I am struggling this week about whether I should attend a Women’s Ministry Event at my Church. The Bible study is written by popular women’s ministry speaker, Priscilla Shirer. I am sure many of you have either attended a Bible study or one of the live streaming events that she has created over the years. She has written many Christian books and even acted in the movie, “War Room.”
Two churches which I have attended over the years have hosted Priscilla Shirer events. Each time, these events kicked up a lot of controversy among female congregants. There were those who loved her and those who thought that she crossed the line. The first time that I heard of her was at a Calvary Chapel event for Women.
I was waiting on a line to sign up for that upcoming event when I saw a sister in Christ heading towards me. Priscilla’s event are not free. By the time I contributed for the live stream and bought the book, I was into her for the double digits. Not to mention that DVD’s of the event were also available if you wanted to spend more money. I didn’t care though, I thought it would be great to share time with the ladies of my church and study the Word of God.
That was until Theresa* interrupted me and asked if she could have a word with me. “Sure Theresa, what’s up?” She obviously wanted some privacy because she asked me if we could just step outside of church for a moment. When I assented, she very quickly poured out her mixed feelings about this upcoming Priscilla Shirer event to me.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world -1 John 4:1. Far from making any character assaults or anything of that nature, Theresa seemed to have some genuine questions about Priscilla’s orthodoxy to the faith. She thought that Priscilla veered off at times into being lead by her emotions. Also, she depended on too many personal stories to make her points instead of relying more on the Bible. Finally, she seemed to be a proponent of contemplative prayer and have a controversial friendship with Beth Moore.
I told Theresa that these all seemed to be valid questions and that she should either discuss it with the Pastor’s wife who was the head of the Women’s Ministry or go to the Pastor or an elder. They have the responsibility of overseeing all church activities. Theresa seemed hesitate when I said this. When I ask her why, she said because the Pastor would be hesitant to micro-manage the women’s ministry event lest his wife get discouraged.
I again reiterated that it is the Pastor’s job but, also a husband’s job to direct his wife to that which was righteous. Theresa agreed with me but, said the deciding factor for her not to bring the matter up, was the lack of any elders who would be willing to stand up to the Pastor in matters of orthodoxy. Boy, this sounds like politics.
I was skeptical going to that Ministry event especially after my conversation with Theresa but, shouldn’t we always be skeptical? After all, there are many false teachers. In fact, more and more every day. I was not impressed by the event that day. Priscilla is a motivational speaker no doubt. But, what is she motivating people to do?
Her style seemed to me to rely on woman’s empowerment themes. My problem with that is God is in the people empowerment theme. There is no difference to God whether you are a man or a woman so why do we make such a fuss about the differences? Men and women have different roles to play in the life of the church, and in the family. We have different issues and approaches at times. I think that should be handled with a gentle touch always bringing God into the discussion. I don’t think Priscilla Shirer did that.
The world is now breaking up into subcultures or maybe into spiritual and political armed camps. Our model as Christians is to be a “body of Christ.” The emphasis is Christ as the head of the church and we, ie. all the parts of the body working together in unity under him. So, we need to make sure our bible studies represent that. Although, if you hear Priscilla tell it at one of her events, she is hearing from God so you don’t have to worry.
As I left my first Priscilla Shirer event, I was left with some questions and thoughts that she had strayed from some godly principles of teaching. After all the Bible does say not many should teach because it has to be done correctly. The Church congregation depends upon solid bible teaching for spiritual nurturing and growth. If people are not taught correctly, they will stray from the faith and from the truth. With all at stake, I think Theresa was right to question a bible studies foundations if she was not certain.
When i got home and began to read my Priscilla Shirer book, I did not feel that it gave me what I thought was the meat of the gospel. I felt there was a lot of fat and uneatable parts of that bible study sandwich.We are told, to test the spirit. Having done that I felt that I would not chose to attend one of her events again. However, the issue is again popping up because the Pastor’s wife, at my new Church, is hosting a Shirer event this March.
I began rethinking the issue lately. Can I put my name on that Women’s Ministry Sign-up sheet when I feel that Priscilla Shirer misses the mark? The Pastor’s wife seems so excited about this event, am I wrong in thinking she might be mad at me if I do not attend? Here I go, I am about to air the Christian dirty laundry. Wait for it, wait for it.
Sometimes we take salvation into our own hands and push people into participating in church events and guilt trip them if they do not attend. Example, oh, we all missed you on Sunday! I am expecting the hard sell at some point. What will I do? After all, I am not a theologian, I don’t have all the answers. But, I have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that guides and directs me in my life. I don’t need these fanciful and emotional churning events to challenge me to go to the next level with the Lord.
Hasn’t the Lord done the work on the cross? Haven’t I repented and accepted that offer of salvation? Furthermore, the Lord is the center of my life everyday and everyway. Do I really have to do pseudo-psychological exercises to unblock my power to pray or has the Lord already done that work in me which from grace to grace I receive? Do I confess my sins privately and corporately on a regular basis, the answer is yes, yes, and yes to all the above questions.
Priscilla Shirer is a gifted and spirited communicator. But just what is she communicating? Is it the gospel of Jesus, or is it something else? If we were all free to ask these kind of questions at our churches without fear of reprisals wouldn’t we be a more mature church? I could be wrong in my estimation of this women’s speaker, but each of us needs to daily make a lot of judgement calls on what is worthy of our time, and trust.
The clock is ticking away for signing up for this event. I know that if I do not sign my name and put money in the pocket of someone whom I do not fully trust to guide me spiritually I will be asked by the Pastor’s wife to give an account of why I chose not to attend. Perhaps she will tell me it is a fantastic event which she thinks will spiritually uplift me. I am sure she believes that.
However she inquires, or try’s to persuade me to attend the upcoming event, I know that I should tell her the truth. I am not certain how that will fly. Wouldn’t it be great if people, especially people at church, would respect your right to work through these issues? It would even be nice if she felt comfortable telling me why she thought that I was wrong. Or, if having heard my arguments she had a change of heart.
Unfortunately, it often does not go that way. I wonder if the Pastor’s loving heart towards his wife resulted in him not exactly scrutinizing this event. That was the allegation that Theresa made to me all those years ago about Pastor Larry.* Even my own husband wants me to go to this event and fake it if I have to. He does not want me to offend the Pastor’s wife. I played him some YouTube videos of Priscilla being controversial. I can say that he had some questions of his own about her. I still got no support from him about this. He just does not want me to create a possible social faux pas. Wow, is that all church is today. I thought it was about real life and death issues.
Should I Stay or Should I go? I already know the answer to that, but will I have the courage to stand up for what I believe in? 2 Timothy 4:3- “And in the last days men will no longer endure sound doctrine but embrace doctrines of demons.”
* the story is true but the names have been changed for privacy.
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