Monday, May 4, 2020

New York State of Mind

New York has been besieged by a terrible enemy. An enemy that we can neither hear nor see but that we know is all around us. Stalking us as it were.* I started to think of where my life was before this terrible virus hit us. It is so dramatic to contemplate. I was just an ordinary person going about my ordinary business. Now, every encounter, all the most normal things of life have become distorted and painful. How precious is the ordinary life that most of us live and seldom appreciate. It has gone away in a flash. Romans 15:5- May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ had.

New York City used to be called the city that never sleeps. The vitality of culture, commerce and creativity was astounding. Now, the streets are empty. People huddling in their grave-sized studio apartments waiting for the go-ahead to start living again. People reduced to lining up like robots in supermarkets being told how to move and how fast to do it. They are harassed and given tickets for going to the park on a beautiful spring day. The economy of this state and nation were experiencing historic highs before all of this happened. Our jobless rates were never lower. Now we have parents of Columbia University and New York University students clamoring to get their money back and de-cry the sub-par education their children are receiving at these high-priced learning meccas. ZOOM may be the APP of the moment but you can't hug someone on it, and it surely can't replace traditions at institutes of higher learning for in-person pedagogy. How did we get from there to this? Will we ever have answers concerning how this virus emerged or caused such worldwide tragedy? Can we understand God's plan for us during this time? I think so. The truth seems to be seeping out here and there. Just listen closely and read your bible.

There is financial disaster everywhere I look. Some people are just trying to spend as little money as possible because they are reeling from the financial crisis of losing their jobs. These folks are just trying to hold on until times get better. They are hoping that won't take too long. These folks have been protesting lately, desperate to go back to work.
2 Thessalonians 2:16- May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

Then, there are the people who are afraid to go shopping and even afraid their cash is contaminated. They prefer to pay by credit. These are the same people who wanted to move towards being a cashless society before the Wuhan virus hit us. Revelation 13:17- So that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is the name of the beast or the number of its' name. Folks the only way an Anti-Christ can control the world economy is if we go cashless. I would prefer to disinfect my cash or wash my hands rather than be a part of helping our world go towards this inevitable scenario.

Many in New York believe that vaccines will be our great savior. They are ready to accept universal protection from this virus even if it would mean a loss of privacy and freedom. However, an increasing number of people have doubts that it could be so easy to vanquish this hellish virus. Americans have been debating the merits of vaccines for quite some time. The numbers of those who are questioning their side effects has increased as have those wondering about the impartiality of the medical profession towards them. Science is supposed to be an impartial anaylsis of the situation isn't it? What of Big Pharma's undue influence on governments and the medical profession. These are perilous times no matter how you look at it. The decisions we make on all the above questions will impact our lives and our world greatly. It is important to debate these topics now. Look at the real statistics and not those politicized versions.

In an addendum to last week's blog post on Seniors and COVID, it must be noted that the allegations of mishandling New York's nursing homes have been proven to be true. The Governor of New York with a swipe of his pen forced nursing homes, who were not medically prepared, to take in senior citizens who had tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Is there no where a recuperating elderly patient can be cared for in dignity, safely and with love? What about family? Did they get to have a say in deciding how their family would be cared for?
Leviticus 19:32 (ESV)- You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.

The Governors' actions clearly show that he didn't want hospitals to take care of them. Perhaps he preferred to leave those beds open for younger more important patients. Patients who deserved to live. Why do I think that? Because of the gross elder negligence that has existed all over my state during this pandemic. Thousands of the elderly died when COVID-19 spread in nursing homes like wild fire!
Psalm 71:9 (ESV)- Do not cast me off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength is spent.

This all occurred while a floating hospital was docked in New York City and the makeshift Javits Center hospital were available to receive patients. Of course the governors' approach introduced contagion to both well senior citizens and the staff of nursing homes. How could it not? What was the governor thinking? Thousands have died needlessly and his explaination was painfully insensitive. I mourn this loss.
Acts 20:33 (ESV)- In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

Neighbors are being reduced to spying upon neighbors or patheticly complaining about them on Facebook. Did my neighbor have a visitor? I thought I heard noise, was that a party? Why is that business open? In my area people were complaining about businesses who they did not even realize had been deemed essential services. It is a humbling situation to see grown men and women behaving as if they are children when the thin veneer of civilization is removed. Lord, help me to hold it together.
2 Thessalonians 3:11 (ESV)- For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. 

In Westchester County, people are either paranoid about social distancing or they don't give a hoot and they will go berserk if you ask them to move aside (think Chris Cuomo). Then there are the people who believe in positive thinking. Who doesn't? However, when it excludes the truth or causes us to ignore an action that we need to take, it borders on delusional. All of this points to the fact that the current NewYork State of mind is not good. People have basically went berserk. When a society no longer has godly values what would you expect?
Isaiah 26:3- You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

CONCLUSION: This is a crisis of historic and biblical proportions. It is important to have a support group to help you through this all. I would recommend a good church. You will probably have to attend that church via the internet for the time being. I am here for you too. You can always comment at the end of my blog post and I will answer you. Please read your bible everyday and develop a deeper idea of just what God is trying to say to you.
Matthew 24:13- But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

*hint: I am not just talking about COVID-19.

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