned got parceled out to political allies and thus were born the current Russian oligarchs. 

Men like Bill Browder, with knowledge and connections to Russia, as well as financial expertise rush in to make money in this new market. He started the hedge fund Hermitage Fund. His detailed descriptions of corruption in the Putin regime, and the communist legacy of brutality weigh heavily upon my mind as I try to make sense of the current war. The sanction game that the West has been playing with Putin may have had its’ beginnings in the international legislation that Bill Browder helped enact to financially punish Russia for its’ role in the death of his Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. 

No analysis of the current Russian-Ukrainian War would be complete without a look at the coming end-times line up of allies and how the current crises lines up. For instance, Iran, China and Turkey have rushed in to support Vladimir Putin’s war efforts against Ukraine. “Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel.” -Ezekiel 39:1-2. 

The current realignment of worldwide alliances lines up perfectly with end-time prophesy.  Gog is associated with Russia, Meschech and Tubal appear to be associated with Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey. Meshech and Tubal were grandsons of Noah, see Genesis 10:1-2. The region of Meschech going by ancient descriptions and names refers to areas north of the Black Sea. This is geography that we are now very familiar with since the war began between Russia and Ukraine. Meschech refers to Russia, Ukraine and probably Georgia. Is it any wonder that worldwide action is happening there? Tubal by the same metric of ancient description would be associated with what is now Turkey. Other prophesy points to Persia, or current day Iran being in the coalition against God too.

The Bible’s predictions are 100 % correct  because it is the Word of God. I would stay tuned for Bible prophesy to be fulfilled if I were you. Proverb 3:25–26- Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. 

Next week: Summer Reading-Part 2.

Monday, June 19, 2023


About 11 am. Tuesday morning I was getting a haircut. I had to rush right back home afterwards because, my Pastor’s wife, Tracy* had called a day earlier to ask if she and the Pastor could stop by around 1:30 pm. Although this was after lunch, I wanted to serve desert and some cold-brewed iced tea. All summer long, I fill individual mason jars with water and two tea bags, then place them in the refrigerator overnight so that I can enjoy a refreshing beverage throughout the summer. 

At the moment, my favorites flavors are mint tea, raspberry hibiscus and the classic black tea and lemon combo. Knowing that my Pastor enjoys a warm cup of Lady Grey tea in the colder months, I also decided to include a Lady Grey of the iced variety for the choices. I settled on some dark chocolate covered nuts and a few other small summery confections. I purchased them at a local chocolatier since I did not have any time to do my usual homemade fare. 

I packed up the lovely chocolates in an antique chocolate box, along with iced tea-filled masons jars, sweeteners and serving implements. I placed everything in a wicker basket to haul out to my garden to serve picnic-style. We wiled away the afternoon talking about all things spiritual, political and had a discussion of recent books that we had read.  When that was done, I tidied up, washed the dishes, and took a little leisure time before dinner.

After dinner, it is common when the weather warms up, to water the garden if necessary. On this particular Tuesday it was not to be. Upon opening the door, I immediately noticed a noxious odor which smelt vaguely chemical. I quickly went indoors to check the internet. After about five minutes, the news had hit, wildfires out of control in Canada were hitting the northeastern United States. 

Over the next several days, the air quality was at its’ highest danger level and people in New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Jersey were advised to stay indoors. It felt like a covid lockdown all over again. I felt trapped. A lot of thoughts went through my mind at first. I was angry, scared, and feeling vulnerable. 

I had volunteered to help at an outdoor event Friday and Saturday and I wondered if that event would be held, and if it would be safe. I prayed for God’s comfort and protection. (Comfort ye, comfort ye my people saith your God-Isaiah 40:1) I prayed for understanding of these and so many other world events.. One of those events is the Russian and Ukrainian war. I have a Christian friend in Russia and I have hoped and prayed that our friendship would survive our two countries and their differences concerning this war. 

So many things are at risk of dying when wildfires erupt. Birds, and other wildlife. The air quality could impact people to the point of death. The fire fighters risk their lives and have health consequences as a result of the exposure to a wildfire. As I contemplated the risk to my husband and myself, friends and family I began to remember that at moments like this I am challenged to confirm what I believe in, and that is life eternal with Jesus Christ. ( I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he dies, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die- John 11:25-26.) 

Reports have emerged that due to long-term neglect of forest conditions and management of those conditions that could mitigate the results of a forest fire, that this may happen again and again throughout the summer of 2023. (The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, broken the everlasting covenant-Isaiah 24:5).

I sure hope not but, it gets me to wondering about the meaning and purpose of enduring suffering. I also wonder about these wildfires, because something doesn’t seem right. (This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come-2Timothy 3:1)

Friday, June 2, 2023

The Power of a Boycott

The term “boycott” derived from an historical event that took place in County Mayo, Ireland in 1880. It was there that a protest sprung up to oppose certain policies being implemented by Charles Boycott, an estate agent for an English farm landlord in the region. Those policies included; too high rents for tenant farmers, as well as their evictions when they couldn’t pay. 

It was during the Irish land agitation of 1880 that the leader Charles Parnell suggested combatting these policies and other injustices by essentially putting the landlord out of business. By refusing to farm his land, work in his house and cutting off trade to his farm it would effectively shut down his farm. 

The term “boycott” was born in this way and continues to refer to an act of protest and an instrument of financial war against someone or something that you don’t agree with either religiously, politically or economically. I am calling 2023 “the summer of the woke boycott,” because it seems like in the United States a boycott of woke corporations has begun. It all started with the spontaneous boycott of Anheuser-Busch for its’ support of trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney. But, unlike the land agitation of 1880, there was no politician recommending this action. It just rose up spontaneously. 

It seemed to emerge among people who were sick and tired of having values shoved down their throats that they do no believe in. Musicians took to the stage and poured out cans of the usual summertime favorite beverage. Then, average folks were passing up Budweiser light beers at their liquor stores. Very quickly the market cap of the company was plunging-score!

Next, there was Nike (BeTrue), Target, North Face and Kohl’s pushing products promoting the gay lifestyle onto baby and children’s clothing lines. It is clear the woke corporate executives are not backing down from their aberrant and anti-Christian agenda no matter how much money they lose. This is a war and they know it. The corporation of today has become a hub of political activism. Let me repeat that: the corporate executive of today is motivated by bringing their spiritual and political beliefs to life, and that belief system is a hateful rebellion against all things good and godly. 

These companies and their executives hire people like Erik Carnell, an English designer. He is behind the recent Pride campaign at Target department store. He makes no secret of his anti-God approach. He has created books with titles such as “Bye, Bye Binary.” He was also involved in making tuck friendly women’s bathing suits sold at Target. Tuck friendly bathing suits are women’s bathing suits designed for men who wish to hide their male genitalia. By the way, this is not even healthy. Didn’t I even see a logo on one of Erik’s products which read, Satan Respects Pronouns? 

It is like one day people just got sick of all this insanity. I was just planning to drive down to Kohl’s Department store the other day to pick up a new slow-cooker, summer flip-flops and some slippers when the headlines broke about the type of deranged merch they were promoting. As I watched TicTok videos of children’s clothing racks stuffed with tee shirts saying things like: “Belong, Believe Be Proud” (with a gay rainbow and a Mickey Mouse head in the background), and a baby Sonoma brand onesie with a group of children holding the gay flag like it was their nation state, I just knew that I could not shop there anymore. 

Folks, Kohl’s is all in, Disney is all in too. If we don’t have the gumption to stay away from stores and amusement parks that support this anti-God agenda then we are supporting it with our cash dollars and giving it our tacit approval. What about some of my readers around the world, are you seeing the rush to this new queer world order yet? Not for nothing, but I believe that Satan does respect pronouns and those who respect pronouns are following Satan’s evil agenda. God created us male and female, Satan is messing with God’s design.

“I will be like the most high.”Isaiah 14:14b. 

It has usually been said that Christians have not been good at political and economic boycotts. Instead, people of faith have preferred to work hard, go to church and raise their children with godly values. That has not been working for us for a long time because, as we were doing that the educational system has slowly and systemically deconstructed the Judeo-Christian world view and robbed our children of their faith. 

Hollywood and the entertainment community has also drawn our children into their values with catchy tunes and slick visuals which contradict every area of our Faith. Now, the gloves are completely off and we see corporations brazenly telling their customers to support the transgender movement. Now in a reversal of things corporations no longer cater to the values of their clientele, but we are expected to cater to theirs for the privilege of their services. Only we are the ones paying them for their services, how does that even make sense? We are supposed to pay for our values to be assaulted and smile?

Target executives even told their employees that those who oppose the LGBTQ agenda are extremists and violent. Nothing could be farther away from the truth. In fact, it appears the LGBTQ has been increasingly turning to violent slogans. In Hyde Park a group of protestors disrupted a feminist gathering by unfurling a banner which read, “Arm Trans Kids.” The police had to step in to stop violence. A Christian school in Tennessee was shot up by a trangender person resulting in children and their teachers being killed. What a tragedy and the public has yet to hear about the police evidence of a violent transgender manifesto. 

Yet, with all the crime, murder and mayhem that this cultural and spiritual war has caused, Christians and conservatives seem more likely to use the power of Parnell’s weapon,”The Power of a Boycott.” Will I be buying my favorite Nike sneakers so I can be comfortable when I walk in Disneyland? Will I be buying my next slow-cooker at Kohl’s while wearing a summer dress from Target? The answer is no, and I am proud to be boycotting these ungodly places. I hope that we can put these spiritually dead companies out of business. I also pray that we can plant a seed of truth about God’s ways with these deluded corporate staffers because there is still hope for them.

Make no mistake about it, this boycott will be hard. Can you tell your children no to Disneyland and why you have made that decision? I read that the new woke “Little Mermaid “movie killed it at the box office last weekend. A lot of people have to take their children to all the Disney movies and buy all the merch attached to every production. What is that really doing to our kids? What could our kids be doing instead. I assure you, they could be doin something better. They can be exploring nature, starting a garden, reading a bible. What about sports, or reading a good godly book? Knitting, crocheting or exploring a musical instrument. They could be learning how to help mom or dad or even build something. So many things beyond their phone or video game to do. 

I already sourced tee shirts made by some local Christian ladies to wear. I bought some slippers from a small local merchant. I bought another brand of sneakers too. I can’t sell my soul for access to a sneaker or clothing. I can’t see my Lord mocked for sixty pieces of silver and be part of that. Can we defeat the corporations pulling this evil on us? I know that what matters is the way we conduct our lives. There will be a show of gay political muscle in Disney World in Orlando for June Pride festivities. They will be out in force to enforce their agenda for us. The battle lines are drawn and we all have to ask ourselves just whose side we are on, God or the Devil. If we are on God’s side there are biblical directives for what we must do and how we must do it. If we are on the side of the Devil there is no holds barred in this battle. 

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”- Ephesians 6:10-12

Our methods are of the godly type. We are not arming children, bombing or shooting up schools, heaven forbid. We know that eventually God will defeat the evil one but, until then we must represent what we believe and no longer think that it is okay to not get involved in the public discourse. We must stand up for biblical marriage, and biblical gender identity. We must preach to the unchurched, and teach repentance, forgiveness, and the resurrection and victory through Jesus the Savior. Are you in?

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” - 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.