Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas 2022- Who is Jesus?

The headlines concerning just Who is Jesus were wild this year. Some news stories suggested that if Jesus were here today, he would march in a gay pride parade. Some professor tried to prove that Jesus was transgender and it made international headlines. Other stories suggest that some World Economic Forum participants have openly discussed Jesus with much derision, even suggesting that Jesus is fake news. In the cancel culture that we live in, why would any of us be surprised if that were true?

As we arrive at Christmas 2022, we even find the President of the United States giving a Christmas message without mentioning the name of Jesus. He seemed to do everything to avoid making a clear and affirming  Christian message. It seems Santa Claus has replaced Jesus as the center of Christmas. The popular culture has successfully replaced the message of the Savior of the world being born in Bethlehem with a message centered on gift-giving, entertainment and general peace, love and other feel good stuff.

🎶 “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” not because a Savior was born who could save us from our sins.  What about the ever popular , 🎶🎶 “all I want for Christmas is you”,  and by “you” I don’t mean Jesus. It is official, we have cancelled the real Christmas! The Bible predicted as much when it said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3a Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come unless there be a falling away first. Meaning the time of the Antichrist will not come until many have rejected God. It makes sense too. 

We need God Almighty to make sense of our lives and our world. If we reject the message of the Bible and instead turn inward to our own thoughts and directives we would be easy prey for the Antichrist. If history has taught us anything it is that people look for leadership in all the wrong places.

Who is Jesus? I could think of no better thoughts for Christmas 2022 than to contemplate and reaffirm the truth about what we celebrate on Christmas. Jesus had an interesting conversation with his disciples in the gospel of Luke 9:18-22 which mirrors the ideas that we are exploring today. In the context of Luke we find that Jesus had given authority to his disciples to preach and heal in his name. As they ministered to the crowd they were beginning to understand many things that Jesus had taught them. 

There was more equipping yet to come as Jesus prepared them and us for a greater understanding. And it came to pass, as he was alone praying, his disciples were with him: and he asked them, saying, Whom say the people that I am? They answering said, John the Baptist; but some say, Elias, and others say, that one of the old prophets is risen again. He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am? Peter answering said, The Christ of God. And he straitly charged them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing; saying, the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day. - Luke 9:18-22. 

The crowds, then and now. have a lot to say about just Who is Jesus? Some people thought Jesus was a prophet. What has changed? Today there are whole religions who believe Jesus is merely a prophet. Some people thought that he was a popular reformer such as John the Baptist, many today believe Jesus is a sort of Che Guevara or a gender equity activist. 

The power of this central historical figure has never been lost on many movers and shakers so, they seek to co-opt his power and message to propel their agenda to the forefront. Political movements have done it and the Antichrist will do it too. Jesus explored this topic with his closest disciples. He wanted them and us, to know that there will be controversy around just Who is Jesus. 

Jesus asked his disciples and us the second question, which is who do you say that I am? If you have any doubt I want you to again hear what Peter said, The Christ of God. The whole bible was written from Genesis to Revelation to point to, direct to and describe the Savior of the world and his mission. As we celebrate Christmas this year, let us not lose sight of this. Let us affirm the truth amid a world scrambling to understand just Who is Jesus. Let us proclaim and acknowledge him as we open our presents by the tree, as we meet and greet family and friends and eat a celebratory meal. Merry Christmas in the name of Lord Jesus we celebrate!

As is my custom every year, I review blog statistics and attempt to say Merry Christmas to all my readers in their native language. I can’t get accent marks working when on blogger but, here goes anyway: 

Merry Christmas, Feliz Natal, з Різдвом, Veseloho Vam Rizdva, Boas Festas, Joyeux Noel, с РождествомHristos, Razdajetsja, Zalig Kerstfeest, Frohliche Weihnachten, Buon Natalie, عيدميلادمجيدmerry Milad Mubarak, Natal Mubarak, Sretan Bozic, メリークリスマス,merry merry Merii Kirisumasu, Happy Christmas, Selamat Hari Natal, Feliz Navidad, Sheng Tan Kuai Loh, Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal, wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, Wesolych Swiat, and کریسمس مبارک

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Russian Friend

The last time that I blogged about the Russian-Ukrainian War was near Easter of this past year. I was moved by the contemplation of Christ’s death and Resurrection to hope for an Easter miracle, the cessation of this war.  Sadly, that was not to be. However, I did not think the war could possibly last this long. Yet it has. The stories of rape, torture, death and destruction are unfathomable and each day brings more and more cruelty beyond the pale. 

The inability of the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and NATO to deal with this situation effectively is all you need to know as regards the power and efficacy of such groups. What about the billions that have poured into Ukraine from all over the world, and the economic sanctions against Russia? China, India, Turkey, Iran, and North Korea are doing so much damage supporting Russia as they seek more and more influence on the world stage. The faith that we place in our own earthly wisdom and institutions are misplaced. God is the only one who will eventually end all wars for good. 

Amid all of this, I feel like I have been living a double life with my Russian Friend Jenica* . Even though it has been almost a full year since the Russians invaded the Ukraine, Jenica and I have yet to have a real and serious discussion on the war. When I look out my window here in the United States, I am able to see people with Ukrainian flags on their lawns in support of that country.  I have been giving donations to Christian ministries active in Ukraine and yet I have yet to discuss any of that with Jenica.

Am I one to shrink away from stating my point of view or painful truths?  Have I had a fear of losing our friendship, yes at times. But, first and foremost I am fearful of reprisals against Jenica which could result in her getting into trouble in her country of Russia should any of our communications be intercepted. Even though that is a good reason that we should be careful when and how we communicate our feelings about this war, it feels like it is the big elephant in the middle of the room every time we talk.

Our friendship as a result, seems less than authentic. War divides. It always has and it always will. People support that side which they passionately agree with and that causes divisions between those who disagree. Yet, Jenica and I have the bond that exists between people who place their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Jenica and I met on a Missions Trip. We were paired up working as a team. We did arts and crafts for children and assisted in teaching youth inspired gospel messages. That was several years ago where such things would be possible between an American and a Russian. Today, she is a university student in Moscow. The first day that the Russians invaded Ukraine, she sent me a text message evincing great shock as to what had just occurred. 

At that time, she and I were understandably in shock. However, Russians both young and old are not accustomed to betraying either their emotions or their political positions easily. Besides, it is always in the back of my mind that she is in a vulnerable position since any even perceived disapproval of the war in Russia could lead to incarceration. I try to keep that in mind every time that I feel that I want to bring up this topic. 

During this awkward first discussion, I let Jenica know that our bond in friendship is our faith in Jesus Christ and I reminded her that neither she nor I are politicians or generals.  What influence could we have on such important decisions that those above us make? I spoke of the power that we have in God. As the war began, my comments to her as I recall entailed staying close to God amid these events. I wanted to say so much more but I was unsure how safe that would be.

Jenica and I often share our thoughts and feelings about everyday events and situations in our lives. We share problems and discuss solutions. But, just lately, Jenica has this uncanny ability to text me when I have just watched a news report about a Ukrainian toddler getting run over by a Russian soldier or when I just read a report of a grandmother who got raped by a Russian soldier. My emotions are all whipped up and I wonder if I should discuss this with her. Other times I wonder if she even knows what is actually happening. 

This seems to be the year of energy and fuel disruptions. Recently, I was reading about a Russian assault on energy grids in Ukraine. These attacks have left many civilians without power forcing people into dire circumstances during sub-zero temperature conditions. As yet another allegation of war crimes is leveled against the Putin regime, I wonder how accusations of possible war crimes can be bandied about as if they have no meaning. 

Recently, when I was out Christmas shopping, Jenica’s text message came in. I told her that I was Christmas shopping and she began to remind me of the Russian traditions of the season. As usual, she mentioned what sounded like the most important part of her holiday which is gathering around her television with the rest of her family and listening to the annual New Year’s address to the nation by Vladimir Putin. 

I have often wondered if Jenica knows that the traditions of Christmas that were once celebrated in Russia were stopped by the Communists when they took over the country in 1917. I wonders if she understands the reason that she is placing pre-eminence upon the New Year’s festivities instead of the celebration of the birth of Jesus is due to the fact that her countries communist regime sought to stamp our religious practices. What a clever idea, to replace Christmas with New Year’s. They could not simply stop winter celebrations could they? Also, let us place Putin on the throne instead of Jesus. It has been working too hasn’t it? 

Until now that is. Jenica suprised me when she wondered if this year the enjoyment of the holiday would be marred by disagreements within families over Putin’s war in the Ukraine. She also said many families are divided in their opinions about the war. Some people disapprove of the war while their relatives might support it. 

This is a time, a moment in history where you have to choose a side. As believers we know there are only two choices, with God, or against God. If we are with God, it will reflect in the view that one has concerning world events such as this war, the role of government in our lives and the list goes on. Our views in a real sense will effect our family relations, our friendships and the way we choose to conduct business. Yes, Jenica was right, this year there is division but, it is a lot bigger than Vladimir Putin. It is between God and Satan and it is time for us to begin to act like we know this. Repent, read your bible, and find a bible-centered church to attend or online. 

*name is change for privacy.

NEXT-Christmas Message 2022

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Let’s Talk Turkey

Can we talk about some of the family drama that accompanies Thanksgiving? It really should be a wonderful time spent with family and friends but a lot of times feathers fly and I don’t mean from the turkey. Take Mia* for example, she had just completed her Wednesday, pre-Thanksgiving workout and was getting ready to go bake pie when a knock came at the door. She wasn’t expecting anyone. When she opened the door it was her daughter Blair*who Mia had not seen for fourteen years. 

Mia’s daughter Blair had left home when some pesky rules like no drugs, no sex in your parents homes and oh yeah, getting passing grades just made her know that she needed a fresh start. She reasoned that other Westchester County, New York parents allowed those things. I have a minor correction for Blair, most parents in Westchester County, New York would be okay with the sex and the drugs as long as you were a high academic achiever, oh and that if you got pregnant you got an abortion so as not to ruin your bright future.

In Blair’s mind and in order to justify her actions she concluded that she got thrown out of her house. Over the years, the words, I’m sorry mom and dad never escaped her lips. Nor, did she seem to connect with how actions may have consequences such as being asked to leave if you can not follow house rules. Although she claims faith in Jesus Christ, she never related to the story of the Prodigal Son, especially that part where he understands he deserves to be treated like the servants. And I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants- Luke 15:19. NO, Blair thinks her parents should treat her like nothing ever happened. Treat her like royalty even. What of her rebellion against God?

Then, there is Claudio*. Claudio, his wife, and kids are visiting his mom in Westchester County, New York for a week to celebrate Thanksgiving with her. His mom, Maggie* has some major issues to discuss with him such as fears over her declining health. In the past, Claudio has not been supportive of his mom except in extreme emergencies such as when she broke her arm a few years back and needed help after her surgery. On Facebook when he recounted the event, he was somehow the one suffering.

Claudio is planning on taking his kids to see New York City sites, visit old friends and drive the family, including his mother, to Philadelphia for a big old-fashioned Portuguese-American Thanksgiving. Only problem is, with Claudio it is all about having a good time, posting those special moments on Facebook despite the interpersonal relationship problems that have long existed between him and his mom. 

He has drawn clear boundary lines such as telling his mom that he is too busy with his career and his kids to babysit her. Anyway, “you’re still young mom, you will live to be 100!” Hey, way to go Claudio, what a great way to make himself feel better about abandoning your mom! 

Another person visiting her parents for the holidays is Morgan.* Morgan’s mother is beseeching God and trying to do everything within her power to stay well this holiday season because Thanksgiving and Christmas are the last times she may see her daughter for a long time. She wants to host her daughter and not lose one precious moment with her. If she should have to quarantine, due to that pesky virus or come down with the flu that has been going around she might even miss her daughter altogether. 

It’s only one holiday season, why is she so worried about it? That is because Morgan has informed her parents of her decision to enter a cloistered monastery after the holidays. During this year long Postulancy, she will live in a closed off world in earnest among nuns who have taken a vow of silence, poverty and chastity. Morgan’s telephone time will be restricted to two times a month and visits no more than two times per year. 

What do all these stories have in common? A few things. The parents of all of the above adult children are all saved, spirit-filled Christians.  Morgan, Blair,and Claudio once went to the same Church a long time ago. Claudio began attending that Church after he attended a bible study that a group of students ran. The transition to living on campus for Claudio was not easy. Naturally shy, he failed to make friends his first year at school. He repented for sins committed, professed Jesus Christ as his Savior and went on to attend a Bible-centered Church for many years.

Although Blair sailed through elementary school with no social or academic problems, high school was another story. She was struggling in her identity. She straddled the worlds of both Christianity and Westchester County New York progressive liberal society. As you may have guessed it was one or the other. Which would Blair choose? For a while there it looked like she was close to making a decision for the Lord, and then it happened!

The youth ministry kicked her when she was down. By down I mean down. Her parents were separated, her sister had psychiatric problems and she was struggling academically and socially in high school. She had migraines too. 

The church youth ministry announced an upcoming opportunity to be in a stage show. It would require Blair to memorize a monologue and attend weekly practice sessions with the youth group. It was probably the worse time for Blair to do this event considering the huge amount of school work that she already had to do, including SAT preparation classes. She really wanted to be part of this event and spent a lot of time writing and practicing a Christian monologue for the upcoming show. 

Every week she attended the youth group practices all the way up to the night of the performance. At the last minute the youth minister said she could not participate because she was not yet baptized. Blair was devastated. It was never the same between her and Jesus. As her mother drove her home that day, she told her that what had happened was not Jesus but part of the sin nature of humanity. But, can you blame Blair, she expected the church to represent Jesus?

As far as what represents Jesus, Morgan began to feel that instead of the risen Lord and the salvation status that this entailed, that she wanted to instead focus on the passion and death of Jesus. Maybe, even relive it daily. Where did she ever get such an icky idea? The cloistered nunnery of course. When I checked out their webpage and facebook page it shocked me. The morbid fascination with Jesus’ death instead of his glorious overcoming of death and sin seemed wrong to me. The website also seemed to contain a lot of drippy, teenage crush type talk about Jesus. 

How did Morgan get to this point? Her Father is an amazingly gifted teacher of the Bible. I know he taught her better than to believe that she can be a co-redemptive along with Jesus. The convents website made it quite clear that nuns could come alongside Mary and Jesus and gave undue importance to the nuns role in the redemptive process placing itself in direct opposition to what the Bible says. 

Did she desire to have what her father had? Did she covet his position in the church? Did she have the mistaken notion that somehow her father was Jesus Junior? I tend to think that was part of it. I also believe that she might be agoraphobic. Fear of being out in public and social anxiety appear to be another part of her attraction to a lifestyle that would mean that she would spend major parts of her day in total silence and have big restrictions on relationships outside of her cloistered convent. 

All three of the above Thanksgiving Day guests profess Christianity. All three of them went from a Jesus alone, Bible alone, salvation by faith church to churches that are more social justice seeking rather than biblical justice seeking. The Bible verse that comes to mind immediately when I think about where they are now has to be 2 Timothy 3:5 which states: Having a form of godliness, but denying the power therof: from such turn away! Blair, Claudio and Morgan all talked turkey and Jesus during this past holiday gathering but something was missing.They talked about all the volunteer work, and prayer that they do to make the world a better place. 

All three of them seem to be living with continuing ungodly behavior. The type of continuing in sin that marks a person as not a follower of Jesus. We need to honor our parents for example. The love Claudio, Blair and Morgan profess to have for their parents is undermined by the insensitive things that they constantly say and do. Maggie deals with loneliness and health problems, Claudio never seems to understand that his mother needs help but he always has times for others. Parents are part of God’s hierarchical structure for our lives and when you see a large-scale insensitivity to that, it means rebellion against God’s order. That is serious. It portents end time settings that are described in the Bible. Blair is a social justice warrior who couldn’t get past the entrée before bringing up racism, sustainability and her hatred of the status quo all while singing hymns to God and saying that some people have said she is a saint. People who don’t agree with her are toxic or have bad energy.

All three of these adult children are ferociously focused on bringing justice, coming alongside Jesus’ in praying and working for lost souls. None of them seem to be enamored with the Old Testament though. That is another clue into what’s going on with them. Let’s Talk Turkey. The New Testament is the completion of the Old Testament and together they make up everything that God wants us to know. The Old Testament is the foundation for the New Testament. It is like having a house without a foundation. It was the only scripture that Jesus read and it was good enough for him and he honored it as he went on to bring out the fuller meaning of it. Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them-Matthew 5:17.

Claudio outright thought it best if his mother did not bring up the topic of the Old Testament in front of his  children. Wow. What about the covenants between God and man established there or promises made in the Old Testament that are only fulfilled in the New Testament. I liked reading the end of the book in high school when I didn’t have time to read all my assignments but, let’s face it, Shakespeare halfway is no way. Blair has made God into anything she wants him to be and he is hardly recognizable when she mixes him in with the laws of attraction and other such nonsense. Morgan’s parents Thanksgiving holiday consisted of crying their eyes out and trying to help her sell her condominium and sell all her possessions before entering the convent. She even has to get rid of her 401(K). I can’t believe the Catholic Church would ask her to do that. 

Let’s Talk Turkey: Is there any hope for this next generation? For the first time in my life, I am not sure. After all the Bible says people will fall away, so why am I surprised that Blair, Claudio and Morgan have fallen away from where they once were with Jesus? Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death-Mark13:12.

Are those times here? We live in a cancel culture where you can be denounced when you do not go along with the popular theories of the time. Though things seem bad lately, I pray for individuals such as Blair, Claudio and Morgan to change the direction of their lives. I pray that they repent, place their faith in the Jesus of the Bible and be heirs to his eternal legacy. 

* The stories are all too true so, the names have been changed for privacy. Please note that there would be an accent over the A in Claudio only this keyboard doesn’t do it. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Election Insanity

 Two-thirds of Americans say the country is at its lowest point in their memory, and more than a quarter report being so stressed they can’t function most days, according to a recent survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association in which more than three-quarters said the future of the country was a significant source of stress in their lives.

Can you believe that, the American Psychological Association did a survey like thatI could have told them that every one is stressed out to the max. Along with gas prices and inflation, it seems the elections are all anyone is talking about. The results are still up in the air 4 days after the election. This is not the way we have ever run things in the United States before. In the age of technology where data can be processed in the blink of an eye, we are now trying to convince the electorate to wait for the election results for days if not weeks after every major election. Something stinks.

People know that the United States is in a fight for its’ life. Everything that we are and have been is been changed and elections seem to make no difference one way or the other because no one respects when someone else they don’t agree with wins or even trust that the election can be held in a fair way.

This country is divided in its’ opinions concerning the direction this nation and the world should take. However, that does not seem to matter to the elected officials who decide things no matter how their constituents disagree. Those of you who are regular readers know that I believe this is a spiritual civil war. The sides are not Biden or Trump, democrats versus republicans. What we are seeing played out across the globe is God against Satan.

As I said, the whole world is caught up in this spiritual scenario. There is the Russian and Ukrainian War, Chinese lockdowns and their continuing preparations for war. What about Iranian nuclear ambitions?  We are all living in cataclysmic times. There is inflation, recession, energy disruptions, transportation problems, fertilizer, food and medical disruptions. We have or have had protests in many places including,Sri Lanka, France, Austria, England, and Iran. 

People everywhere sense the ongoing insanity and they keep on trying to get their politicians to listen to them but it is to no avail. All these politicians seem to be working together towards goals no matter what their voters elected them to do. Evidence the two-week climate change summit in Egypt going on right now. One hundred and ninety-seven nations have signed an accord concerning our money, and our lives. Have we been given a say in all this? NO.

Can we even know the true scale of the protests and how many people disagree with the tyranny that is overtaking the world? Unfortunately, true journalism does not exist in main stream media anywhere. The only sources are not standard outlets but those small social media influencers, or websites trying to record the true events whilst the algorithms keep trying to put them on page 20 of the search results. When there is reporting on important issues and topics, the news media puts in on the back burner or interprets it away for you telling you what you should think about it all. 

I began writing this blog post  the night before the U.S. elections. I started my evening by listening to some blues C.D’s. As the above study suggests, we all have reasons to sing the blues these days and this musical genre helps to process and expunge those emotions. I then participated in a prayer event hosted by the group, My Faith Votes.  On election morning,I continued to focus on prayer and then texted some friends various bible verses and my prayer intentions as I prepared to go out and vote.

Are our votes safe? The answer for all of us is, No. The question is ridiculous. How could our votes be safe when we rushed in with changes in procedures and technology without due diligence necessary to test for effectiveness. The next elections held any where on this planet will be a referendum on the issues facing our world. There is tyranny versus freedom. Surveillance versus privacy. Fossil fuels versus the alternative green energies. The education of our children is being hijacked by radical anti-God elements with every perverse and insane ideology being shoved down our children’s throats. We have to have the moral courage to stand up for what is right before our God. 

Election Insanity Results: As I took several days to write this blog post, I notice that the elections are still being counted and the tide may be turning against the republicans. Why am I not surprised? The results did not produce a red wave, but, they did not produce a blue wave either. Governors who signed pro-life legislation sometime in the past year all got re-elected. There are 23 democratic governors and 24 republican governors. The United States house of representatives did shift over to republican domination and the senate seems to have tipped republican but, it seems to be tipping back again. Who knows what is going on politically at the moment but, it is not good and has lots of biblical overtones portending end-time script. I am not sure if lawsuits will change the results or some uncounted ballots will show up and change everything. It is all so complicated suddenly. 

I have never felt the insecurity and confusion over an election that I have during this past Election Insanity  and it continues as I experience uncertainly in the veracity of the election results and in my future. The so-called president of the United States who is nothing but a low-down head of a crime family who no longer has normal cognitive function has just promised billions of dollar of money towards climate change goals. If you think that electing a man not fit for office is a fluke note that the newest senator of the United States from Pennsylvania is also not cognitively competent to hold office and somehow shares all of the Presidents goals. Did the people of Pennsylvania really elect him? If so, they have Election Insanity. 

Or is it some delusion being delivered in judgement on a nation whose spiritual comeuppance has come?  Perhaps, it is the satanic plot described in the books of prophecy. Stay tuned.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Is My Pastor Going Woke-Part 2

I knew this week would give me more clues into whether my Pastor was going woke or not. That is because this week we were going to be studying the book of Nahum. As far as I have seen, Nahum is a prophet that many a woke Pastor tries to ignore, make apologies for, or reinterpret altogether. I wondered if my Pastor would even find some justification for not doing the book at all!

Anyway, Sunday rolled around, and I arrived at Church early as I had signed up to be a church greeter. I realized that the book of Nahum would be a watershed moment for our Church. When a Pastor is forced to face what the fiery prophet Nahum said about God judging the nations it provides clarity about what their church is and what it stands for. 

So many things are changing in churches today. It is no longer right or godly to stick by a Pastor or a church which has failed in its’ God given mandate to preach the Word of God. The book of Revelation draws a vivid picture of churches who while following some of the tenets of the faith have failed miserably in others. 

Ephesus had forgotten its’ first love. What a sad, sad thing to say about a Church. Then there was Pergamon. This Church appeared to suffer from many spiritual lapses. So many sins were committed that it needed to repent. Thryatira was following some false prophet. Do you get the picture? When a church has a problem, the Bible does not ignore it and neither should we.

Unfortunately, many people think of church as something other than what God wanted it to be. Some think it is their Church which brings salvation when in point of fact only Jesus alone can bring salvation. There are those who think of the social networking aspects of their Church and don’t care about how they are living their lives at all. So, what if my Pastor, or yours, is woke and departs from the teachings of Jesus and substitutes a false gospel? The Bible says that such a one is accursed.

As my Pastor opened the book of Nahum, I knew that if he was departing from biblical truths that it would be imperative that I respond to that challenge. The Pastor started his sermon by giving some useful background information including the historical setting of the book. The prophet Nahum appears to have preached during the time of King Josiah, the last good King of Judah. Nahum’s message to the Jewish people explained that the time had finally come for the just judgement of God to come upon the Assyrian state. 

Interestingly enough, God’s judgement of that civilization had been previously forestalled when they heard the words of another prophet Jonah and they accepted the opportunity God have given them through the prophet to repent. The opportunity to repent of their sins was accepted in Nineveh the capitol of the Assyrian empire. God always gives individuals and nations opportunities to fly right. In fact, being truly sorry for our sins and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior could come just moments before our death and the judgement of God that should come because of all the wrong that we have done would be mitigated by Jesus’ atoning death for us. It was only some time later when the Assyrians disobeyed God again that their time of punishment would arrive.

As the sermon unfolded I was taking notes to see if my Pastor flinched from revealing the true content of this tiny book in the Bible. I resolved to compare my notes of his sermon to the book of Nahum after service to make sure. Was he going to mention that God’s wrath was coming? Or would he shy away from verses describing the destruction of Nineveh in chapters 2 or 3?. Finally, the message in Nahum points to the fact that believers in God can feel comforted by God but for the enemies of God there will be judgement. Would the Pastor be able to get through this without changing the message or interpreting the book into oblivion? 

In today’s world we are moving away from the traditional concepts of justice. There are so many headlines that you can read telling of gangs of people in the United States stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of handbags or other merchandise and security guards or citizens just watching or recording a video of the event without interceding. People get beat up on the streets, while people walk by in major cities of the United States. It all points to confusion of the moral sort. What of letting murderers and rapists off with light sentences? What of all the national conflicts going on at the moment? Rockets being shot off here and there and everywhere?  It all points to ungodliness on a grand scale and God will have his say.

I am relieved to know that upon hearing my Pastor’s sermon and scrutinizing its’ content that my Pastor passed the woke test. The last thing this world needs is one more fallen away Christian. With everything going on in the world we need to put on our full spiritual armor everyday and make a decision to be in God’s camp. We need to hold our Pastors accountable and leave churches that no longer represent Jesus Christ. Phew, that was a close call!

The Lord is good-indeed, He is a fortress in time of distress, and He protects those who seek refuge in Him. But with an overwhelming flood He will make a complete end of, He will drive, His enemies into darkness. Nahum 1:7-8. 

Next Week: Election Insanity

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Is My Pastor Going Woke? (Part 1)

My Pastor has been doing a sermon series on the twelve “minor prophets.’ I was excited when he began. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to hear this part of the Bible discussed. Along with the book of Revelation, the minor prophets have gone out of fashion in many churches. The topics covered threaten many aspects of the house of cards that is modern theology. Therefore, the truth is not preached.

In late summer, my Pastor told the congregation that he was praying for inspiration to find a topic for his next sermon series. He asked us to pray for him and to email him with any suggestions of books in the Bible that we would like to study. I prayed and when he still did not find inspiration, I latched on to that opportunity to ask the Pastor if he would consider doing a study of the so-called “minor prophets.”

I hate the designation of certain short books in the Bible as well as certain people being relegated to the title of “minor.’ Especially, when word for word, these tiny books pack a huge wallop. Although every commentary and pastor will inform you that the term “minor” only refers to the size of their books, a certain sting of insignificance have always been assigned to their status. 

The minor prophets are rich in meaning for us today. Their messages about following God and consequences for living an ungodly life are raw and uncensored. It is real spiritual news rather than the fake spiritual news that we are being spoon fed everyday in many Christian books and churches. Because of this, many pastors are afraid that their congregation can not handle these books.

Every Sunday, many congregations are getting carefully featured positive only lessons from their bibles. So, reading passages about the consequences of sin and evil is rather jarring. Isn’t “God love Pastor?” Or, but “God is merciful right Pastor?” 

Pastors know how it ended badly for the minor prophets, either being stoned or killed. and they are not anxious to repeat that experience themselves. Other pastors, know that people will leave their church if they were to be so bold as to teach the full counsel of the Bible. Pastors may justify these omissions in their duties in various ways. 

But, God will judge the nations. He has, and he will again. It seems like it will happen anytime now too. Interestingly enough, a recent survey indicates tht many pastors do believe it is the end times but, they are reticent to preach about it. Does that make any sense? Well, it would have to the minor prophets. They preached against false prophets and teachers who refused to illuminate the truth.

So, who are the twelve minor prophets and what did they teach? Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. The themes range from the evil that people do, God’s justice, God’s mercy, and prophecy. This is the story of life on this planet, the nature of God and of man. No filters. It is as vital today as it was when it was first written thousands of years ago.

Some themes and a few excerpts from these books will illustrate these points. Let’s start with the first few prophets. The theme of Hosea is God’s deep and abiding love despite Israel’s unfaithfulness to Him. Our Heavenly Father cleverly constructs Hosea’s life to be a living example of mankind’s betrayal of him. Hosea is living with a wife, Gomer, who neither loves nor respects him. She cheats on him and brings forth the product of that infidelity when she gives birth to other men’s children. Before we know that we are sinners, I think we regard Hosea as a reflection of ourselves. In time and spiritual maturity we can come to understand that we are really Gomer!

How painful it is to experience betrayal by someone we love. Cheating is a deep pain and scar that sometimes never heals. As Hosea goes thru this process we are asked to understand that this is how we conduct ourselves with God. No one can blame Hosea when he divorces Gomer but, God asks Hosea to take her back as his wife after a time which points to how God takes us back amid the treachery of our betrayals. “ Listen to the word of the Lord, O sons of Israel, for the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land.”-Hosea 4:1

Joel preaches against drunkenness, idolatry, sexual immorality and tells of a time when God will judge the nations. Joel preached about lifestyles that sound a lot like the way people are living now. We need Joel now more than ever. Joel brings out this theme in the context of a plague of locust that had arisen. As my Pastor read of the locusts that God brought as punishment for the sin of the people then, I was reminded of recent insect infestations around the world.

Whether it is locusts, killer bees, flesh-eating bacteria, ebola, avian flu or the viruses plaguing us,  these events seem to be on the increase and overtaking our planet. Have we reached the judgement point as in the time of Joel? Joel goes on to compare the overtaking of the land by locust with the overtaking of the land by soldiers. That also rings true, our world is getting increasingly aggressive and it seems like a repeat of the fearsome armies of cruel Assyrians may be coming to get us. Even so, here is what God has in mind: “I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.”-Joel 2:28

My Pastor was doing an amazing job digging into the various prophets. I looked forward to each and every week of biblical truths to be explored. However, one recent Sunday I sensed the Pastor pulling back from the text. Trying to summarize some chapters so that we could move ahead to a more positive part of the book rather than focus on the continuing message of sin and judgement.

Was the Pastor feeling pressure from his congregation? Had someone made a comment? What if they did? I wondered if he himself was struggling as the prophets did when they had to bring God’s message of sin and judgement to the world. You can take the Christian Housewife out of Westchester but you can’t take the Westchester out of the Christian Housewife. I wondered if I should say something about this whole thing to the Pastor.

Over the years, in Westchester County, New York, I have learned that comments to the Pastor or elders on church matters are not welcome. Many Churches in Westchester have undergone a radical departure from the faith and the response from the congregation must be : don’t ask, don’t tell. The falling away is complete except for a remnant of the faithful who have kept the faith there.

That is why I left New York. I am in a different place now. But, I could not shake the idea that questioning of any type would be met with anger and denials. Still, I am a pushy New Yorker. After all, I do not really regret standing up for important biblical principles over the years, even if it has gotten me into trouble from time to time. Isn’t that being true to the faith? One way to stay on course is staying true to the full text of the Bible and not editing out things that you either do not like or that you are afraid your congregation won’t like. The whole bible tells us what God would have us know, any less shows us half-truths.

True to my direct New York style of communication, I later commented to the Pastor that he should never apologize for preaching what is in the Bible nor should he try to soft pedal a message that is vitally important for our times. He told me that he is merely trying to keep the message balanced and grounded in the full prophetic teaching. Now, I was worried. Was my new pastor going woke?!    

The next Sunday, he continued in his sermon series on the 12 minor prophets. He doubled-down on the declaration that he is trying to keep the prophets message balanced when he discussed the next prophet we were studying, which was Amos. It was my distinct impression that he began to summarize and skip a few too many things. Okay so the prophet was describing God as judging Edom, Ammon and Tyre. The prophet definitely stated that God would not turn away his anger. How is this not important?

Either God has the right to judge or he doesn’t. Right now as the Judeo-Christian ethic gets overthrown and some weak on crime, abolish jails philosophy takes its’ place, we see the questioning of God’s authority and the power of the Bible no longer drives public policy. For some pastors this is a lot to wade into. Amos tells it straight when he says, “Seek good and not evil, that you may live; and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you, just as you have said.”-Amos 5:14.

Amos preached against the evil of sexual immorality, oppression of the poor, drunkenness and idolatry, These are all huge issues today and the minor prophets offered an anecdote to all these lifestyle errors. Repent, turn your life over to God, and follow him. Some of these passages outlining sin and judgement are hard to read. But, I feel the same way about reading the news too. However, no matter how hard it is to face the truth about our nation or our world, as it is outlined in the news or in the Bible, we must not put our heads in the sand. The thing is, God will not leave us nor forsake us if we follow him. Help us Lord to face the sin of our lives and that of this world. Strengthen us through the reading of your holy word the Bible. God bless our pastors.

Next week: Is My Pastor Going Woke? (Part 2)

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

It’s Only Words

The Bee Gee’s did a little known song in the 1960’s entitled, “It’s Only Words.” In that song, one of the brothers Gibb croons,”you think that I don’t mean a single word that I say.” Of course the implication in the song is that his words and his love are true. As a Christian, we have to place a value on the truth and speaking the truth is at the center of that.

Naturally, none of us ever succeeds in never telling a lie. We can have a long stretch of being godly in this respect and then something threatens us in some way and we place truth in second place to that reality. God’s directives are shoved aside. The justifications for our lies can be very elaborate. Is it any wonder that the early nineteenth century Scottish author Sir Walter Scott once said, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

The elaborate, intricate and delicate nature of a web is probably the perfect analogy for the anatomy of a lie. When I was a child, I would spend copious hours of the day observing nature. Those were the days! I marveled at the amazing shape and beautiful form of each and every spider’s web. Some could be quite large and clearly the spider expended much energy and time creating it. 

Do lies take on such an elaborate nature? We seem to be living in an age where all the things that have been called truth are being questioned or thrown out. People are living by whatever truth that they want to. This is even if that truth makes no logical sense or is even criminal. I see churches, nations and our world, building a web of deceit that is very much like a spider’s web. At times citizens feel as if they are caught as prey in these webs of lies. 

Is It Only Words when we surrender to the political correct environments in our corporate workplace? Just when we are in the middle of a busy project, or under a firm deadline, an email informs us that we need to take the latest re-education course and make sure to answer each and every question correctly. If we do not, we may not be in good standing and have to go down to the principle’s office otherwise known as Human Resources. 

Is It Only Words when we go along with someone asking us to call them “they” or “them” ? What if you will be fired from the hospital or school that you work at if you don’t say what they want you to say? Is it okay then? Here’s a few questions requiring each and every one of us to explore the truth. Is there freedom of speech anymore? Freedom of religion? Is it okay with God to lie if we are in danger? What if someone asks you to get the mark of the beast or else? Do you see the terrible trajectory that we are on?

Romans 8:5-6 “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

What of the everyday family dilemmas when we think it okay to tell a tiny lie to our partner? How about bigger lies that we use to cover up drinking, cheating, thefts or worse? In the sphere of parenting there are many lies that a parent justifies telling on behalf of a child. They will lie to a school, coach, pastor or even their spouse for a variety of reasons. Does the truth matter? It’s Only Words to many people.

What are the legal ramifications of our words these days? So many people escape criminal convictions by using the law or lies to shield them from the consequences or their actions and the just punishment that should result. I really believe that many people even believe the lies they tell the court. They are so deeply ensconced in their web of lies that they begin to live in this alternative reality. 

The words of that song continue, This world has lost its’ glory, let’s start a brand new story. As this world gets crazier and crazier, it has indeed lost its’ glory,  I have begun to see some brave souls rebel against this altered truth. I am surprised to hear some politicians saying the right thing here and there. Some tech giants.Some parents coming down correctly at a school board meeting. And, a friend of mine who was dealing with fearfulness because of all that has been happening is starting bible studies and prayer time at her apartment. 

She is discovering that stepping out in faith is the anecdote to fear. The solid ground of God and the Bible are the story and we must build our lives around that no matter how bad things get. We will be persecuted for it. It has happened in my life, has it happened in yours? Yet, as Martin Luther said, Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.” Martin Luther based his truth on a thorough reading of the Bible. He saw how the world around him had digressed and ignored the words of the Bible. In putting the Bible into the average person’s hands he was able to give individuals the power to live their faith. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

It’s Just A Subsciption!

Recently, several Christians that I know, announced they were canceling subscriptions to their streaming services. One such man Yves,* shared his reasons with me. He and his wife live a very busy and active life. Their viewership of programming coincides with their desire to follow God. Therefore, the shows are few and far between. Of course there are Christian movies to be had on most streaming services but when Yves and his wife added up the number of programs that they found palatable it just did not make financial sense to continue paying good money for bad programming. 

Pastor Bradley* made the same decision. When Pastor Bradley watches most programming, it makes him long for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. The notions of love and marriage so askew. The lack of respect for parents, the elderly or even the police force seem front and center. Although it gives Pastor Bradley many ideas for his sermons, it just makes him sad to see how Hollywood and its’ ilk are reflecting God-rejecting values. It was an act of obedience to God to let his subscription go.

Then there is dear Vera* a woman well into her 80’s who can barely operate a computer or her mobile phone. All she wants to watch on television is the weather, old movies and to hear some of her favorite Christian pastors on their Sunday programs. Despite her inability to operate modern devices, she has great moral clarity on the current state of the news and entertainment industry. Even as she has begun a cognitive decline she can reason that paying for services that promote mostly ungodly values puts more and more money into the hands of people promoting such things. She shows a moral bravery in her desire to defund the immorality. 

All of these recent discussions made me kind of quesy. Why, because I have struggled with these issues my entire life. Trying to be in the world and not of it, takes a certain toll. You will not be popular at school, your job or in social circles when you explain that you are not watching that most bingeable of television series, or that summer blockbuster movie currently streaming. Try explaining the biblical principles to people ensconced in all that and you see downright persecution.

I experienced all of that as you have or will if you decide to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Following God imparts grace but it also requires actions. Faith without works is a dead thing. Everyday we have to actively make choices that support our status as spirit-filled, born again believers. Jesus bought us with a heavy price, his death and resurrection. Oughtn’t we honor that by living the truth? What is this particular truth that I am referring to?

The truth is we are in a vast, global spiritual war. The forces are good and evil. One of the weapons of choice in this war, are the news and entertainment. We can not join ourselves to evil. Yet, in the case of a streaming service, you are joining yourself to God’s opposition. Your monthly fee to these services gives you the disgrace of having every abomination before God touted and dignified. Even if you are only watching the Christian channels you are still paying the salaries of every abomination to God on the other channels. 

From the moment the first drop of grace fell upon my head, it broke my heart to see what could be a good television, movie or live theater production go bad by the addition of, and pivot towards anti-Christian promotion. It still does, but I know that where we are spiritually will naturally finds its’ place in our books, plays and scripts. Today, the entertainment industry is an all out war for the hearts and minds of everyone from birth to death trying to pull them away from the things of God. 

The factories of spiritual death put out record volumes of material which have ensnared even the most well-meaning christian believer who are not prepared for the power of this propaganda. Many of us let our spiritual weapons down at the end of a long day at work or with the kids. Sometimes, we just want some mindless entertainment to help us relax on the weekend. But, get this, there is no such thing as mindless entertainment.

The arrows hit their mark when our spiritual shields are down. As I write this post, I am closer than ever to stepping away from the remote for good. There are literally only 3 or 4 shows that I like and for that I am  bankrolling the enemy. As I share my spiritual struggle on this front I am inspired by Yves, Pastor Bradley, and Vera to finally do what I know is right and with that try to redirect my money and attentions to other more worthy pursuits trying to be all I can for the Lord. 

* The names have been changed but the stories are not.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Strange Fire

This past month or so, I have seen a lot of parent/child relationships hit the fan. It was inevitable that I would write about it. The state of the family is just not in a good state in Westchester County, New York or elsewhere. Take my friend Amy* from Chappaqua. She is truly a blessing of a friend. She is a godly, loving woman who often serves others. 

Amy has been a strong Christian presence in my life and when I need her help in any way, she is always there. It has always amazed me to think that it was Amy’s daughter who brought her mother to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Emily* started to study the Bible with a church group in college. She chose to get baptized and shared the Good News of Jesus when she was home between semesters. It is hard to believe that it is the same Emily when I see the way she treats her mother now. 

Does Emily think that her mother will be around forever, or does she just hate her that much? I have asked myself that question a lot. Don’t get me wrong, Amy isn’t perfect but Emily is also far from perfect.The stuff that Emily may be holding against her mom is mostly petty. Except that there is a divide as regards Amy’s born again beliefs. Emily has veered away from the faith and now attends a church that allows gay marriage and transgender naming days. She stopped reading the children’s Bible that Amy sent to her grandsons a few Christmas’s ago because she thought it was too violent. All of a sudden she is triggered by her mother’s biblical statements on life, love and war. Strange fire, strange fire!

Then there is Lawrence*. Lawrence has spent a lifetime working in the Youth Ministry of a well-known church in Westchester County. He has been passionate about teaching and equipping the next generation of young people to know Jesus and to content for their faith. He has had many challenges along the way, including financial and health issues. Yet, he has truly been gifted by God for this ministry and has earnestly sought to follow the Lord.

So, that is why it broke my heart to hear the news that his beloved daughter has decided to become a cloistered Catholic nun whose order makes chocolate fudge. It is not common knowledge at the church yet, but a family member needed to confide in me during this crisis. As you can imagine, Lawrence is feeling like a complete failure within his own house because his own daughter has turned her back on her  former bible centered, spirit filled relationship with Jesus Christ. Strange fire, strange fire!

Dee’s* problem with her daughter Chloe* feels almost like her daughter has joined a woke cult. She thinks she is a Conservative Christian but, she could only pass for one in her new state of California. In the rest of America except for the bi-coastal regions of the United States, she would be called a triggered, flaky, woke, neurotic, woman. Typical of that group is that she treats her pets far better than her parents. In her Gaia faith, it is all the same. Yet, in the Holy Bible there is a difference. Strange fire, strange fire!

“And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not. 

And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.

Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the Lord spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified, and Aaron held his peace.”-Leviticus 10:1-3

Within each of the above stories, I see the theme of strange fire played out. There is arrogance and a state of righteousness that all of these women feel as they go before the Lord. They feel certain that,”they have this” or that,”it is all good.” But, God knows the difference between the truth and a lie. He has imparted certain standards within a family setting, including the way we are to treat our parents. 

There seems to be an entitlement among these young girls that is mirrored in the story of Nadab and Anihu. Each of these girls claims they are a Christians or a follower of Jesus Christ. They are sure of it, so sure that just like Nadab and Abihu, they boldly go before the throne with their unorthodox offerings. Their social activist constituents obedience to God as far as they are concerned.

We seemed to be living in a kind of Nadab and Abihu world these days. Orthodoxy seems to have gone by the wayside and with it the clarity of the truth. The truth has been compromised and with that, some strange fire is being offered up to the Lord. 

* The names and some events have been changed to ensure privacy.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Death of First Love

I had a disagreement with my husband. A discussion that we had, got heated and nasty real fast the other day. Was it a pile up of emotions that overflowed or, was it a clearing of the air that has to happen from time to time in married life? We were just finishing our dinner that night and I had that relaxed, satiated feeling you get at such times, I was not ready for this. Neither of us were acting very godly in the situation that night.

When we are at our worst, sometimes we all take a cheap shot in the course of an argument. In boxing terms it is called hitting below the belt which is against the rules. In this case, my husband used the opportunity to try to win a battle by bringing up an ex-boyfriend, if you could call Mick* that. In my anger and foolishness, I stormed up to the bedroom and decided to check him out on social media to see what he was up to. There was news alright. I found Mick’s obituary!

It looked like Mick died suddenly in autumn of last year, in his home in upstate New York. He did not die of old-age but, he passed away the way I always imagined that he might,i.e. quickly and mysteriously. After all, that was how he appeared to me to run his life.

I met Mick the summer before I entered high school. I was thirteen and he was fifteen years of age when he walked into my life. He was destined to challenge me for the next several years and beyond. My sister was dating a guy who looked like one of the Hemsworth brothers. River* was a golden boy in every way. Good as gold, smart as could be, and talented in many ways. He sang for us, organized sporting games for the neighborhood kids and was respectful towards my sister. 

And, just like a Hemsworth there were more at home just like him. River’s mother passed away of cancer several years before we all met, leaving his father to care for four children. River. the eldest of the bunch, seemed to take a natural leadership role in caring for his younger siblings. He might have even been better at it then his own father was. 

River was very responsible, he cooked, made sure everyone’s homework was done, and tried to keep order when his father was at work. During summer vacation, he got a job as a lifeguard and made sure all his siblings learned to swim that summer. He drove them to responsible adults homes rather than leave the family home without supervision when they did not go to the pool with him. 

That is more or less how I met Nevin* his younger brother when River brought them over for an afternoon visit. Nevin was a 6 feet tall, member of the track team, blond, and beautiful with rock star quality hair. He was the opposite of me. I had yet to attain any stature of note at 13 yrs old and while I always enjoyed having fun with a softball, football, biking and swimming, I was not interested or equipped to do anything more. As for my hair, let’s just say that Nevin’s hair was better than mine.

So, why was Nevin flirting with me? Why was he putting the moves on me? I was frightened but intrigued at the same time. I was not sure if I wanted to run away and play with my dolls or maybe consider that growing up wasn’t that bad after all. We dated that summer and he visited my home frequently, always with his friend Mick. Whenever I was wishing for some alone time with Nevin, there was Mick tagging along.

I can say that while Nevin and I did not have much of a connection, he helped me prepare for starting high school and maybe he helped me shed some of my geeky reputation in the neighborhood by just being seen with me. Mick was always there, however, I soon began to appreciate the fact that trying to follow my faith on a date was much easier with other people present, even Mick. 

One day, close to summer’s end, Nevin and I inevitably broke up. My first relationship was no more. I felt a grief and an array of emotions that I had never experienced before. It was the morning of my breakup and I had been crying when the door bell rang. My mother hollered, “answer that please, I am cooking.” As usual Mick was at the door to hang out with Nevin and I. He must not have heard that we broke up. “Hi Mick, Nevin isn’t here, we just broke up.” “Yes, I know,” was his reply, “can I come in?” 

I was shocked, there was a flirt somewhere in there. For one thing, it was flattering for a girl just dealing with her first breakup, for another thing, I did not see this coming. “Come in Mick.” That day, Mick confessed that he liked me as soon as we met but, he was shy and Nevin beat him to asking me out. He then invited me to go get an ice cream cone over at the local Carvel’s ice cream shop. 

I soon learned that Mick was an enigma within an enigma. On one hand, whenever he was with me, he always brought his “A”game. On the other hand, when he wan’t with me there was a void. I might not hear from him for a while. This is a young guy who seemed to be interested in me and keep me interested in him but, there was no consistency in when I would see him next. While he seemed to want to be with me, there was no official boyfriend/ girlfriend thing that ever happened. 

Mick also seemed to have many gifts that were going to waste. It appears certain he had a very high I.Q.but never realized his full potential. He would cut class to go bowling or to the beach. I know there were a few teachers who saw his potential but could somehow not reach him, nor could his father who tried his best to inspire Mick to apply himself.

I wondered if Mick was just interested in a physical relationship? I had already pronounced my love of Jesus Christ and my commitment to having sex reserved for marriage. Yet, he continued to come and visit me, take me to the movies, out for dinner, drive-ins, and the beach. I saw he was a traditional gentleman in many ways. His manners towards me were impeccable. I sensed that he had respect for me but, I could not allow myself to give my heart to anyone who was not a Christian. I also wanted a reliable and trustworthy boyfriend who was more consistent. 

So, since I quickly found out that I could not develop the sort of relationship that I thought was appropriate with Mick, I made the decision to dive into the dating pool at high school once the semester began. As the school year began, I was open to the possibility of dating again. That worked out well and looking back I can earnestly say that I dated several nice Christian teenagers in high school.

Except there was one problem. Whenever, I had a steady boyfriend somehow Mick would stop by for a visit and either taunt my boyfriends or plant seeds of doubt in my mind about them. Was Mick the most manipulative guy ever? A sociopath perhaps? The years might prove the answer to that as, yes. However, back then, while I actively defended my boyfriends Mick kept on making me think about him more than them. 

This was not a position that I wanted to be in as a Christian girl. So, I told myself and I told him that he was no good for me and kept on trying to move forward in good and healthy relationships. How manipulative and nervy was he? Well, he knew I was dating Nico* and that we had a dinner planned for Valentine’s Day❤️. Mick decides to show up a few hours earlier and surprises me with a single  🌹 red rose. It was my first rose ever. I was surprised when I looked at the beauty of this long-stemmed lovely and thought of the meaning that perhaps was behind this gift. It certainly undermined what Nico was able to accomplish that night with his supermarket carnation bouquet. I thanked Nico for the lovely bouquet of flowers but in my heart I thought Mick’s gift was more “cool.” 

When you know Jesus and are called to follow his purposes in your life, situations like this bring spiritual battles that you wish did not happen. But, they do. Why are we drawn to people who are inconsistent, irresponsible or treat us less that we think is respectful? Is it their looks, do we see something in them that we think ameliorates all the other problems? Do we think that we can save them, because only Jesus can save. Or, perhaps, they act in a familiar family pattern or should I say family curse.

I prayed, I worked hard at school and I tried to use all my intellect to ferret out the meaning of my feelings for Mick. I kept busy and dated all the right boys, I kept to godly activities and it all worked until I saw Mick again and it challenged me greatly. When I entered University, I vowed to God to move passed this chapter in my life in a mature fashion and I did. 

Many years went by and as Satan would have it, Mick and I saw each other again. He played a game with me. It was called guess what we have been up to. He went first, he wanted to take a stab at guessing what I had been up to since high school. He guessed that I had money in the bank, went to church and did volunteer work. Then it was my turn. Feeling nervous and very uncomfortable with this personal reveal, I blurted out,” well, in high school you were voted most likely to drink anyone under the table, so I guess you drink. You are a divorcée once, maybe twice.” Horrified at what I just said, I quickly apologized. 

Mick told me that’s alright and that “I had hit the nail on the head.” We talked about our lives and it was clear that I had made the right decision to pull away from Mick as best as I could. How crazy to see that everything that I thought about him was true. Trust your instincts readers and pray for those people that you know are just no good for you.

Mick shared the terrible path that his life had taken. Alcohol and cocaine dependence had taken hold of his life for many years. A terrible divorce and estrangement from his son ensued. Although he made a good living and owned a business for ten years, he spent all his money on drugs. He had lived in the west village of NYC during that awful time. When he wanted to get clean he decided to make a new life for himself in the Catskills region of New York State. He bought a piece of land and started a journey back to the land.

He put up a pre-fabricated house and embellished it with carpentry work he expertly did. He wanted his new life to include a new wife but his relationship skills had not improved at all. So, in this desire he was continually frustrated. That day, I spoke to Mick about how my faith in Jesus Christ had made me everything that I am. I told him to seek first the kingdom of heaven and all of its righteousness and that everything that he was looking for would make a lot more sense. 

He seemed to drink this message in like a sponge to water. He told me of a Christian Pastor that he had met some time ago who had invited him to breakfast. He had not taken him up on that offer but, now Mick assured me that he wanted to phone him and arrange a meeting. Mick indeed followed up and had breakfast a few times with a bible-believing Pastor. He started to attend church and read his bible.

It appeared that he was just holding on by a thread. I asked myself where was God in his travails. Mick seemed to think it was all up to him and he was trying as hard as he could but somehow he never seemed to tap into that precious freedom that you get when you “let go, and let God.” I believe he learned that saying at his frequent Alcoholics Anonymous meetings but somehow he couldn’t let go of the control. A few years after our meeting, there was a lapse back into drugs, and some casual sexual encounters. 

What am I feeling now?  I feel that Mick lived less than the life that God had for him because he did not choose what was right. A mixture of thoughts and images of the innocence in our relationship have crossed my mind. I believe that he was a sex addict yet, he accepted that within my Christian walk we could not have this union without marriage. I knew from day one that I could not allow myself to follow him into certain spiritual death as Adam did follow Eve when he chose to take a bite of that apple. 

Mick left a string of broken hearts behind him, including mine. Now looking back, I can see that God’s way was the right way. You  can not go by every feeling that you may have but, instead must choose godly actions. It is a constant battle. God bless you!

* the names are changed but the facts are true.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Post Roe v. Wade

Many of us are celebrating the news that the Supreme Court of the United States has overturned Roe v. Wade. From the moment that the news was leaked that the Supreme Court was considering the idea that the Roe v. Wade decision was unconstitutional, death threats and violence erupted targeting the Supreme Court justices and pro-life centers. The intimidation factor was huge even targeting one of the justices young children. 

Violence and mayhem have continued unabated since the leak proved to be true and the Supreme Court did indeed strike down this unconstitutional stance against unborn babies. Anarchy, non-stop cursing and screaming surrounds every protest march. Firebombs and threats abound. The truth is out. The democrats and their supporters are every bit the storm-troopers that they accuse the conservatives of being. There is something more however, if you have the moral courage to look at what has just unfolded and will continue to unfold in the aftermath of this decision, you will get a glimpse of pure evil.

I don’t suggest that you examine this topic without first praying. When hell is breaking loose, you can not stand against it without the God of angel armies, and your banner in war standing before you. Only the lamb is worthy and can face, has faced, and will face pure evil. It is through Jesus that we are delivered from evil. 

I hardly thought my first blog post reflecting upon Roe v. Wade would be going in the direction that it is now leaning toward. I actually thought that I would be discussing the actual victory for our most precious gifts which are our children. I thought that I would discuss how all our lives began at our conception. I even thought that I might be discussing state versus federal laws and the United States constitution.

But, all that is too logical. Why should I bring in the question of right and wrong for our lives and the legal foundation that has served this country so well? Today, those questions do not seem germane to most people’s lives. Rather, it is what pithy saying they can put on a piece of wood to display at home or what they can display on their social media page to seem relevant. It Is all about what serves people at the moment (in a situational ethics sort of way). “He is not Mr. Right, he is just Mr. Right Now.” For a society that believes that, it is not a huge stretch to think that a dear wee baby is either situationally good or bad, rather than focus on the childs’ personhood.

The political movement for so-called abortion rights is dehumanizing and morally baseless. Logical debates, or allowing people to vote their beliefs are out of the question for this gang of thugs. Instead, a reign of terror has ensued and continues to this day. The choice of tactics that abortionists choose are important to contemplate because, it tells us almost everything that we need to know about this movement. 

The means by which you run your life, family and community matter. The way that you conduct your politics is a reflection of what you believe. It is okay to curse out your political opponent, put them out of business, or threaten them if you first begin with believing you should kill unborn babies. It is small potatoes to do that in fact. 

As a Christian, we have to know that God does not call us to such tactics. No, far from it! At times, there is a part of me that wishes I could fight back and give them a little bit of what they are dishing out. But, then, I remember that Peter was moved to fight to protect Jesus when the soldiers were coming to unjustly arrest him. Peter succeeded in cutting the ear off a Roman soldier. 

Yet, Jesus healed the man and Peter went on, with our Lord’s guidance, to do greater things than fight with weapons. Much greater things in the spiritual realm. We must fight for what is right but the means by which we do that shows who and what we believe. The other thing that we must watch for is lying to move our political agenda forward or to achieve our goals. Not okay. 

The opponents of the “right to life” movement are trying to work their constituents into a frenzy. Upping the rhetoric and even telling lies to do that. Each state will have a chance to decide their own fate as regards this issue. The people will have a chance to voice their opinions and vote for the kind of place they want their state to be. Freedom does mean we have the freedom to follow God or reject his holy and good teachings. 

Can we get a fair vote in the next United States elections in the fall? I am not so sure. If we can then, voters will have an opportunity to vote on this issue and many other life and death issues facing the United States and the world in the fall. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Politics and the Pulpit-Part 2 (The Problem of Sin)

Politics and the Pulpit continues with the contemplation of the problem of sin. It was sin and vanquishing sin that drove Kostas* from the pew of my new, little, country church. It might have been his sin, the sin that he saw on the evening news or a combination of both. I guess at this juncture, I should include the sin of the lying news outlets of our day. I am talking about sin after all so I might as well be thorough.

Let us start out with a definition of the word sin. Sin is a term used in marksmanship. I learned that in a real way when my youngest daughter excelled in the summer bow and arrow competition that occurred at her summer camp. There was the target, that is the mark that you wish to hit in the center of the field, and then there was missing your mark which was sin.

When we miss our goal in any moral way and we do not follow God, then, we are said to sin. I had an interesting conversation with a friend from Westchester County, New York today. Crystal* told me that it is possible through observation to ascertain what is good and what is evil. She explained that a good deed is not self-seeking. She further went on to tell me that she believes that others, beside those who are Christian, go to heaven because of their good actions.

I told her that everything she told me goes against what God explicitly stated in the Bible. I began with the possibility that any of us are good. We may look good, we may desperately think we are good, and we may even manage to have done quite a few good things, but that does not make us good. Why? Because, we are all sinners and sooner or later we lie, steal, cheat, rape or even kill. 

Did you ever notice that when a crime is committed how often people don’t believe their friend or family member could be capable of the crime?  Some of the things people exclaim are : “My husband is suspected of murder, he must be innocent!” “I did not raise my child to do that.” “She would never hurt a fly.” People often see superficial attributes and do not understand the deep struggle that people are having with sin. 

How many of us have followed the story of a serial killer in the news and come to find out that person was charming and volunteered at church, school, the local library or an animal shelter? The Bible says that “Man judges by appearances but God judges by the heart.” We are often hoodwinked by a physically attractive person. An example that comes to mind is the story of “dirty John” who conned a whole lot of love-lorn women out of money, and worse. The documentary about his case was one of the top most viewed shows of its’ kind in 2017.

Why? Because people are struggling with the question of sin. How can we recognize it and avoid being a victim of it? How can we protect our love ones and society from it? Kostas was thinking that our society can vanquish the evil of school shootings, and he might have thought that his Pastor should be doing more to make that happen. 

After God created the world, He pronounced it to be a good thing. It was a good thing, but, it was not very long before the choice to follow God or miss the mark and follow something else occurred. In fact, it was after the creation of the very first man and woman that the choice to sin, or missing the mark of following God occurred. In other words, mankind could not go very long before the temptation of doing whatever was right in their own eyes happened.

The second generation of Adam’s family was no better. Adam and Eve’s son Cain killed his brother Abel and then we hear God tell us that sin is crouching at our door waiting for us to choice it. Even though this lesson resonates for me in my observation of real life (mine and other people’s), there still are those who have proposed alternative theories of existence in opposition to what the Bible teaches. They are just wrong.

The utopian philosophy of communism espouses overcoming sin thru the collective labor of the good and noble proletariat. But since it is based upon a false premise, namely that the proletariat is good, it is doomed to fail, and it has and continues to fail every day. The problem of sin is thorny isn’t it? Is it any wonder that many preachers, if not whole denominations of Christianity have decided to not talk about it? 

But, if you do not talk about the origin and the existence of sin and what the Bible says about it, you can not develop reasonable checks and balances in law enforcement and the judiciary to deal with it effectively. The founding fathers of the United States, were either men of faith or close to it. They wove in the cosmology of the christian faith into their founding documents showing a deep understanding of the doctrine of sin in everything they did. That is what kept the United States moving forward in a positive direction for so long. 

All of that is currently being thrown out the window. The constitution of the United States with its’ discussion of God-given rights and the need and means to control run away government sin is being challenged. In its’s place stands nepotism in the form of race politics, soft on crime ungodly policies and totalitarian control seeping in for those who would debate the facts. When a people discard biblical facts, it will not go well for them. 

How could a true pastor of a church not talk politics when their country is acting in a public way and promoting principles in opposition to God? Politics emerge from the mindset of a people and at any given time they either represent the will of that general public, or the will of some fringe group of people. When a dictator takes over, the people must fight for their freedoms or they are slaves to that new regime. 

Pastors of necessity are always on the front lines of a spiritual war which determine everything in our society and our world. If our pastors do not tell us right from wrong, as outlined in our bible, they are delinquent in their godly duty. The battle for good and against evil is played out on the political field every day. There is no separation of church and state, how could there be? The state should represent the people it governs but often it doesn’t 

Kostas and his wife Sandra,* by stepping away from a church that teaches the real bible, are stepping away from the possibility of real solutions. 

* the names are changed for privacy.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Politics and the Pulpit

When I moved into a new home, in a new state, where I knew no one, one of the first people to reach our to me was a Greek lawyer originally from Long Island. I met him at church. We shared a New York accent, adjustment issues and a love of the new church that we had both chosen to attend. At the center of that church is a man devoted to God. His name is Pastor Nathan.*

Pastor Nathan is a scholar of a man. He shines for the Lord very brilliantly every day. This Pastor could have been a big deal college professor. His parents certainly thought so but, that is not what he was called to do. He was called to be a Pastor. And he is the best little Pastor I ever did meet. 

He teaches the unadulterated truth of the Bible, and compassionately visits the sick. Pastor Nathan visited me frequently in my new home and offered prayers and advise as contractors and workmen hammered and painted away. What a great and godly welcome I felt as I began my new life! He also seems to have a knack for keeping his little sheep in the sheep fold, like a good shepherd ought to. All except for one that is, my new Greek friend from Long Island. 

I spent all last summer cleaning my new house, and unpacking boxes.The warm, and godly email exchanges with my new Greek friend Kostas* were a helpful distraction as I settled in. In those emails I learned that Kostas was a new Christian and that he was currently reading through the entire Bible for the first time. In our email exchanges we contemplated various bible verses as would be mentioned. How uplifting this was as I was in the last stressful stages of selling my old house in Westchester County, New York. Kostas had a fiancée who was finalizing the sale of her house in Florida. We commiserated on all of the horrible bureaucratic details of our sales and how much we missed our loved ones. What a comfort for both of us. There were just so many parallels in our lives.

Kostas was keenly interested in delving deeply into the Bible and recognized the unique ability of Pastor Nathan to teach and preach the truth of that text. All seemed to be going smoothly for Kostas as he made a transition to his new life as a Christian. He grew up in a home that espoused the Greek Orthodox tradition of Christianity but, it never did seem to click with him. 

As most new believers, he was passionate about the precious gift of salvation that he had received from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He wondered about sharing that faith and spoke of handing out literature at a local farmer’s market. He even spoke about starting a legal service in our area to help people who could not afford legal representation. He was busting at the seams looking for ways to know Jesus and to make Him known. It was inspirational for a long-time believer, such as me, to see this love of a new believer unfolding.

Just as Kostas was settling into his new home, he was blessed to meet a woman, Sandra* at a church service. Sandra was a woman who had known the Lord since an early age. She was visiting a sister who lives in the area. She seemed like a perfect helpmate for Kostas and he seemed perfect for her. They fell in love and wanted to get married. I was invited to attend their wedding late last summer. They did not know many people in the community but the church community came out in full-force to cheer them on. 

It was one of my first social events in a new community. I felt blessed to be part of their wedding celebration. Kostas thanked me for being a part of their happy event. Our friendship was growing. We even began to plan a lunch at his favorite restaurant. My new godly friendships with Pastor Nathan, his wife Aby*, Kostas and Sandra were an answered prayer and I was thanking God for them daily. What could possibility go wrong? 

Well, here are a few possibilities of things that could go wrong. Bringing New York idols to your new home for one. There is an old saying, you can take a man out of New York, but can you take the New York out of the man? Then there is the new believer syndrome. This is a cluster of symptoms including perfectionism, biblical illiteracy and spiritual immaturity. 

Kostas did indeed treat us to a lovely Greek meal and I invited him and his new wife to join my husband and I at a local greenhouse for a flower arranging class. I felt he was grouchy at the greenhouse. Perhaps, in retrospect, it would have been more fun if Sandra and I did the class together and let the guys do something else. I thought the event would offer us all an opportunity to get better acquainted. If he did not wish to participate, he could have declined the invitation.

But, a strange fact was emerging in my relationship with Kostas. I believe that Kostas was more comfortable talking to me online rather than in person. There is a lot of that going around these days. People enjoy talking online but in-person the relationship fails. However, when we did share time in person, I felt that he was looking for a more dynamic church. He asked me a number of times what was my opinion on church revival. Was he looking for a more outward looking church? Was evangelization central to what he thought the mission of a church should be? 

Interestingly enough, it might have been God equipping him to live the life of a lawyer that was now touching his heart with a mission to use his gifts to reach others for Jesus. But, what of Pastor Nathan? I wondered if he was beginning to think differently of him as time went on. Like a romance, the thing that we fall in love with in another person over time no longer compels us the way it did before. Kostas loved the amazing exegesis that Pastor Nathan brings to any bible study, but perhaps he though that our little church in the country needed more.

I sensed he was pulling away from my husband and I as time went by too. Sad to think that one of the first friends that I made could just cut us off so quickly. He talked of inviting my husband for coffee but never followed through. I gave him space since he was a newlywed but, I sensed a growing discontent growing within him. In conversation with my husband, he brought up a number of hot-button political issues. My husband felt there was no context that could explain why Kostas brought these topics up except perhaps that they were on his mind and bothering him.

In the meantime, as all that drama was building up to an eventual crescendo, I was getting to know Sandra in a special way. She was part of the church craft club that I have been developing since late winter. A group of us craft loving Christian ladies have been getting together once a month to sing hymns, pray and craft. Sandra came forward to offer me support, “in any way that you need it.” This worked out perfectly when I fractured my shoulder and she came forward to do a craft and share her Christian testimony in an upcoming class. 

I can’t tell you how blessed and fortunate that I felt knowing that while I was recuperating from an injury, there is someone to take over the reins of the operation. This is truly what a body of Christ is supposed to look like. So, I relaxed and enjoyed all the leisure time that I had since I would not have to prepare a craft class for the May meeting. I relaxed until that fateful Sunday when everything went haywire!

It started out like any other Sunday morning. Our church greeters for the day were the very cheerful and chipper Kostas and Sandra. Nothing seemed wrong as Sandra handed me my weekly bulletin and bible study notes. Since it was five days until the craft class I wanted to affirm with Sandra that she would indeed be playing a hymn on the piano for the event. She warmly said, “oh you don’t have to worry about that, I have it covered.” I grabbed my bulletin and scurried to my pew as the service was about to begin. 

The Pastor had already begun announcements when I sat down. In a moment he would be reminding people about the church craft class and asking people to raise their hand if they thought they would be attending. No problem here, Sandra was one of the sea of hands I saw raised when the Pastor made his inquiry. At this point, I was just taking note of the numbers as I would be preparing a small luncheon for the day. 

Before long, it would be prayertime and I believe that Pastor Nathan would commit an unpardonable sin in Kostas’ mind. Pastor Nathan did not pray the way Kostas thought he should and he even preached a sermon from the letter of first John about love that was biblical but not au courant.

In other words, Pastor Nathan following his calling to preach the Bible as it is without interpreting it away and Kostas found out in his young Christian walk that he did not believe that. It is one thing to go running to a message of redemption and eternal life, it is quite another to understand this world in terms of God’s thoughts, which are higher than ours, and God’s plans. 

It seems that Politics and the Pulpit clarifies what it is that you and I believe. The choices are clear. God has a design and purpose for our lives, our families and the world and that is outlined in the Bible. We must act in accordance with God’s purposes including how we vote and what policies that we support. 

The whole reason Kostas walked out of our church is because of what he believed about the shootings that recently occurred in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas. Pastor Nathan prayed and offered an explanation of the events in the context of a biblical discussion of sin. After that, the Pastor continued in his sermon series on the first letter of John. Kostas went ballistic and ran out of the church as soon as the service concluded. 

Why did he do that? Because, the issues of life divide us. They do not and will not bring us together. They may even bring us to the brink of war. Kostas is looking for the answers that would solve the issues of sin, such as shootings. Kostas beliefs seem to indicate that he thinks if we Christian’s all got together we could stop school shootings. Kostas doesn’t understand that our nature is to sin and that Jesus is the only solution. Even as regards war, the book of Isaiah, chapter 2, verse 4 tells us that God is the only force that will stop war when he, beats their swords into plowshares. 

Kostas brought a whole lot of New York attitude to his new church and since Pastor Nathan failed to genuflect at the altar of political correctness and instead illuminated the deeper meaning of the situation, a division had occurred. Kostas informed the Pastor that he would no longer be attending the church. That day, I also found an email from Kostas telling me that it was “nice knowing us” and oops, “he is sorry that Sandra would not be coming to the craft class” that she was supposed to run in five days.

He was barely civil to me. How is this godly behavior? I was left putting together a class on very short notice. And, what of the judgement upon the Pastor, who is given authority by God to fulfill a mission. Where is the respect for someone anointed by God to guide and direct his congregation? Didn’t even the anointed King David leave room for the proper de-throning of King Saul before he began his reign?

Kostas never gave the Pastor nor I any explanation about why he was leaving or why he was so cold to us. I believe the reason that Kostas left the church is that he was grappling with the “sin question.” I don’t think he understands how sin permeates our earthly lives. He thought he was grappling with a bad Pastor or ineffective prayer. He might have even thought that he was fighting for what was right.

In reality, he was simply an immature Christian who did not understand the underlying spiritual issue behind the recent shootings. When we see the shedding of innocent blood so callously and cruelly, we have come face to face with the outcome of sin. The Bible teaches us that “all sin is lawlessness.” 

It is important to understand, when we see lawlessness such as looting of department stores, rape, or school shootings, we are looking sin square in the face. In order to deal with sin, we must start with an understanding of what it is. If you don’t understand the sin problem, you can not fashion an effective solution. The premise helps to form the conclusion. Kostas, was not on the right page. He thought that gun control, or efforts to eleviate mental illness or poverty were the answers. Did guns or poverty kill 19 children in Texas or did sin do it? If this young man did not have a gun, would he be a good neighbor, and fine upstanding citizen. Would he use his power for good suddenly or would he still use his strength and prowess to fashion evil actions? 

Of course, he would not be a fine upstanding citizen. His mother had addiction problems in her life, his father has not been mentioned and his grandfather did not hold him accountable for what he did behind the closed doors of his teenage angst-ridden bedroom. He seems to have had a lot of sin around him and he seemed to have learned the business of sin well.

Did poverty cause sin or did sin cause poverty? Are we sometimes poverty stricken because our sinful father has abandoned his responsibilities as a father? The answer is sin-1, virtue-0. What about having a mother who spends money on drugs when we need material support? The answer is sin-2, virtue-0. What about training your child in the way that it should go and in the end it will not depart from what you teach them? I am paraphrasing from the book of Proverbs. That is another point for sin. Sin is up 3 points. 

So, we start with sin and we move to solutions from there. God did that, after all, in the book of Genesis. We see that when sin came into the world, God fashioned a solution. He told us the heel of the savior, that God would send, would be bruised by Satan. But, that Satan would ultimately be crushed by the Savior. In Kostas’ way he was bruised and was suffering from the sight of sin. We all are. 

Angry and frustrated, he believed that he could fashion a solution through political means. The people of Israel instead of being lead by God, chose a political solution when they wanted to have a King. They got King Saul. They could have had God leading them but, they wanted a King. I think Kostas has a lot in common with those ancient peoples.

Next week: Politics and the Pulpit (the problem of sin)-Part 2

* The names are changed.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Post Easter Talk

How was your Easter? Was there evidence that it was a commemoration of Jesus’ death and resurrection or, was it mostly a throw back pagan holiday? What was the meaning of Easter in your home? Easter bread, ham, lamb, eggs, or chocolate bunnies about the extent of it? Easter egg hunts and Easter egg rolls the height?  Perhaps, seeing the children in Easter clothes and an Easter basket is the only thrill of the celebration? It’s all about the kids? What does any of this have to do with Jesus Christ revealing himself as the messiah, and the pivotal event of his resurrection?

(Just in case you are wondering, I love bread, ham, lamb and chocolate.)

Exodus 20:3- Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Max*and Jewel* did nothing but fight during their entire Easter vacation. Easter is one of the two times every year that they are able to get away for a week with their entire family. Easter has come to mean holiday to this family, not Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

But this year, the family vacation did not go so well. The kids had some grueling homework assignments for one thing. And what should have been a happy occasion, that is the first joint vacation with Jewel’s parents since covid, ended up being full of disagreements and arguements. When I ended up hearing the whole post-Easter analysis I came to believe that stress buildup and expectations got too high. Those expectations and those stress levels exceeded their coping skills.

The whole family acted like a bunch of entitled and bratty children. Grandma and grandpa wanted to see certain sights, the grandkids wanted to see other things. Nobody was willing to compromise. Max and Jewel just wanted to sleep or rest by the pool. This was their Easter.

Galatians 4:8-11- Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did serve unto them which by nature are no god. But now, after ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, where unto ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe days, and months and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain.

Then there was my friend Michelle*. Michelle usually church shops for Easter to see where she can get the best Easter spiritual experience! She goes to the websites to see a preview of sermons and the music ministry offering. She is having an emotional experience every Easter, tripping out on Jesus’ death and Resurrection. It is not that she is shallow. No, far from that. But, she doesn’t quite know how she should react to all that Jesus did for her. She thinks she should cry, scream and philosophize about it for a week or two and that is honoring Jesus.

What is the meaning of Easter and how did it evolve to what we are doing today? Early Christians spread the truth about Jesus Christ and thought they could soften the blow of giving up cultural celebrations by merely grafting on the commemoration of the resurrection unto people’s previous pagan holidays. In the lead up to Resurrection Day, I saw a few Christian movies and television shows. Next blog I might review some of them. One movie was called, “Church People.” It aptly describes how many churches approach the commemoration of Easter today.

The fictional Pastor wonders what he can do to make this Easter Service memorable. It had to be big, or so he thought. On one hand, I can see the pressure upon Pastors at Christmas and Easter to wow the crowds, after all, there is an opportunity to reach many people with the message of salvation. But, is that the genuine message of Jesus’ resurrection that we are preaching or just some broadway show version of the gospel? Is all that Jesus said and accomplished worthily put forth by being cast as an entertainment venue? 

2 Corinthians 6:17- Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you.

The conclusion in the movie “Church People” is that what Jesus did is enough. Focusing in on that is the purpose of Easter. Everything else is paganism or entertainment. 

* the names are changed or else they might be a little mad at me after this post. Truth can be a little ugly sometimes.