Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Child, The Card, & The Message

I am reading the news quickly these days. What about you? I find that even a quick perusal of the headlines are harrowing. Every story is full of dire and fearsome content. My heart and mind are repulsed with the ungodliness convulsing our world. While we must be aware of the reality that we are living in, we must also be careful not to become oversaturated. Or, to get to the point of depression or fear. 

How does Christmas fit into all this? Could this help us to put all the chaos currently surrounding us in perspective? Well, yes, but only if we let it. Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes and his family would have to make use of an animal manger to serve as a bassinet. The political situation was dire for the holy family. There was the punishing taxes that would be levied after the census was taken and the approaching danger of a tyrant named King Herod. Jesus was born into a crazy time, wasn’t he? There is so much in this Christmas story to relate to right now. Where do I begin? Know any babies that are being born into this crazy time like Jesus was? I happened to know a ton of them, but back to that in a minute.

Fear not for I bring you tidings of good news that shall be for all, for unto us this day in the city of David is born a Savior which is Christ the Lord. The answer to all that we are currently struggling with was born and placed in that manger long ago. The good news for today is that he lives and because of that we can hope. We can hope and be assured of ultimate salvation. We can know that we are not alone. We should also know that Jesus’ life is a template for us, if we should choose to follow him.

So much has been stripped away from my usual Christmas season. The plane rides, the car rides, the shopping. One of my favorite things was going shopping at a Christmas market or shopping mall. I would enjoy the sights and sounds of that experience. Soaking up all the atmospheric decorations, the holiday drinks and music whilst enjoying buying the perfect gift for everyone. I’m not doing any of that this year. The best I could manage was a few Christmas cards and some online orders so that a few packages could be delivered. 

I usually get a basket and fill it with gifts to hand out at church. Every year it would be something different. I have handed out hot cocoa mix, hand creams and winter gear. I always began to decorate my house the day after Thanksgiving. I cherished making my house into a winter wonderland too. Those decorations stayed up until the official end of the Christmas season on January 6. I don’t have a desire to do any of that now. This is one unusual Christmas for someone that was once jokingly dubbed Mrs.Claus. 

When I became a Christian, I began to grapple with all my family traditions, many of which had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. Between putting out that stocking, shoe, or leaving cookies for Santa or something for the camels I began to realize how far afield my traditions had led me from the “reason for the season.” 

I grew very uncomfortable remembering all the pagan practices that I participated in at Christmas time. Mistletoe and the worship of the evergreen tree goes back to ancient Celtic pagan religion. Even if I did not believe in all that, wasn’t I promoting that or simply distracting from the message of Jesus’ birth? What about Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus or Old Befana? Rudolf-the-red-nosed reindeer or Krampus? At times I was guilty of thinking of Christmas Eve services as a social event. Other times, I placed way to much importance upon what food I would serve or how my decorations measured up to that of the neighbors. 

All of that is gone this year. I am left with what is truly important, i.e., the remembrance of the birth of a baby who was to do great things. A baby who was born in humble surroundings- I am humbled now. A Savior who would give restitution for the sins of you, me and this unholy world- I see the need for that now more than ever.

Trying to focus on what is really important this year is paramount. Helping others has come to the forefront too. While Christmas is usually billed as a season for giving, this year the needs are even greater. The food banks are seeing that need first hand. People are lining up for help as the cost of being unemployed gets unbearable for many. 

In my little world, I was determined to move full-steam ahead with a knit club project for church outreach.  Our project this year is creating handmade baby items for needy families in upstate New York, Brooklyn and the South Bronx. This project was made difficult by a reduced number of people working on this project. While my church life is not what it used to be, at least my Church is open for in-person worship. 

Ministries are still mostly meeting on zoom and a few ministries such as mine have been green-lighted to meet at church with masks and social distancing rules in place. Still, only a handful of people have come in to join us. A few people have sewed or knit from home and that has been helpful. The need for benevolence is so great that I decided to focus a lot of my spare time to knitting or sewing baby hats, blankets or sweaters. 

I thought of Jesus often as I put together this project. I even imagined how wonderful to help a baby at Christmas the way some had helped the infant Jesus through some of the travails his family was experiencing. Two weeks before Christmas, my group gathered our baby sweaters, booties, hats and blankets into canvas bags to ready for delivery. We had bibles in Spanish and in English to go along with each baby layette. A generous donation allowed us to deliver premium stuffed animals to all the families too. We produced a card which contained a scripture verse and a loving message. Each crafter signed a card as they stuffed a canvas bag with all these goodies. 

I entitled todays message Christmas Child, The Card and the Message. We spoke about some children in need, as well as the Christ Child. Hence, the Christmas Child. I made mention of one sweet card placed in a canvas bag. But, there were two other cards that pointed my heart in the direction of the message. I received Christmas cards from two people connected to my past. One was the aunt of a child in a former Girl Scout troop in which I served as a Leader. This woman Blair* is a schizophrenic.

The young girl in my troop had a schizophrenic mother, a schizophrenic aunt and hoarder grandparents whom she lived with. My heart was broken for this family who had been so direly affected by mental health issues. I did whatever I could but it did not end well I thought. So, I did not expect to hear from any member of that family. That story could be another blog post.  But, now a Christmas card from Blair ******** was now sitting on my desk waiting to be opened. I did not wish to open it right away. I was afraid to really. Dear Blair had many ups and downs due to her condition, as well as hallucinations. Some of them were quite hard to deal with. In the end, I did not feel I had ever really reached her or connected in a way that was meaningful.

As I opened the card, I realized that my impression was not correct. As I opened this card, I got the most loving and heartfelt thanks for being a good Christian friend. I was so touched. I was also vert happy that Blair’s condition seemed better regulated than it had been in the past. She even apologized for ways she remembered wronging my husband. Beneath the layers of mental fog and confusion, she had comprehended much. 

If that wasn’t enough, I received a card from one of Tio Julio’s son Carlito* who was in prison. I am up to three blog posts about this family. He is in prison for kidnapping and abuse of his wife. There was a time years ago, when he sent me a letter telling me he did not want to live anymore. I thought of not sending anything back to him. Yes, the thought crossed my mind that I did not wish to get mail from a jailbird but then I remembered that just like Carlito, I am a sinner. I remembered that Jesus died for him even though he knew what Carlito had done. Then, all the right things came rushing into my memory and I knew what I should do. 

I had to tell Carlito that life was worth living and that Jesus had a plan for him in spite of everything that had happened. I had to begin a discussion of what God decreed was right and wrong. I had to tell him of dark things that I had went through in my life and how knowing Jesus was the strength that I needed to change, and get through the hardships of life. Carlito and I wrote for some time. I had to challenge some wrong-headed thinking that was entrenched in his mind. I wrote to him even though I was embarrassed that my postman or neighbors might find out about it. How unchristian was that! Yes, I am a sinner and I had to ask God to forgive me for that. 

Once I did, it was clear that God had a purpose for me in writing to Carlito. Then, that time ended when some godly Christian men started to write and visit him. They were there to teach and disciple him if it were possible. I was relieved to be released from something that was way beyond my comfort zone. I was also happy because he really needed a dude (not a dudette) to counter the things that his father had erroneously taught him. In a sense, I felt like I was a place holder for him until the next God appointment would arrive. 

I hadn’t heard from Carlito for a while but this year I got a Christmas card from him. Just like with Blair’s card, I put Carlito’s card aside for a few days so that I could pray and be strengthened before I opened it. When I did open it, I found just like with Blair that he had made progress. He was loving and kind in his letter. He was gracious too.

So, I realized sometimes we don’t feel that we have made an impact or that we were heard, but the message does get through to those whose lives we try to touch. The Bible tells us, that the word of God is effective. It cuts through the bull and malarkey that mask the truth. It cuts through our defenses and our excuses because it is what we need. It is what we desperately need. 

The Christmas message so clearly points to Blair and Carlito and the babies that we crafted for. They are people who by any metric besides the Bible are outcasts. Jesus came, he said, for the sick. He explained the well have not need of a physician. He taught, touched and healed many who were suffering on the fringes of society. Those who were rejected and cast aside. Our baby layettes will be handed out to families who line up to receive free goods and services every week. They are barely making it financially or emotionally. What about Blair? Just a small malfunction in her brain and she is relegated to a permanent underclass. What about Carlito? He clearly is in prison because he deserves it. But, didn’t Jesus come to set the prisoners free? Sometimes people intellectualize that statement but, what if Jesus wanted to literally reached out to those incarcerated with the choice of repentance and remission of sins? If Jesus reached out to the children, the mentally disabled and prisoners than that is a message for me this Christmas season. 

Christmas Eve brought terrible Winter Storm Harold to the United States and Westchester County, New York. I woke up Christmas morning sincerely grateful and praising God for getting us through that awful storm that pummeled my region throughout the day and night. Thanks be to the Lord for giving me wisdom, peace and laughter amid the turmoil of 2020. Thanks be to God for giving me purpose in my family and in the world of the unsaved to share the message that Jesus Christ saves! Merry Christmas everyone!  

* the names are changed to protect identity but the story is true.

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