What do I know about banking? After all, I am an average Christian housewife who is more concerned with what snacks I will make to bring to church for the next bible study than the status of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). When the news came in about the failure of SVB, I was doing my daily rotation of the meat I was curing for my Ode to Ireland church snack menu. I was making Irish Soda bread, and Irish Spiced Beef (a dish that is usually served at Christmas time on the old sod). That would be accompanied by Dubliner Cheese and some chocolate shamrocks.
Irish Spice Beef has been made for nearly 300 years. I went Irish spiced beef crazy several weeks before St. Patrick’s Day watching every video and reading every article that I could get my hands on outlining variations on that classic recipe. As I was blissfully ensconced in food history, reality had a stark way of butting in. This time in a big way. The markets roiled along with my investments with the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Next, Credit Suisse, who has been doing a swan dance for a long time, finally breathed its’ last breath and it too collapsed. Could Deutsch Bank be next? What after that?
Whenever there is a bank or financial institution in its’ death knells, it is a rare opportunity to observe what goes on behind the scences. Always, there are those insiders who advised you to buy shares of that stock while they themselves were dumping it. Nothing to see there! People getting their bonuses in the middle of March, just before the institution goes belly up, nothing to see there either.
Since COVID hit, nothing has been normal. Don’t get me wrong, I believe the agenda that we see front and center now, was brewing like a wicked tea in the background for years. When people were at their very weakest it was then time to bring out all the wicked dinners and force-feed them to the world. The world has eaten of it.
The banking system is something that the average person depends on everyday to build their life both now and in the future. Have you noticed that all the things that we depend upon can not be trusted anymore?The banking system is one of those things. The fiscal policies of bank executives and nations don’t seem to make sense yet we are powerless to do anything about it. Silicon Valley Bank had only one investment banker on the bank board. That does not seem correct to me. The rest of the board were people who were given their cushy, lucrative positions because they were Obama and/or Democratic Party donors. Is that any way to run a bank?
And while the bank may have funded some good tech start-ups and the California wine industry, it could not do so without leaving the distinct impression of doing business based on political nepotism. SVB bank had a way of supporting the wineries of their friends such as the governor of California or of the green agenda even if those projects were a poor investment. The bank gave over seven million dollars to Black Lives Matters and other anarchist causes.
Why can’t banks just focus on the business of banking and stop being social activists? Why couldn’t they carefully scrutinize the loans they gave out? Why have banks abandoned age old wisdom about how to keep customers money safe? The answer is that banks have either been forced by governments to loan money out in unsafe ways or the bankers were trained by anti-capitalist universities. These once higher places of learning have turned into communist party finishing schools teaching radical philosophy whilst deconstructing traditional thought and reason.
Then, the circus came to New York City. I don’t mean Cirque du Soleil or the new and re-imagined Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey’s Circus. That might be fun. I am talking about the crazy circus. The type of circus that gives you nightmares. Where crazy soul-stealing clowns come out of a little car. When Donald Trump was indicted I was horrified but not surprised.
The powers that are running things have been after him since he was first elected the 45th President of the United States. By doing what the voters wanted him to do and not following along with the evil clown culture of political usurpation that has swept over the United States he put himself in the crosshairs of evil.
If Donald Trump had just continued his life as a business man, he would be on easy street right now. As soon as he got it into his mind to listen to people and try to fulfill the mandate that he was elected to fulfill, his fate was sealed. It would be just a matter of time before he got arrested, investigated, fined or worse. Even though I knew it was coming, seeing the obvious abuse of power to stop Donald Trump from running in the next presidential election was more than I could take. I was just starting to come down with something on top of all that.
I was embarrassed for New York State, which is the place that I was born and raised. The corruption was over the top and it saddened me greatly to see how far a once great city could fall. It was like going to the circus and watching all the crazy goings on when reality is temporarily suspended during the performance. Only now it was not a day of fantasy, it was a reality and Donald Trump was getting arrested. If they can weaponize the FBI, and the New York CIty’s Attorney General against a former President of the United States there is nothing they can not do.
Meanwhile, Hunter Biden and the current President have skated past every allegation or authentically proven corruption scandal with narry a mention of it in the mainstream media. The current president does not seem fit to conduct the duties of his Office yet there is no journalistic interest in exploring that topic. I know that the free press is dead. A press that used to be known for its’ scrutiny. When tyranny descends the free press is one of the first things to go and it has.
As the Trump case was beginning to unfold, I came down with a cold, flu or perhaps COVID. It was a weird illness. Why couldn’t I even get a normal cold or flu? We are definitely living in an age where novel illnesses abound. It is written in the Bible that in the end times that there would be pestilence. Marburg is out breaking in Africa, a crazy rare fungus that has only been present in hospital settings is now poised to break that barrier on the eastern coast of the United States. The list goes on and on. None of this is normal. Thinking of all of this culminated in what had to be defined as a spiritual battle of sorts for me.
The answer to all my questions and the end of my spiritual battle came as Easter approached. The message of the Bible directs and guides us towards all things holy and righteous. It gives us clarity on everything that we see that doesn’t make sense. The truth of our changing world hurts sometimes. The banking system is in trouble, the political system is in trouble but Jesus has overcome. He will bring us through the persecution, the injustice and ultimately will judge the wrong-doers.
I am grateful for the direction my relationship with Jesus Christ has given me. Although God will allow people to sin if they want, he will not allow it to go on forever. As I stated earlier, all the things that we depend upon can no longer be trusted, that is all except God, who is the same yesterday, today and always. I know that, like the old song said, because he lives, I can face tomorrow.
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